Tuesday, March 9, 2021

 Yesterday was "International Women's Day"... Wanted to wait before commenting about it to see if Democrats were celebrating it in the NY Governor's Mansion, the White House or the US House. Obviously, the Dems didn't...

Referring to NY Gov. CUOMO as Fredo is not enough... he's earned a more descriptive reference... I'm gonna make that happen.... now he's Guv. Fredo Cuomodgeon...

From the "This boy’s more mixed up than a feather in a whirlwind" - Online story: "President Biden scrapped a Wednesday trip to a vaccine manufacturer after a scathing report said the firm’s lobbying left the federal medical supplies stockpile unprepared for the COVID-19 pandemic." -- Who left the "cupboard bare"? Prez JoKKKe Biden's "handlers" realized that specifically blaming a company for a problem he created would come back to haunt him.. Biden would have to explain WHY the "pandemic cupboard" was bare when he and Obama left office....

Eric Smalwell, D-ca, is suing President Trump, et al, because they insist there was "voter fraud".. Hmmm.. if there was ever an elected official who committed "voter fraud", Eric Smalwell's picture would be the example Webster would use in it's dictionaries.. he doesn't represent the voters of his district,,,he hasn't represented anybody but China and PeLOUSY since he was elected.

While the GA Senate has basically returned "absentee voting" to it's original purpose, it has also improved it.. Now, voter ID will be required as well.. I remember the only time I ever voted "absentee", and when I unknowingly pulled out my GA License to show I was who I said I was, the Election Office clerk jumped back while saying "I don't want to see that!" Now, even if "absentee ballot" restrictions are weakened in the future, just knowing "Voter ID" will be required will put a big dent in the possibilities of fraudulent use.

It was not "unexpected" that the MCSD would cancel "Proms" again this does not ease the disappointed for the graduating Seniors who also missed having the "Prom" their Junior year as well, but at least there will be .. though restricted... in-person graduation ceremonies.

It's like "the flu" hardly exists... Last year, upwards of 62,000 people in the US succumbed to "the flu", this year, through January, only 292 deaths are attributed to "the flu".. Could it simply be that there's more money to be made by medical facilities by blaming/treating patients for Covid-19... You know, I've had 3 different nasal swab tests which were all "negative" for the Chinese virus, but even though I had "flu-like" symptoms felt when I had the Chinese Virus tests, no one ever tested me for "the flu".

From the "forehead slapping DOH!" department - WRBL-TV3 headline: "Georgia Rep. Calvin Smyre says he’s met with CEOs of Atlanta pro teams, they want sports gambling bill to pass" -- Good grief! Of course the CEOs of Atlanta pro teams WANT legalized gambling! Those CEO's KNOW that TV revenues are essential to their "bottom lines" and people who have bets on games are more inclined to watch the TV broadcasts to the very in... and higher viewer rates create higher revenues...

Now this is the perfect hat... It's made in America, made with Columbus, GA based "Realtree" camouflage pattern fabric, and is the moral compass we need to get to 2022 and 2024.


About those "stimulus checks" being sent to killers and other life sentenced violent felons... exactly how do the prisoners get them? I hardly believe they have .. much less have access to.... active bank accounts (nor should they), and I don't think prisons have "day pass policies" that allows these felons to go out to an ATM or use a cellphone to make a deposit. Now, don't even TRY to sell me on mass killers needing it to take care of their children... If they had any... or if they do, cared for them at all, they wouldn't be doing things to land in jail in the first place.

From the "indications of things to come with Socialist rule" - WRBL-TV3 headline/story: "Biden’s dogs sent home after ‘biting’ incident * The dogs were reportedly sent back to Delaware last week after dog Major had a “biting incident” with a White House security member" -- Hmmm... yep.. this is what happens when Socialist decide not only "what" you get to eat.. but "when" and "if".... eventually, the "less equals" bite the hands of those in charge of the food ..

Online story: "The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday sidestepped a chance to review the scope of a legal defense called qualified immunity that increasingly has been used to shield police accused of excessive force, turning away an appeal by a Cleveland man who sued after being roughed up by police while trying to enter his own home." -- You know.. I've never been "roughed up" when stopped or questioned by a Police Officer even when I was doing nothing at the time I felt it was a warranted "stop". Of course, when approached by police officers, I cooperated with their requests to do so.. even if I "knew" I was doing nothing to warrant their attention, I also KNEW the officers were doing so based on information or circumstance I did not know about, and they were only interested in eliminating me from their mission, and pretty much explained the whats/whys that motivated them. I bet most "situations" of "roughing up" of people not doing anything would disappear if they simply cooperated with the officers trying to protect communities.

Online story: "More than 450,000 Georgians are receiving unemployment benefits, the only safety net for many during the prolonged coronavirus pandemic. * State officials say they are dealing with unprecedented numbers as they try to get benefits to those who need and qualify for help. But they also say they say are also dealing with a huge number of those who don’t qualify and are looking to take advantage of the crisis." -- You know, when fraud is present in state programs, fraud is present when those running such programs are elected.

Online headline/story: "‘I was shocked’: New Walmart checkout policy called racially biased * A new checkout policy at a Walmart in Colorado is under scrutiny for its security measures surrounding beauty products for people of color. The allegations of racial bias come almost a year after Walmart changed its practice of locking up beauty products for people of color at its stores." -- Hmmm.. you know, it costs Walmart money to have to install security for any merchandise, so Walmart does not do so on most most items, but when inventory "shortages" show it's not a profitable category, Walmarts had to decide to with eliminate the products or protect them from thefts..What is wrong with that..

Online headline: "GOP voting bills take power from locals & Brad Raffensperger, give to lawmakers" -- Wait a minute.. how did the Secretary of State GET such "powers" when our US Constitution has always reserve voting issue changes to only state legislators or "the people"?

Online headline: "55,000 people may have to pay back portion of Washington (State) unemployment benefits" -- Good grief.. Blue States just cannot deal with admitting it's voter base capitalizes on fraud opportunities... maybe Washington needs to review its voter identification rules as well...

So our GA legislature feels that it should get a raise to $41,000.00 per annum.... hmmm..but what they aren't mentioning is that they only meet in session for 40 days.... that makes them want a salary of over $1,000.00 per day.

Online headline: "Daytona Beach prepares for tens of thousands of bikers to ride into town" -- Anybody know where I can put a wager down on a record number of bikers showing up in Daytona this week?

Online story: "Twenty-five years after starring alongside Michael Jordan in the original Space Jam, the Looney Tunes are preparing to lace up and take the court with LeBron James in the sequel, Space Jam: A New Legacy. But one familiar character will be staying in the locker room: sources at Warner Bros. have said that amorous cartoon skunk, Pepé Le Pew, will not be featured in the upcoming film, which is set to premiere in theaters and on HBO Max on July 16." -- You know.. this, in its own way is MOST APPROPRIATE... I can't imagine any character who will stink up a sequel more than LeBron, so Pepé is not  even necessary..

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