Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Breakfast Club - July 4, 2010

Online headline/story: "GE Chief Bashes China and Obama * According to the Financial Times, he (Jeff Immelt) railed against the president's economic leadership, saying U.S. businesses did not like Obama and Obama didn't like them." -- Well, well, well! This is the same guy that was one of potUS Nero-bama's major campaign advisors on the economy and the "Stim-YOU LIE" Bull. That's the reason I no longer buy any GE products, not even its lightbulbs.
Online headline: "Biden seeks thaw between Iraqi political rivals" Yeah, that's the equivalency of sending a mosquito to help the Red Cross collect blood.
Lets see...about GM....the US Government owns 61%, Canada/Ontario owns 11.7%, and the UAW Healthcare Trust owns 17.5%. That's over 90% between them, and in the IPO scheduled for August, the US and Canadian government want to unload 20% of their shares, but between them and the union may or may not sell any. So, if you buy into the IPO, you will be buying shares in a company that's 75% owned by government and unions.... Now, would you buy shares in the US Postal Service if it goes neither!
L-E headline: "Tea party not a united front despite higher membership" -- Heck what's a tea party without a lump or two? Accelerated growth can be painful. The key part of this story is in the two words...higher membership.
A WTVM9 story: "NY man blows off arm with party fireworks" -- That's what happens when you "blow off" safety.
Why are flags being flown at half staff for Senator KKK Byrd? Wouldn't cutting a couple of stars out for eye holes be more appropriate?
L-E story: "ATLANTA — After months of bitter infighting and legal wrangling, the fate of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference was finally in the hands of a judge Friday." -- So much for unity; where's the spirit of Dr King when it's so much needed.
Thomas Jefferson closed the Declaration of Independence with the following statement: "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor." -- Do you think there is one Congressperson serving today that can live up to the founding fathers' expectations? Seems the politics of today have changed the word "our" to "your" (as in pledging your lives, your fortunes and your honor!)

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