Friday, September 23, 2016

It's amazing that the liberal media is at a loss in Charlotte as to why the rioters are turning on them too. What's happened is that mainscream media has "fed" this attitude so long, and cannot sustain it any longer, so they are being turned on by the monster it created.

As we look at the outbreak of turmoil in Charlotte, you have to wonder why mainscream media seems to yawn about the constant chaos on the streets of Chicago. Since ZERO-bama has taken office, there have been over 3,700 homicides in Chicago... that's nearly 25% more people killed than in New York on 9-11-01.  I can only surmise that it's so commonplace in Chicago that it's just accepted... Sad....

On a local note:

There is a referendum issue  being forced upon  the community by a less than forthcoming mayor. It involves repealing a GA Constitutional Amendment that protects all... ALL homeowners from tax and spend politicians. There is a movement (disclosure: I am part of it) to educate the local homeowners about the certain loss of such despite the mayors "promise". Here is a letter drafted by the committee leading the defense of the existing Amendment.

P.O. BOX 6815  *  COLUMBUS, GA  31917    
September 12, 2016

Dear Friends and Neighbors:

As you prepare to cast your ballot in this election, please notice the last item on the two-page ballot.  That question is about the tax freeze that all homeowners in Muscogee County have had since 1982.  If you want to keep the freeze as it is now, a vote of NO is the only safe vote.

Some leaders are trying to abolish the freeze.  That effort is focused on two beliefs.  Some, whose taxes are too high, believe that their taxes will go down.  Others, who want taxes not to rise, believe they will be “grandfathered in” and thus their tax freeze will be safe.  Most likely, neither of those beliefs will prove to be true.

We are actually voting on whether to approve House Bill 1104.  It includes nothing about lower taxes. No promises have been made to lower taxes.  We are not voting on lower millage rates or lower taxes for anybody.  There is no written plan to lower taxes---just vague, general statements about a “fair” system. No new system is presented.  Homeowners should realize that nobody’s taxes are going down. This is about more money for the government, not less.

While the Mayor is promising that “if you have the freeze you will keep the freeze,” she will not have the power to keep that promise.  If the new proposal passes, the first home buyer after Jan. 1, 2017 will have standing to sue because he was denied the freeze, a benefit that earlier homebuyers have.  Once the issue is taken to Court, the Mayor will have lost her power to keep her promise.  The Courts will rule, and some highly competent lawyers believe the freeze will be gone for everybody.  This is true because the vote we are taking is actually a vote to repeal the Local Constitutional Amendment that provides our current tax freeze.  Once repealed, it cannot be re-instated.  Our current freeze was ruled constitutional by the Supreme Court in 2003.  The new plan will almost certainly end up in Court, and you could lose your freeze.  If you want to keep the tax freeze as it is now, please vote NO on the last item on the ballot.  It does not mention the words “tax freeze,” but that’s what it is about. 


Mary Sue Polleys, Secretary
Citizens to Keep the Freeze
Paid for by Citizens to Keep the Freeze, Charmaine Crabb & Tollie Strode, Co-Chairs   –    P.O. Box 6815, Columbus, GA  31917

My note: If you are a homeowner. or plan on buying a new or another home after January 1st of 2017, it will benefit you to not only vote "NO", but to send in a donation to the "Citizens to Keep the Freeze"  to help spread the word..a donation now, and your "NO" vote on November 8th can save you $1,000s in future taxes.over the years.

You know if Mayor TomLYINGson's premise were anywhere close to truthful, her "Thaw the Freeze" information site/page on FaceBook would be open for discussion by all Columbus citizens.. but it's not.. People, including myself, are systematically blocked from commentary on the propaganda they emit.   There's should be only one reason to block any Columbusite, abd that would be for anyone using inappropriate/foul language, but that's not what's happening.. unless.. of course, "the truth" is inappropriate/foul language.

Speaking of Mayor TomLYINGson promises: Remember in 2014 when Mayor TomLYINGson told us the River Road roundabout would start construction in the summer just after the end of May election? Just another lie, only now when it starts, the recent memorial spot for the Northside student will be destroyed.

I'm willing ti give Dr Lewis a chance to improve the school system, but I still want te MCSB to be in charge.. What I do not understand is why normally sane community leaders have elevated Lewis to a godlike status..He's been here but three years and has yet to produce notable results.

At this moment in time, why doesn't ZERO-bama direct the DOJ to stand forward and do a campaign advocating criminals to listen to and obey police orders when caught , and see how many needless death are prevented?

