Thursday, May 19, 2022

 Here we are.. right before schools finish, and family vacation season starts, and gasoline prices are now a minimum average of $4+ dollars a gallon in ALL 50 states, and if you live in GA, we are currently paying $4.00 -plus dollars per c=gallon of Regular and that's with the 30-plus cents per gallon state tax on hold, but about to be added back in in early June.

Online headline: "Ga's gas prices could jump nearly 30 cents overnight when gas tax pause expires in 2 weeks * "Could"? It's really WILL JUMP BACK UP! Liberals find more ways to misuse words when it makes their issues more relevant.. Oh... and "SOME" means "more than 1", and "POSSIBLE" means "fat chance".

$2.38 cents a gallon... That's what the average gallon of gas cost at noon on Day 1 of the JoKKKe Biden inauguration less than 16 months ago. Think about that.. let it be your voting conscience...

"Safer and cleaner".... two comforting words that are the big issue in so many ways in our upcoming local elections, and Mayor Skip has had a more than a decade to get something done about this.. we need safer streets (from shootings & potholes).. we need cleaner streets (garbage & debris and criminals).. and now we find that we need cleaner and safer water, and find out that the CWW has been fighting the EPA for 6-plus years to keep from HAVING to give us more FECAL MATTER free water! This is the water we drink, bathe in, wash our clothes in... and MAKE the formula (if you can find a box) for our kids' babies (our grandbabies)! Leadership starts at the top.. Elect John Anker as Columbus, GA's next Mayor!

There oughta be a law! Yes, a law requiring candidates in Party Primaries have their Party ALLEGIANCE stated on all ads and signs they use! Oh... and another law needs to require that no politician can place a roadside sign ..or billboard, for that matter.. on a site that isn't within their voting district.

Online headline: "Georgia early voting shatters records despite election reforms Dems labeled 'voter suppression' " -- Oooops.. there goes Stacey Abrams reason for existence!

Online headline: "Lawyers: Georgia man’s death sentence is unconstitutional " -- Of course the monster is "sick" and "cognitively disabled.. he;s been festering in guilt in a cell for the past 46 years after he raped and killed on girl girl, and raped another!, but he was definitely "cognitively aware" of his victims ages and inability to fend him off back in 1976! Now... why aren't the LAWYERS names mentioned! I want to know so I would never hire one should I or a family member/friend ever needed to hire one.

Online headline: "Merrick Garland is underscoring that Joe Biden has not interfered with the DOJ investigation into the president's son, Hunter. " -- Good grief!.. does ANYONE actually believe Garland has even assigned any of "his people" to investigate the son of the man who appointed him as the US Attorney General?We can all be thankful that Garland never got past the nomination stage of becoming a US Supreme Court Justice!

WTVM-TV9 headline/story: "Columbus Police Dept. to hold another firearm buyback event * “Citizens do not have to identify themselves; they can simply drive up and pop the trunk,” said Sergeant Aaron Evrard. “A police officer will remove the firearm and provide them with a $250 gift card.”" -- Last n-month, the "Gun Buy Back" shelled out over $27,000.00 for guns that no self-respecting hug would ever commit a crime with, and now another one? I think I'll take my 25 year old single shot .410 gauge shotgun and "redeem it" for 2 and a half times what I paid for it back in the mid-1990s.

Online headline/story: "Top Biden adviser and former congressman resigns from White House post * Cedric Richmond, senior adviser to President Joe Biden and director of the White House Office of Public Engagement, is resigning from his position Wednesday and will likely begin consulting for the Democratic National Committee heading into the midterm elections. Richmond represented Louisiana's 2nd Congressional District" --
Hmmm.. a top advisor (handler?) "leaving" President Biden's White House and joining DNC? HMMMM ..sounds like the DNC is separating itself from Messenger Boy Biden.

Just when you thought a record could last forever...Online headline/story: 'High school student runs sub-4 minute mile, breaking record set in 1965" * Gary Martin has gotten extremely close to breaking this record during other track meets this year, but at the Pennsylvania Catholic League Championship (PCL) on Monday, he finally ran a mile in 3:57:98." -- Wow! Not so much at the time as the time that has passed for a record to be held.. I was a Senior in High School in 1965 and I am well aware that this record had been around for 57 YEARS. Cal Ripken beat Lou Gehrig's record of baseball games started in a row 56 years later, and Pete Rose took 56 years to beat Ty Cobb's Career Hits record.

No.. speaking of records that may .. MAY.. possibly be tied in the future, but will probably NEVER be broken" .. Online headline: "1 fan catches 2 home runs in historic 5-HR Astros inning at Fenway Park" -

Online headline: "Georgia election board dismisses claims of ‘ballot harvesting’ in 2020 election " -- Hmmm... evidence of fraud.. wide spread or not.. is evidence that wide spread fraud is possible ..even probable.

Wow! Libertarians in GA are about to screw GA ....again . The Libertarians get candidates on the state wide ballots that have no widespread support it takes to win, and voting for those candidates is basically voting against Republicans. The Libertarians' vote in 2020 took more than enough votes away from Trump to give Biden the win in GA, and threw Perdue into a runoff for Senate, then they didn't go back to the polls in the runoff which allowed Warnock to win, and you've seen how that has worked out poorly for America. One of our School Board candidates, Zebulon Harris supports the GA Libertarian candidate for governor. This same candidate wants to be a tax setting political entity as a member of our School Board (District 6), and he owns at least 3 local properties that claim Homestead Exemptions.. This is just wrong... and illegal in my book, so I hope he will be held accountable for all the back taxes he's avoided paying.

Online story: " Former U.S. President George W. Bush mistakenly described the invasion of Iraq as "brutal" and "unjustified" before correcting himself to say he meant to refer to Russia's invasion of Ukraine." -- Hmmm .. now we know why Bush aligns himself more with JoKKKe Biden rather than the "Ultra MAGA King"...

From the "Foghorn Leghorn, " Looks like the (Messenger) boy genius is tryin’ to show me up. " department - Online story: "Biden is expected to arrive in South Korea on Friday and hold talks with his South Korean counterparts over several days before visiting Japan. The White House said last week Biden was considering a trip to the Demilitarized Zone on the border with North Korea. * North Korea appears to be preparing to test an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), as soon as Thursday or Friday, ahead of U.S. President Joe Biden's first official trip to South Korea, a U.S. official said." -- Hmmm.. wonder what the Las Vegas odds are on whether Messenger Boy Biden has read his itinerary on the Teleprompter?

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