Wednesday, May 4, 2022

 From the "somethings never change" department - Will Rogers was an American humorist, born in the Cherokee Nation in 1879, and who died in a plane crash in Alaska in 1935. America mourned his death.. his insight to reality was spot on....One such observation of his was, "You should get on your knees every morning and thank God you don't get all the government you pay for." It's still so true in 2022. ... Thanks to a fellow BCer for reminding me of this..

Hope you paid your taxes....other countries and illegal aliens and Chinese drug makers are depending on it. Hmmm... on the other hand.. maybe you are doing a favor to America's future if you DON'T pay them!

I've been thinking about the Columbus Water Works stand on fighting the EPA for 6 years on giving us users .. in the CWW's own words, "With over 110,000 lab analyses per year, CWW works hard to ensure our customers have the "SAFEST and CLEANEST drinking water possible." Think about this... First, if the CWW has performed 110,000 lab analyses per year, the CWW has performed over 660,000 lab analyses in 6 years..... isn't the definition of "insanity"...performing the same test over and over expecting different results? Secondly.. anybody who's gotten a medical bill for "lab work" knows labs charge "an arm & a leg" for each lab analysis.. I don't know how the CWW figures the costs of its "lab analyses", but if they were $20.00 (which is not high for lab work) per analysis, that would means the CWW has spent over $13 MILLION dollars over 6 years.. Now, since the CWW is spending huge amounts over that for legal work as well, it's obvious that if it had gone on and spent the estimated $10,000,000.00 to comply with the EPA, the CWW might even have more cash on hand and... drum roll please..... could be charging LOWER RATES to us users!

You know, if the CWW had just informed us of the problem of too much fecal matter for the EPA 6 years ago, and could have "fixed the problem" for $10 Million, and explained that with 55,000 households, that would have been only $181.00 (basically $15.00 a month for a year)... but the CWW didn't ask us... Wonder it that happened because Queen TT Tom-LYING-son was vengeful at not getting he tax freeze lifted... Now, because I don't think I can trust the CWW anymore, I'm going to have a household water filter installed at a great deal of money more than the $181.00 it would have cost 6 years ago. Think about it.. we've been told of the fecal matter excess we drink, but we also have to bathe and wash our clothes in it...

From the "as if the Columbus Water Works and Mayor Skip didn't have enough PR problems before this" department -- WTVM-TV9 headline/story: "Columbus unveils new trail signs to mark 25th anniversary of sewer treatment system * City leaders partnered with Columbus Water Works to create signs teaching people about the vast network of underground pipes that make up Columbus’s Sewer Treatment System. * 2021 marked the 25th anniversary of the community’s investment of more than $100 million to construct a nationally recognized combined sewer treatment system that continues to protect the community and the Chattahoochee River." * “Riverwalk signs help add vibrancy to our trails, help orient users and explore. Of course, there’s additional signage about the Columbus Water Works CSO system, which is below us, and really the emphasis for the Riverwalk,” said Becca Zaja with Dragonfly Trail Network." -- Good grief! Who paid for all these signs? I'm really gonna be PO'd if the Columbus Water Works did so as users are actually being excess rates so the CWW can spend their money on frivolous things rather than making our water less crappy. Oh! And remember the outrage when the CWW paid over $200,000.00 for the "Viagra Falls" fountain/statue across from the River Center and was bailed out when "Mr Anonymous" paid it off. Oh! and let's not forget the $244,000.00 Queen TT Lounge under the 14th Street Walking Bridge that's not even open to RiverWalk users..
First it was VP Chuckles Harris, and now it comes out of the mouth of Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas says he has told the illegal aliens "DO NOT COME".. Hmmm.. of course, like VP Chuckles Harris, Mayorkas said this in English rather than in Spanish or Arabic or Russian or Chinese, so I'm guessing most of the caravan of border invaders do not know what Harris or Mayorkas said.