Speaking of local taxes, I went to the Citizens Center on a tax issue yesterday, but once I got there realized that I forgot a needed document, so I went home, but it was not a wasted trip. Remember when Judy Thomas campaigned on removing the prime "Reserved for City Department Heads" reserved parking spaces.. then flip-flopped on it after the election and gave those "perk spaces" back to them? That was bad enough, but yesterday, I noted it is even worse. IT's bad enough that the public has to drive by those spaces, but when one of the department heads lives in Alabama and is getting paid with our tax dollars but doesn't contribute her property tax dollars to our government is wrong! Why does she get preferential parking at out expense! 

MCSB chair Rob Varner summed up the fiasco in the recent firing/resignation personnel matter. Varner said, "It's a shame, seems like a talented person." You know, it was up to Superintendent Lewis to remove all doubt about his nominations for leadership jobs. Varner, as chair, should have KNOWN the candidate was squeaky clean before he brought the ussue to the floor. You know, I'd really be PO's if I were Rob Varner for being "hung out to dry" by the person I was rubber stamping things for.

From the "politics produces strange bedfellows" department - Online headline/story: " Kasim Reed, John Kasich prepare for a post-election trade fight *  Last week, those preoccupied by the sight of Donald Trump finally bestowing citizenship on a sitting U.S. president missed something far more important happening only a few D.C. blocks away: Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed and Ohio Gov. John Kasich in a White House press conference, volunteering to push through Barack Obama’s final objective — a 12-country trade pact between the Americas and Asia. *  After Nov. 8, Reed and Kasich will become prominent members of “the forlorn hope” who will take on the anti-trade defenses erected by both Trump and Hillary Clinton in this misbegotten presidential campaign. *  But also consider the strangeness of the situation: Kasich, the GOP governor of a state without which no Republican has ever won the presidency, has placed himself directly astride Trump’s protectionist solutions for a broken Rust Belt economy. * Reed, in turn, is contradicting not just Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, who decided to oppose the Trans-Pacific Partnership after she supported it, but also Jim Barksdale, the Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate. Barksdale has made “bad trade deals” the centerpiece of his campaign against Republican incumbent Johnny Isakson." --  Vote Trump.. maybe we'll get video of Reed and Kasich in bed together..

You know, Kasich's actions really underlines the anti-Trump stances of Romney. McCain, and Graham as pure RINOism.

Online story: "U.S. Rep. John Lewis called on the Obama administration to appoint election monitors in Georgia, Florida and potentially other states across the South in order to protect against unfair practices at the ballot box." -- Hmmm.. you know, I'd feel better if there were trained professional overseeing the ballot boxes, but not any appointed by ZERO-bama.. I would want to have any groups appointed to be appointed by the US Supreme Court rather than the President or Congress since the appointed Supreme Court doesn't have a dog in the fight.


L-E story: "Charlotte police refused under mounting pressure Thursday to release video that could resolve wildly different accounts of the shooting of a black man, as the National Guard arrived to try to head off a third night of violence in this city on edge." --  Would I like to see the videos... yes... would showing the videos actually resolve the situation.. NO.!  Last night,  I watched live interviews of protesters being asked about the protester being shot while in the middle of a protest group Wednesday night.. Two random subjects vowed the protester was shot by the police despite what ordinary common sense and logical deductions would dictate.. one of them even said a friend of a friend witnessed it and said it was a cop.  people hear what they want to hear, and if it doesn't fit their preconceived.. no DESIRED results, they just make it up.. 
LIV's L-E "soundoff": "Tuesday’s “Tax Scam” letter proves why Columbus needs to lift the freeze. We have one of the highest tax rates because that is the only way CCG and MCSD can survive, thanks to the freeze.: -- Hmmm.. and this person has knowledge and proof that Mayor TomLYINGson has millage rate reductions on her mind? KoolAid must be taken off the menu!
LIV's L-E "soundoff": "Unemployment is at 4.9%, lowest since Oct 2007; median income is up 5.2% since 2014, biggest improvement ever; and poverty rate has dropped 1.2 percentage points. And you worry about 100,000 refugees taking our jobs? -- Talk about a KoolAid overdose.. first "unemployment" is not 4.9%.. at best, 4.9% is the figure only of those unemployed who are not seeking work. Secondly, 100,000 refugees  coming in without jobs just screwed up the first figure error of this lamo.
L-E headline: "Jails are a costly psychiatric solution * BY ALVA JAMES-JOHNSON"  a worthwhile read ( ) -- Good article.. but what's new? What is a plausible solution? Incarceration seems to be necessary to keep the public safer, yet the situation dictates more personal responsibility to the individual and such family. Too often, problems are known/recognized at early ages, but either ignored or accepted as a trait of the individual.. Once again.. it's not a problem government can.. or should, solve... it's a societal one.



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