Monday, February 9, 2015

Online story: "Spending for the Department of Homeland Security hangs in the balance as Congress fights over immigration matters in the agency's annual funding bill. Without action by Feb. 27, the department's budget will shut off." -- Wait a minute.. Democrats and HEBDObama would shut down Homeland Security in order to gain more amnesty for illegal aliens? If Homeland Security was doing its job, we wouldn't have an illegal alien problem . Why is Homeland Security's budget an issue?
Having its 30,000 employees "furloughed" will not be a great move for Homeland Security. Its questionable effectiveness versus necessary existence will be exposed.
Online story: "The Winston-Salem branch of the North Carolina NAACP, one of North Carolina’s most vocal critics of voter ID laws, is finding itself in hot water, after a rash of complaints about alleged voting irregularities and illegal campaign activity within its own organization. " -- Now here's a job for Al Sharlatan... "Voting Integrity Matters".
Online headline: "New York Times Writer Decides Ted Cruz Doesn’t Really Have Ethnic Background: ‘Hispanic As Tom Cruise’ -- Hmmm.. maybe Anne Louise B(_*_)rdach just meant Senator Cruz is just "not Latino enough"...
Online headline: "Wisconsin Sheriff David Clarke – DOJ Trying To Emasculate All American Police Officers Through Federalization" -- Hmmm, maybe Pric Holder meant Sheriff Clarks is just "not black enough"...
Online headline/story: "Democratic Rep. Introduces Bill To Study How To Tax Americans More * Rep. Earl Blumenauer, D-Ore. introduced H.R. 679 Tuesday, which would “establish a Road Usage Charge Pilot, legislation which, if passed, would study the effectiveness of mileage-based fee systems for vehicles. In other words, Congress would examine the possibility of imposing a tax for every mile one drives on the road." -- Hmmm.. a "Toll Tax"... of course since it would be in effect as you went to vote, it would also be a "Poll Tax"... whew! Even the Supreme Court might over turn this unanimously.
Online quote source: " “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” - T. S. Eliot " -- Hmmm.. guess this is the quote hanging on the wall in the office of Representative E(_*_)rl Blumenauer, D-Ore. .... and in the administrative offices of the IRS and OObamaCRAP.
Online story: "Vice President Joe Biden, in Germany this weekend to help reach a diplomatic solution to Russian aggression in Ukraine, said Ukrainians “have a right to defend themselves" -- Hmmm... but private, law abiding American homeowners don't... another reason I cannot believe anyone would vote for a Democrat.
Did you know that the MCSD has 120 empty classrooms? At 25 students per classroom, that's 3,000 empty desks.. The MCSD should be closing at least 4, maybe 5 or 6 schools completely! Think of the savings in administrative and support jobs, think of the savings in food prep and food waste, think of the improvement of efficiency, think of the reductions in utility costs and bus fuel. I guess I'm expecting too much if I expect them to think about what's good for Columbus' taxpayers and children.
Open Record request to the MCSD:
Dr Lewis stated there are 120 empty classrooms within the district. I would like to know how many are empty are by school classification - elementary school , middle school, and high school.
Hal Kirven
Online story: "Speaking to the Aspen Institute on February 6, Michael Bloomberg said cities should ban young minority males from owning guns, both as an effort to reduce crime and to keep those minority males “alive.” -- Good grief... typical liberal solution.. that doesn't actually address the problem's solution... owning legal guns is not a problem... acquiring guns illegally, and/or using a gun, whether illegally acquired or legally owned, is a crime. The solution is swift effective sentencing limited to death of life without parole for those acquiring guns illegally, or using guns in crimes.
John Kerry just spoke in Germany yet refused to call ISIS "Islamic Terrorists". You know, the First Amendment allows us to say what we believe , but when an American will not say something that's true because the president forbids the truth, then we have a despot in the White House.
L-E headline: "MUSCOGEE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT * Board to consider interim nominee, re-organization * Three members recommended for ’15 audit team" -- Now.. the right thing to do would be to pull the SPLOST vote off the table until this audit committee can complete the preliminary inquiry Of equal importance is that the rest of the Committee names be released/made known..
Jonathan Gruber stupid LIV's L-E "soundoff": " I wouldn’t buy a house without knowing its location, but there’s no reason why I wouldn’t start saving up to buy a house while I was looking for a location." -- Hmmm.. you know.. this works great in the private sector.. and would work for the MCSD in its primary budget (it's a common practice in the private sector to fund expected ndepreciation), but.. BUT it's not OK for a SPLOST project.. GA law requires SPLOST money to be spent funding the building of parks, schools, roads, and other public facilities. It does not allow for "gimmee the money, and we'll figure out where we'll spend it later" campaigns.
"Get's it" L-E "soundoff": " Superintendent Lewis brought huckster Jamie Vollmer to town last fall to begin the Great Conversation on public education. Now Lewis won’t debate. Go figure." -- Hmmm... it's not so funny when Dr. Lweis' own dog bites him on his own hindquarters....
Questionable input L-E "soundoff": " Columbus can be proud the Ledger-Enquirer is moving onward and outward into new practices and methods for publishing. Many communities are stunned because they no longer have a newspaper." -- Hmmm... sound like this is a threat from the L-E publisher's office...Oh.. BTW.. today's L-E was a whopping 18 pages.. not enough to wrap a crappie or line a bird cage...
Good grief... will political correctness never cease? A pre-Valentine Race 5K race for couples of all ilks at the pre-dawn hour of 6:00 AM on Friday the 13th.. If someone truly loved me, I would not be asked to get up and race at 4:30 AM....
L-E headline/story: " 5 questions with Zac Young * Musician turns his creativity to fiction * Instead of a poem turning into a song, a poem turned into a book. * “God’s in the Water” -- Why is it that liberal journalists can't address the subject of God without feeling "fiction"?
Wow... not a good in the sports' world..Monday..Dean Smith and Billy Casper passed away this past weekend at the age of 83. Both were admirable ambassadors for their games and humanity.

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