Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Online headline: "Suspect told he may face death in clinic shooting * The man accused of killing 3 people and injuring 9 in a rampage at a Colo. Planned Parenthood facility appeared in court for the first time on Monday." -- "may face death"? MAY? What's with "MAY"? Premeditated shootings..gang shootings.. they should all be mandatory death sentences regardless of mental state or capacity.

Online headline: "Powerful New York politician found guilty of corruption" -- Oooops, my bad.. it's not one of the Clintons.

Instant repeat- headline/story: "Powerful New York politician found guilty of corruption  *  Sheldon Silver, a Democrat who as speaker of the New York State Assembly enjoyed immense political influence before his arrest in January, and one of New York's most powerful politicians for two decades, was convicted on Monday of abusing his office to collect as much as $4 million in illegal bribes and kickbacks." -- Hmmm.. guess Silver should have taken a page out of the Clintons' playbook.. form a "foundation" .. from what I can tell, that's basically "what the difference " is.

Online headline/story: "Motive behind Univ. of Chicago threats revealed  *  Authorities disclosed the horrifying reason behind a student's racially-charged online threat that forced the university to shut down on Monday.  *  Jabari R. Dean, a 21 black man, of Chicago, who sought to 'rid the world of white devils', threatened to kill 16 white male students or staff at the school on Chicago's South Side, according to the criminal complaint." -- What? Did I read this right? A black man has been arrested for making a "racially-charged" threat? Hallelujah! Al Sharlatan, Jesse Jackson,  Sheila Jackson Lee. John Lewis, Charlie Rangel, and  Pric Holder may no longer be protected by mainscream media!

Online headline/story: "Donald Trump meets with black pastors in 'amazing' meeting *  "We had a wonderful time in the meeting," said Darrell Scott, the senior pastor of New Spirit Revival Center in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, who helped to organize the meeting. "We made a lot of progress. It's not the last one.""  -- Hmmm... this could be the beginning of a political change that will help .. insure.. America's return to greatness.. or.. it could be just to see how much G.I. Jillary will up "the ante" to buy votes.

Online headline: "Hillary's nickname for Mitt revealed in new leaked emails" -- Hmmm.. I'm more interested in what Bill's "nickname" for her is when neither she nor mainscream media is not around. One thing I'll bet on is that it is not "MITTens".

Online "headLIE": "Obama takes hard stance on Russia-Turkey conflict" --

Online headline: "The No. 1 safest city in the world named" -- Well.. it's mayor is not Queen "TT" TomLYINGson.

Online headline/story: "US reportedly supplying Ukraine military with obsolete equipment * Among the outdated supplies are Humvees dating from the late 1980s and early 1990s, according to the Post, which cited the vehicles' serial numbers in its report. In another case, an infantry unit of 120 soldiers received a single bulletproof vest, of a type that U.S. forces stopped using in the mid-2000s." -- Hmm.. guess Obamageddon sent all the "good stuff" to ISIS via Iraqi desserters.

Online headline/story: "University president rebukes 'self-absorbed, narcissistic' students  *  A chapel sermon on love left a student at Oklahoma Wesleyan University feeling “offended” and “victimized.” * But instead of capitulating to the offended young scholar, OWU President Everett Piper pushed back with a blistering rebuke of what he called “self-absorbed and narcissistic” students. *  “This is not a day care. This is a university,” he wrote in a blog that has since gone viral. * Back home in Tennessee, we call that a “Come to Jesus” moment.   *  “Our culture has actually taught our kids to be this self-absorbed and narcissistic,” he wrote. “Any time their feelings are hurt, they are victims! Anyone who dares challenge them and, thus, makes them ‘feel bad’ about themselves, is a ‘hater,’ a  ‘bigot,’ an ‘oppressor,’ and a ‘victimizer.’" -- Hmmm... I hope our MCSB puts Dr Piper on it's next search  list of Superintendents!

Jonathan Gruber stupid LIV's L-E "soundoff": "A rogue Chicago policeman shot an unarmed man and was rightfully charged with first-degree murder. So why are protesters making local merchants and other cops suffer? That’s mob rule." -- "rightfully charged with first-degree murder"? NO policeman should ever be charged with first-degree murder when he's answering a call, and there are other witnesses there, and the person is armed... PERIOD! Do I think that the policeman should have emptied his clip into him.. NO! But that is not what we're talking about., and I wasn't there.. as most most of you weren't, to see what actually was going on as the man lay on the ground. As an experienced umpire for 30 years, the critics in the stands are too far away from the tag made at 2nd base. Only the umpire is close enough to see whether the fielder lose control of the ball in an obvious "looked out" situation, or whether the base runner's foot came inches short of reaching the bag when he slid in.

Another Jonathan Gruber stupid LIV's L-E "soundoff": "Save the rhetoric about Dr. Lewis not doing a good job. A teacher cannot educate a student who does not want an education. The same fact applies to test scores." -- Whoa! When you look at a baseball team roster and see starts everywhere who are not performing up to expectations, you don't fire the team, you get rid of the coach.. The coach's main job is to create an atmosphere and goals that the players will respond to and do their best.

L-E story: "Columbus has scored its first swimming and diving national championships since opening the Columbus Aquatics Center in 2013.  * The National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics announced Monday it entered a two-year agreement with the Columbus Sports Council to host the 2016 and 2017 men's and women's swimming and diving national championships." --  Too little, too late perhaps? Looks like we have to plan on losing about $1,000,000.00 over thye next two years to keep this commitment.

Declaring war on ISIS is not enough..a coalition is needed..how about if the US supply air strikes and other Muslim countries supply, and pay for,  the ground troops as a show of cooperation and intent to rid radicalism.

Mainscream media seemed impressed with Obamageddon's bravery at eating out in public in Paris. Huh? Why should he be worried about a jihadist attack..the jihadists would be stupid on taking out their main ally.

Up until now, Biden has been Obamageddon's "safety plan" to keep conservatives at bay, but now, Obamageddon has to worry about Biden being mighty attractive to liberals. It could be time for House impeachment and a Senate conviction that wasn't previously in the cards.

After experiencing the government's boondoggle results of the Moon Rd and Whittlesey Rd projects, who wants infrastructure projects controlled by G.I. Jillary's plans?

Good grief...illegal aliens in Oregon are suing to get driver's licenses. I'm beginning to believe illegal aliens have almost as much disregard of our Constitution as Obamageddon does..

Here's a name to send to Trump  to name as Secretary of Welfare.....Ron White. He'll dismantle it because he knows "you can't fix stupid!"

L-E headline: "World leaders gather to try to save Earth from overheating" --  Good grief.. if the world leaders haven't figured out that the most pressing threat to Earth "overheating" is ISIS, then ISIS is going to win!
Letter writers in the L-E today have taken sucker punches at Harris County Sheriff, Mike Jolley.. one from Harris County must think the L-E is going to pay him by the word.. I'm glad he wasn't responding about what time it is.. he's probably tell us how to make a watch.. the other is, like the ranch hands sitting aroud a campfire describe a certain salsa as being from "New Yoprk City, sent in his latest diatribe on a local area issue in which he's doesn't have a dog in the hunt. Why does the L-E print outside drivel.. I guess if the L-E can't find local opposition, it relies on, (maybe even recruits) getting outside agitation...

Wow! The Columbus State University Lady Cougars soccer team has reached the Final 4. Kudos for Coach Entlich and his team... OUR team..

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