Monday, July 12, 2010

The Breakfast Club - July 12, 2010

Online headline: "Holder Says Feds Will Watch for Racial Profiling if Arizona Law Takes Effect" -- Fair enough....and US citizens everywhere will be watching the Feds to see if they uphold our immigration laws, and prosecute the New Black Panthers who violate voting rights laws....We'll meet in November to discuss the issues.
L-E story: "(Roy) Barnes’ campaign is based on two conflicting ideas: one that acknowledges his flaws and failures, another that emphasizes his experience and competence." -- While the above two emphasize the existence of a living oxymoron, neither is indicative of his third campaign strategy...try to bribe the teachers back into the fold.
L-E's "Thought for Today": “The tragedy is not that things are broken. The tragedy is that they are not mended again.” — Alan Paton, South African author (1903-1988)." -- My guess is that the Founding Fathers are all nodding there heads in dismay.
It was 5:00 most of yesterday in Gulf Shores, AL, and Jimmy Buffet was on time!
The same crossing points for joggers/bicyclists using the former railway lines are the same ones they and their parents cursed at when the railroad cars blocked all automobile traffic during rush hour. How about charging a fee for joggers/bicyclists to use the trail, and use to money to build overpasses on the streets is needs to cxross; heaven knows the trail can use a few cardio challenges to break up the monotony of a super-flat railway bed.
L-E headline: "Wooden dinosaur poses modern-day problem * Artist at odds with town, some of his neighbors " -- Hmmm, bet if the artist had called the Library Board, the Board might have commissioned it.
L-E story: "WASHINGTON — While they passed along no U.S. secrets, the 10 Russian sleeper agents involved in the spy swap posed a potential threat to the U.S. and received “hundreds of thousands of dollars” from Russia, Attorney General Eric Holder said." -- This is the same Attorney General who thinks voter intimidation at polling places, and illegal aliens crossing the borders in Arizona are no threat to the American way of life...go figure.
Why is GA Power Company allowed to run ads on how to save power/money then allowed to petition the PSC for rate increases because people are using less electricity?
L-E's "Q U O T A B L E": “A constitution should be short and obscure.” Napoleon Bonaparte French military and political leader (1769-1821) -- Sounds more like a self image description of himself. My personal belief is similar to our Founding Fathers; a Constitution needs to be succinct and sacred.

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