Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Breakfast Club - July 11, 2010

Online headline: "Feds Say Gulf Seafood Safe to Eat" -- Hmmm, if I hadn't just been there and enjoyed my fill of seafood, I'd say the Fed evaluation could be a "kiss of death" for the seafood industry.
Online headline: "New Photos of Smiling Fidel Castro Posted on Web" -- Why shouldn't he? He has protege's running Venezuela to his South and the US to his North.
When Alvin M. Greene, upset winner of the DIM/DUMBorat SC Senate primary race, was asked, "If you could pick one age to be for the rest of your life, what would it be?" answered '25;. Bet the DIM/DUMBS wish that he was 25 because he would not be eligible to run for Senate. On the other hand, when have DIM/DUMBs been concerned whether their candidates were actually eligible for office?
L-E headline: "Players on bench with elite basketball program in limbo" -- Hmmm, in reality, it's the Parks&Rec coaches et al who should be 'on the bench'.
It's such a crock for the Parks&Rec persons attorney to try to use the basketball experience as a ticket to college. In Georgia, every basket ball player/dreamer can go to college by simply having a "B" average in high school. Maintaining a "B" in college will keep them in college, but being just a basketball player will not.
How much money has been spent on Comer Auditorium to get it looking like it does now? I remember Comer when I was playing in Junior High level basketball and when I played in the 'famous' "Bibb Tournament" later on . Comer Auditorium did not look anything like it does now. Hope there's a "Comer Audit", too!
While I seldom agree with, much less give much credit to the L-E political endorsements, I'd rather read what Dusty Nix writes about them than what a writer from Savannah writes. I don't know what the Savannah writer's leaning are, but with Nix, I know how much credibility to give his opinions.
L-E story: "Attorney General Thurbert Baker wants to open electronic bingo parlors operated by the state lottery and funnel the cash to classrooms. * (Former DIM/DUMB governor Roy Barnes is) pledging to eliminate a host of special interest tax exemptions but won’t yet say which ones." --Why would anyone believe either of these two? To raise a couple of billion dollars either way would mean taking a lot more than a couple of billion dollars out of Georgia citizens' pockets to pay for netting that much cash. That much taken out of local economies would keep the recession alive that much longer.
Ever notice how many robberies and assaults occur after midnight? How many could be eliminated if people followed the advice I learned as a youth, "nothing good happens after midnight", and just be home by then?
L-E headline: "Obama announces plans to help troubled veterans " -- How biased can one man be! Why doesn't potUS Nero-bama announce a plan that would help EVERY troubled American by securing our borders then resigning!
L-E commentary headline: "Obama vs. Arizona: Two wrongs, and no sign of a right — Chicago Tribune" -- Even the Chicago Trib is tired of potUS Nero-bama's Chicago-style politics. Don't you love it when libs eat their own?

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