Friday, December 4, 2015

Listening to Obamageddon tap dance around truth about this and other terrorist attacks, why would even yellow dog Democrats want another president who's going to lie to them about what's going on?

Now we hear that neighbors of the terrorists had seen covert activities at the terrorists' home, but we're afraid to speak out because they could see the mainscream media and the DOJ persecuting them for profiling/bigotry. In addition, some lawyers would sue them and get big bucks from liberal courts which would further fund the terrorists activities. Political correctness will be the death of America as we use to know it.

One of the (_*_)s that killed 14 in Sanctuary city San Bernardino actually worked for "the government". If " the government" cannot ..will not "vet" the employees, why should we trust government to "vet" refugees?

I'm tired of American Muslims speaking out about being upset at radical Muslim's but not doing anything to stop it. When the creepy Westboro church started crashing veterans' funerals, Christians stepped up to the plate and got in between the Westboro hatred and the grieving families of our vets. Heck, even the LGBTs got into the defense (for a different reason) and bought a house across the street from their church and painted it Rainbow style.

We speak of mosques and Imams as nurturers of radicalism, but anybody got an idea of where Dr. Jeremiah Wright, Jr since he "retired" after being exposed for his rabidness preaching at Obamageddon?

Online story: "The Saudi's 7.37 million barrel a day in export business is in jeopardy of disappearing thanks -to a discovery that promises to unleash a massive supply of fuel... * Enough fuel, in fact, to power the entire globe for over 36,000 years. * As remarkable as it may sound, this fuel is so revolutionary that the International Energy Agency predicts $48 trillion could soon flow into this sector, making it the #1 source of energy on the planet. * The incredible thing is, it all starts with a tiny grain of sand." -- Good grief.. Suadi Arabia has more sand than it does oil.. why will Saudi Arabia be worried? Who should be worried are American vacationers.. now there will be "sand thieves" digging sand out of  the traps on golf courses and beaches.

Online headline: "Chicago to release video in police shooting of second black man" -- You know.. if a policeman is involved in a shooting, you can pretty much assume that the policeman has tried to get the other person to stop what he/she is doing and obey the law... but with out success. What Chicago NEEDS is video cameras on all its streets, and when some gangsta retaliates against another gangsta by executing his 9 -year-old child, show that video in every neighborhood church, school, and project community center 24/7 until the residents start cooperating with the police to get all gangs put away.

Online headline/story: "Donald Trump on Israel-Palestine rift: 'I can put both sides together'  *  "But I said it'll take six months ... maybe sooner," he told the audience. "Because with us, we have a deal instinct — a lot of us. And you walk into a room, you can tell almost like in two seconds whether or not you're going to make a deal. I will know very quickly whether or not I'll be able to put that deal together."" -- Now even I don't think Trump can pull this off. Neither nation actually wants to stop. This would be even tougher than getting Democrat Senators to vote for conviction of impeaching Obamageddon, or Congressman Elijah Cummings calling G. I. Jillary a liar at the Benghazi hearings.

Excuse me.. I'm a bit confused about the aim of Democrats...What makes Democrats believe that if they could only ban all guns that jihadists and gang members would obey the law? What makes Democrats believe America would be free of England's rule if guns hadn't been allowed in the hands of Americans?

Online headline: " Applebee's cut soft drinks from their kids menus" -- Good grief.. first, it will be available... but more BS-y is that how much more damage is a sugary drink compared to fried chicken nuggets and french fries?

Online headline/story: "The top 5 dangerous jobs in the US  * #1 - Loggers (109.5 fatalities in 2014), #2 Fishers (80.8 fatalities in 2014), #3 Other Extraction Workers (miners/oil folks) (51.9 fatalities in 2014), #4 Roofers (46.2 fatalities in 2014), and #5 Aircraft pilots and flight folks (63.2 fatalities in 2014)..

First.. how do you get "decimal deaths for a single year.. (I'd understand if it were the average over a number of years). but more importantly is this must be propaganda compiled and released by the Democrats.. How can a "list" like this be compiled that doesn't have American soldiers,Police officers and Firemen at the top of the list, and Chicago children as number 2 on the list? Why, because Democrats do not want to deal with either because they are trying not to be accountable for their failures.

Online story: "The U.S. Senate voted Thursday to repeal the core of Obamacare, bringing Congress closer to sending legislation to President Barack Obama for the first time that would dismantle his signature domestic achievement. * Congressional Republicans won't succeed in undoing the Affordable Care Act, though, because the president has said he would veto the measure and Democrats in Congress have the votes to block an override. Senators voted 52-47 to pass the legislation." -- Good grief.. why do the Republicans do this? By this, I mean provide fodder for a Democrat and mainscream media  assault that takes focus away from the real election issues.. Republicans should just post a board up in the House and Senate showing the current voting positions on OObamaCRAP, but not send it to Obamageddon less its veto proof or until after the 2016 election.

Mainscream media is aghast that one of the Muslim jihadists was a woman... Good grief.. mainscream media just couldn't get over itself that women passed the US Army Ranger tests.