From the " Red Allen, 'Well, how about that!'" department - Resident Biden is gonna try to buy as many votes as can by knocking off $10,000.00 from student loan holders. Of course, most of them are higher income producing liberal women....don't think that's who Antifa and BLM thought would benefit.

wow! New York Governor Hochul says if a woman want to kill her fetus, she will make it SAFE... of course, women going TO an abortion clinic aren't safe getting themselves killed by street thugs who won't get prosecuted... either.... for killing somebody.

Online headline: "Newsom, lawmakers aim to protect abortion rights in Calif.
Citing a leaked Supreme Court draft opinion, Gov. Gavin Newsom and legislative leaders said they'll move to permanently protect the procedure in the state.Newsom, lawmakers aim to protect abortion rights in Calif. * Citing a leaked Supreme Court draft opinion, Gov. Gavin Newsom and legislative leaders said they'll move to permanently protect the procedure in the state." -- Hmmm.. while california has a similar situation of women being safe traveling to a clinic, california has an even bigger obstacle... women who can't afford gas to drive to a clinic...

I've been in correspondence with State and local election personnel, and none have been able to send me to a site that has GA House District 140 candidate Zeph Baker's Financial Disclosures, his sworn claim of residence, nor an Intent to Seek Office form... How can he be put on... actually GET ON the ballot!

Joy Behar is a product of her own ignorance.. She said the probable Supreme Court position on Roe v. Wade is heading us to Fascism.. huh? Excuse me, when the Court favored Roe v. Wade, THAT was Fascism... This Supreme Court is taking the situation OUT of universal federal control, and let's the individual states' legislators decide what's best for their states and their constituents. Maybe the 25th Amendment should be applied to Joy Behar... Hey, Joy Behar.. would you even be here if Roe v. Wade was in effect in 1941/2 when YOUR pregnant mother might have made "the choice" as to whether you were born or not?

Anybody associated with, or had prior knowledge of what has happened... the leak of the US Supreme draft concerning Roe v. Wade... should be prosecuted and fired, and prohibited from any interaction with any government aspect forever. I can initially name 4 Justices to suspect that one of their staff doing this, but my number one guess would be someone on Justice Breyer's staff as they will be losing their jobs when he retires soon.

Online "headLIE" : "Biden says he will be ready to protect 'fundamental' right to abortion * President Biden released a lengthy statement in response to the leak of a draft opinion that suggests the U.S. Supreme Court is poised to overturn Roe v. Wade." -- Good grief! The current US Supreme Court appears to finally uphold the 10th Amendment a previous U.S. Supreme Court usurped from the states back in 1973! Messenger Boy Biden's "handlers" don't know.. or care about our Constitution...Our Constitution does give every American "fundamental rights" , but the right to an abortion is not one GIVEN by our Constitution...

Online "headLIE" : "CNN legal analyst: If abortion is banned, same-sex marriage could go next" -- Good grief... CNN has no concept of reporting the truth..

The FBI has said the theft of a Supreme Court document is not it's jurisdiction..Of course it's under the FBI's jurisdiction..Washington, DC is not.. IS NOT A STATE!

Since it's a crime for a witness to lie in Congress, it should be a worse crime for a Congressman to lie to the American people... And what Sen UpChuck Schumer lied about Monday should be a CAPITAL CRIME! The leaked "draft" status of the Roe v. Wade DOES NOT ban abortions, The "draft", as currently written, just removes it from Schumer's control, and allows all 50 states to make legislation either way.

The Democrats are avid ranters about government staying out of "a woman's right to control her body", but feel the opposite about a conservative woman being able to control her opinion/voice in public or on Social Media. The Dems are just hypocrites.

Of course the leak of an ongoing discussion of the US Supreme Court was contrived and political! The Democrats are desperate for any diversion from discussions concerning the Southern Border, drugs, homicides, Antifa, Afghanistan, Ukraine, AOC,the economy, or inflation.. during the next few weeks of Primary elections.

Heard a funny joke... Heard someone say, "Gas is so high, my regular station has a loan officer at the pumps."

The word is that only 2 people wore masks to the White House Correspondents Dinner of them was Susan Rice.. I guess she was ordered to go, but she felt she didn't want to be identified if possible.

