Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Online headline: "This degree is a complete waste of money, according to Mark Cuban" -- Hmmm..well, since Cuban has "gone publicly poltical", his advice has become a complete waste of time and energy.

Online headline: "Meeting canceled after Philippine president says he'll swear at Obama" -- Good grief.. then how come ZERO-bama didn't cancel his term of office when most of America has been swearing at him for the past 8 years?

Online headline/story: "Clinton calls Trump Mexico trip 'embarrassing international incident' * "When you see that he can't even go to a foreign country without getting into a public feud with the president, I think the answer is clear. Donald Trump does not have the temperament to be our commander-in-chief." --  "does not have the temperament to be our commander-in-chief"? Standing up to picayune despots is exactly the temperament America NEEDS in its president! It's also apparent that Hellary. like ZERO-bama, doesn't have such.. ZERO-bama just got embarrassed on his arrival in China, and called out by the Philippines leaders.. and left American pride on the floor.

You know, when a Chinese official was confronting ZERO-bama's advisor, another Chinese official was presenting ZERO-bama with a bouquet of flowers....hmmm... perhaps pansies?

Online headline: "Beyoncé kindly entertains Bill Clinton gate crashing her 35th birthday festival" -- Slick Willie "crashing" other people's parties is getting to be a habit.. first it was Loretta Lynch's "paty" at the end of a runway, and now Beyoncé's. Hmmm.. seems like Slick Willie has been hacking into other people's travel plans and datebooks.

Online headline/story: "Big book contract coming the Obamas way * According to the New York Times, the President and wife Michelle could sign post -presidency book contracts to the tune of 20 to 45 million dollars." -- Good grief.. who would pay for a biography of liars? And wouldn't revealing the truth about their careers be a conflict against their employment contracts with "the people"?

Online story: "In recent weeks, San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick has been declining to stand for the national anthem as a means of protesting violence against African Americans at the hands of law enforcement. * On Monday, President Obama defended the football player's right to do so." -- Well, is ZERO-bama going to defend MY RIGHTS .. MY 1st Amendment Rights, to call him and KaeperPRICK out as POSs?

Online headline: "Clinton about to get big boost from major Democrat *  Obama to stump aggressively for Clinton" -- On what basis.. two liars make a right?

Please be aware that Mayor TomLYINGson is in the same party, and has the same lack of honesty as the folks who dropped OObamaCRAP in your lap, and promised that "if you liked your doctor, you could keep your doctor".

Online headline: "Clinton Rejects Invitation To Mexico Following Trump Debacle" -- Yeah... Trump raised the bar too high for her to do anything but limbo under it.

What's the big deal about Trump disclosing his income tax forms... there's nothing requiring him to do so to run for or be president...on the other hand, there were/are plenty of laws requiring Hellary to save and turnover her e-mails and other communications as Secretary of State.

From the "there's no defense against the love of a 4-year old who loves her grandfather" department - Unequivocal love cannot be denied .. God planned it this way. Was swimming with my granddaughter and we went into a little bit deeper section of the pool. As she swam to me from the edge..I reminded her to be careful as the pool was deeper here and she couldn't touch. As she reached my outstretched arms. She said, "That's OK, that's why I have you. ......MELT!

Have you noticed how many liberals who want an open Southern border, plan to flee to Canada instead of Mexico if Trump gets elected.

Liberals use the argument that you need...have to have ... an ID to exercise your Constitutional right to buy/carry a gun, but not to exercise your Constitutional right of a law abiding citizen to vote. .. and that Democrats and mainscream media and liberal judges agree with them?

From the L-E feature "LOOKING BACK | Fifty years ago today September 6, 1966: "Third District congressional candidate Jack T. Brinkley flailed what he called “the disease of government intrusion” in a weekend handshaking foray. Brinkley, a 35-year-old Columbus attorney seeking the Democratic nomination for Congress in the Sept. 14 Democratic primary." -- I'm making note of this,  because in 2016, "we" (local) voters now have to make such choices in May.. when interest has not been generated to the point that a vote really reflects the voice of the people. Contact your representatives to get the party primaries moved back to post Labor Day dates, and for local non-partisan elections be held on the November General Election date..

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