HuffPOOPOO headline: "Video Of Mount Etna Erupting Proves Mother Nature Still Rules" -- Try and "change" that.. you climate change advocates!

HuffPOOPOO headline: "Democrats Want To Try Giving Free Diapers To The Poor" -- Good grief.. beween millions of abortions, trillions already given out in welfare subsidies, and untold billions spent on sex education and birth control distributions, Democrats are just realizing their programs have all FAILED, and now want to "contain" it like Obamageddon has said ISIS is "contained".. Excuse me Democrats, but this "cup" will runneth over as well.

You know, we have our choice of many, many products that can kill 99.99% of gerns...who knows what that .01% germ(s) is/are! If we figure that out and find a product to kill it and we could make a fortune.

Online headline/story: "DOD spent $150M on private villas, security for 'handful' of employees in Afghanistan, watchdog claims 8 The Department of Defense employees worked for the now-defunct Task Force for Stability and Business Operations, known as TFBSO or the Task Force -- the DOD's premiere program to kick-start the Afghan economy. The $150 million spent on the villas and private security supported "only a handful" and "no more than 5 to 10" TFBSO staff members the majority of the time *  From 2010 through 2014, Congress appropriated approximately $822 million to TFBSO for Afghanistan, of which the Task Force spent approximately $766 million." --  Good grief.. and where were Rubio and  Paul when this was going on?It had to pass the Senate before Obamageddon passed it, but this is another reason we need Trump.. first he would have built it cheaper and had a golf course or two with it, but as president, he'll euther sell it, or make it the home of our soldiers and send the contractors over to the barracks!

Online headline/story: " A ‘sea change’ in Savannah politics as incumbent mayor gets the boot * Incumbent Savannah Mayor Edna Jackson was swept out of office Tuesday night by former Chatham County commissioner Eddie DeLoach after a campaign focused on the stew of race, crime and corruption that marred the coastal city’s government * “A city with 55 percent African-American population got so fed up with murders and crime that it showed up and voted,” he wrote. The conventional wisdom then wasthat a white person, especially one with Republican leanings, couldn’t be elected mayor."  -- "campaign focused on the stew of race, crime and corruption "? Are you listening Council/Mayor,, how about you, Varner? 2016 is coming up fast.

Online headline: "OBAMA TELLS TURKEY TO SEAL SYRIAN BORDER, TURKEY TELLS OBAMA TO HANDLE MEXICO FIRST" -- Good grief! The world wide opinion of Obamageddon has reached a new low.. Saudi's expect bows from Obamageddon, North Korea draws lines knowing Obamageddon won't cross them, and now one of out oldest allies just gave him the middle-finger salute!

L-E headline/story: ":COLUMBUS STATE UNIVERSITY SOCCER 8 Lady Cougars one game away from winning national title * will face two-time defending national champion Grand Valley State (21-1-2) in Saturday’s championship match at 1 p.m." -- Go, Cougars!

"Knowing" L-E "soundoff": " Having moved from Muscogee County to Harris County 15 years ago, I can say that the excellent school system, low crime rate and relative scarcity of entitled liberals are definitely a plus." -- Not to mention a government that doesn't waste tax dollars, doesn't want to raise taxes every time a whim arises, has about 50% lower taxes on homes and cars, has once a week garbage pick ups, better maintained streets, and water rated as good or better than Columbus'.

Jonathan Gruber stupid LIV's L-E "soundoff": "   It’s incredible, but Republicans, including new boss Paul Ryan, while frantically boot-licking the NRA, are allowing people on the FBI’s Terrorist Watch List to purchase guns. The lights are on, but nobody’s home."  -- "Republicans ...are allowing people on the FBI Terrorist watch list to purchase guns"?  Good grief.. all person wanting to buy guns are processed by the Obamageddon led government.. The Republicans in Congress do not make those department head appointments.

L-E "headLIE": "CALIFORNIA SHOOTINGS * MOTIVES BEHIND MASS VIOLENCE CAN BE A COMPLEX COMBINATION" -- "complex combination"? Good grief, what's complicated about knowing a jihadist is motivated by Islam to kill anybody that thinks differently?

L-E headline: "Sandy Berger, ex-Clinton national security adviser, dies"-- Hmm.. this is the third time I've seen this or similar headlines in the L-E.. I guess iot's because the L-E is not use to writing about deaths of Clinton acquaintances that die of natural cause..

Okay.. there's a second ad (page B4) and a 3rd ad (page C6) about out the eminent domain process to claim land at or around 3737 Cusseta Road at a price that's higher for fringe acreage than the property those low-income, public assisted apartments. It's being sought at $10,000.00 more than what it is assessed for, and you bet it'll be challenged and the tax dollar ante pumped up. Good grief.. it's being "taken" to supposedly improve traffic for those apartment.. What aren't the owners donating it? For that matter, why aren't the owners participating in paying for the improvement as well?

To say the least, it will be interesting which side of the stands old UGS/new U of Miami coach Richt will stand on if the two teams meet in a bowl game..

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