Wednesday, March 8, 2017

From the "nothing pleases mainscream media about Trump" department - HuffPOOPOO headline: "Report: Signs indicate that Russian media is turning on President Donald Trump" -- I sthere nothing that will get Trump a praise from mainscream media?

Online "headLIE": "Department of Justice will drop appeal of ruling on Trump's original travel ban""-- Not "travel ban".. "ENTRY BAN".

From the "didn't I tell you so... yesterday" department -- Online headline: "Khizr Khan won't verify that his travel privileges are 'under review'" -- Yesterday I reported that the Customs and Border Protection does not.. repeat, DOES NOT... alert US passport carriers of investigations, nor prohibits US passport holders from traveling, and that Khan probably canceled his Canadian trip because not enough advance ticker=ts were sold...

Online story: "President Donald Trump raised eyebrows after he posted five congratulatory tweets promoting a Monday announcement from the energy giant Exxon Mobil, the company from which his secretary of state came to the administration. *  The company highlighted earlier in the day that it was expanding its manufacturing operation along the Gulf Coast, creating more than 45,000 jobs in the region." -- "raised eyebrows"? ... maybe among liberal elites, buy Trump RAISED HOPE for America and 45,000  new job holders!

From the "liberal fantasyland" department - HuffPOOPOO story: "Planned Parenthood is firing back at President Donald Trump. * The organization rejected a deal from the White House on Tuesday to stop abortions in exchange for funding. Planned Parenthood gets $500 million a year in federal funding. None of the funding goes to providing abortions. The White House even offered an increase in funding if the deal went through." -- Good grief.. Planned Parenthood just declared itself primarily an abortion factory!  Faced with an opportunity to provide more and more non-abortion services, Planned Parenthood spit in the face of women seeking help.  The ironic think is that Planned Parenthood has always used fed funds for abortions.. simply in that it would have had to use "other donations" for basic services if the fed funding wasn't present..

From the "probably a legal buddy of our Mayor Tom-LYING-son" department - Online headline: "Lawyer bills New York City $520,000 in hunt to find $5,000 believed stolen from campaign" -- sounds familiar enough....

Online headline/story: "Hawaii plans to fight President Trump's 'Muslim Ban 2.0' *  Lawyers for the state said they will move for a temporary restraining order on March 15, a day before the new executive order is supposed to take effect." -- Hmmm... you know.. perhaps the US ought to send every Irani, Yemeni, Libyan, Somalian, Sudani, and Syrian US bound passengers TO Hawaii.. then declare a quarantine on travel OUT of Hawaii...

--- know, legislative bills should have to be limited to single issues. The practice of allowing amendments addressing other subjects allow Representative an "out" in voting..It allows them to claim they voted for/against one issue but their real interest was in voting for or against a more important issue. We need transparency in legislation.

You know...our legislative delegation supported Mayor Tom-LYING-son's assault on our Tax Freeze protection (even though the GA & US Supreme Courts upheld it as Constitutionally fair), yet none speak out on the sales taxes Council has enacted on products (such as many grocery items) that the state has named as non-taxable. Surely there should be unity in what the state and City can and can't tax.

From the "how come" department - There IS a conspiracy! Oreos.... You can buy a pack of "regular" Oreos for $2.98 and you get 14.3 ounces, yet if you buy Oreo Thins, you pay the same $2.98 but only get 10.1 ounces.

Nutri-systems..."lose UP TO 13 pounds in your first month..guaranteed"....? Talk about a "word game".. If you only lost 1 pound..or even gained 10 pounds, you would not have a grievance about Nutri-System's "guarantee" about "losing UP TO 13 pounds".

Online headline: "Hillary Clinton receives 2017 ‘Champion for Girls Award’" -- Good grief.. the last thing our future women need to be held up as a role model is a lying, conniving politician.. wonder how much she charged as her speaking fee?