Did you notice that PeLOUSY secretly went to Ukraine instead of Messenger Boy Biden or Chuckles Harris.. Guess the White House "handlers" figured PeLOUSY wouldn't cause Zelenskyy as much angst as Biden or Harris... Of course PeLOUSY would have made Zelenskyy feel more confident he can depend on US support if PeLOUSY had taken some key Republicans with her Democratic entourage to show it's bi-partisan support.

From the "just what we need...NOT!" department - WTVM-TV9 story : " The Courier Latino is endorsing Ashe for Columbus City Council, saying in part, “For 28 years, the district has been represented by a person of color who lived in the district, and they are proud to support Laketha Ashe for District 7.” -- Hmmm ... Wow! The Courier Latino is supporting a Council candidate based on her skin color is not what Columbus needs.. besides, she is not the only District 7 candidate of color. In fact, when you think about it, all of the candidates have skin color... and in EVERY Council race!

WTVM-TV9 headline.story: "Columbus State police seize weapons, methamphetamine * Columbus State University police confiscated two handguns and suspected methamphetamine from a suspect in the downtown area during a protective patrol. According to their Facebook page, the CSU Police Department is committed to ensuring that their campuses are safe places to work, live and go to school." -- Hmmmm... No name? No age? No sex? No mention of where the "suspect" was taken... or even if "it" was booked, detained or slapped on the wrist and put in "time out"..

Online headline: "Georgia among 10 US states that have identified or are investigating unusual hepatitis cases in children" -- Yes, right here in Georgia! Hmmm.. how about sick illegal aliens bringing it into our country?

Online headline: "Albany, GA: Rep. Sanford Bishop secures $1M for Phoebe’s mobile health expansion" -- Good grief! How many tax dollars does Congressman Bishop spend getting those big fake checks printed and trying to make voters think he wrote the check out of his personal account?

Online Columbus L-E headline/story: "Columbus could get $303M for transportation projects. The cost? GA’s highest sales tax * The 9% rate is the highest in city history." -- Hmmm... and a ton of these projects will benefit Harris County more than Columbus! Columbus is losing homeowners to Harris County because of soaring crime rates, lower taxes, and continued decline of our education system, and the new road projects make it easier to we enjoy Harris County living and better transportation to their Columbus jobs. VOTE NO!

Online headline: "Taliban’s power challenged by Afghan National Resistance Front, ISIS-K" -- Who'da thunk it.....every NON-DEMOCRAT! Now that Messenger Boy abandoned Afghanistan to the Taliban, the Taliban is not able to beat ISIS!

Online headline: "Elon Musk goes scorched-earth on NBC after Peacock host's attack, notes network's worst scandals" -- Would list the NBC scandals, but afraid I don't have enough space or time to do so!

Online headline/story: "Antisemitic incidents spiked during Squad's anti-Israel rhetoric, blue states at top of list * The surge in antisemitic incidents also coincided with Israel's military conflict with Hamas around the same time period * The report found that blue states led the country in antisemitic incidents, with New York reporting the most at 416. But adjusted for population size, New Jersey led the country with 3.98 antisemitic incidents per 100,000 population. New York came in with the third most incident adjusted for population, with 2.06 incidents per 100,000." -- Hmmm.. hey, isn't AOC a Democrat from NY? Aren't ALL "the Squad" members Democrats from Blue states? Draws a pretty good picture of Democrat anti-Semitism... Now... why does the Jewish Community country w-wide support the Democrats... SMH...

Online headline: "White House eyes income cap on student loan forgiveness, has not studied how it may impact inflation" -- A President should not able to eliminate anyone's loan debt by Executive Order..... That would be taxing all the others, and tax bills can only be initiated in the House!

Online headline: 'After Trump's endorsement, J.D. Vance wins a crowded Ohio GOP Senate race, the AP says" -- Despite every effort of MSM and the RINO division of the Republican Party, the Trump endorsed candidate won handily with 32.2% of the overall vote.. which was nearly 25% higher than the polls leading up to the Primary..and on top of Vance's win, the runner up was also a Trump supporter, and between the two, they garnered over 55% of the GOP voters.

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