Online headline: "Vermont Elects Nation’s First Muslim Party Chair, Sends ‘Strong Message to Trump’ -- From the land of Bernie.. we get this.. now, to be determined.. will a Muslim "head" or "behead" the Democratic Party?
Online headline/story: "In SB 1, Georgia may have its first hate-crime bill — but of a different sort * lawmakers have added at least one new measure to “domestic terrorism”: I.e., whether the criminal act “is intended to advance, further, or effectuate any ideology or belief whether committed alone or as part of a command structure involving an identifiable set of other individuals.” * The Georgia chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union has taken issue with the legislation. A note from Andrea Young, executive director of ACLU Georgia, includes this: * In addition to our overall concerns with the bill’s expansion of the government’s surveillance and security apparatus, we are especially troubled by its apparent attempt to target political expression, which is protected by the First Amendment. The ACLU of Georgia will oppose any effort to curb the First Amendment’s guarantees of freedom of speech and expression." -- "ACLU of Georgia will oppose any effort to curb the First Amendment’s guarantees of freedom of speech and expression"?  Hmmm the ACLU of CA opposing pro-Hellary terrorists at Berkeley? Or ACLU chapters everywhere at Republican-led "Townhall" meetings? Yeah.. the ACLU is non-biased... NOT!
I have a question to ask liberals with teen..or younger daughters: "When your daughter goes into a bathroom and comes face-to-face with a male, how does she know if he is a confused genderist, or a sexual pervert looking for his next victim?  I might come around if their status was tattooed on their forehead..but I doubt it..
L-E story: "WikiLeaks published thousands of documents Tuesday described as secret files about CIA hacking tools the government employs to break into users' computers, mobile phones and even smart TVs from companies like Apple, Google, Microsoft and Samsung." -- Hmmm.. I do believe that the WikiLeaks files were attained during the Obama era.. therefore, it wasn't necessarily the Russians trying to manipulate the election, but the Obamacrats.
From the "who runs the university facilities" department - Online story: "A criminal investigation is underway to a possible data breach at Georgia's Center for Election Systems. *  That is the office at Kennesaw State University that manages the state's voting system. * KSU released a statement today saying it is working with federal law enforcement to determine "whether and to what extent a data breach may have occurred involving records maintained by the Center for Elections Systems." -- Good grief.. can you name me a conservative who would be ALLOWED in a university system building .. well, only long enough to take his.her donation check..?
From the "satisfying a liberal is no possible" department - L-E headline/story: " GOP health bill faces conservatives’ revolt * Influential conservative lawmakers and activist groups panned health care legislation drafted by House Republican leaders Tuesday, throwing the GOP’s plan to undo the Affordable Care Act in serious doubt less than 24 hours after it was released." --  There was a release of a GOP healthcare plan yesterday.. unlike many (and all Democrats), I will read it before commenting..
L-E headline/story: "MUSCOGEE COUNTY SCHOOLS * Nearly two-thirds ‘beat the odds’ in 2016
Hmmm... "figures don't lie.. but...liars figure a lot"  .. sounds like a good example here.. How can we be "happy" with 1/3rd of our students not being able to improve on low end test levels? And what about a breakdown of students based on economics, and racial make-up..
From above story: "According to data from the Georgia Department of Education, 64 percent of the Muscogee County School District’s 53 schools are considered 2016 Beat the Odds Schools by earning a College and Career Ready Performance Index score better than the state’s formula predicted. That includes 66 percent of the district’s 32 elementary schools, 50 percent of its 12 middle schools and 78 percent of its nine high schools." -- You know.. the 66% of elementary slides down to 50% as students not reading at the 3rd grade level by 3rd grade will fall off the charts.. and the seemingly "upward tic from middle school to high school doesn't necessary tell the whole story.. many of the struggling middle school students have dropped out before their last two years so those remaining were those that grasp reading and stay in school.

L-E headline/story: "Bill could make it more costly for riders to use Uber, Lyft * The bill would require companies like Uber and Lyft to collect sales tax, something they don’t currently do. Supporters of the legislation contend that taxi and limousine companies in Georgia are required to collect sales tax." --  I'm not a fan of "sales taxes", they put an unfair burden on lower income families,  but why would any representative vote against one on one group of business entities, when competitive companies already have to collect such sales taxes.. it clearly violates their rights to fair competition... Now, the big question is why the state allows Columbus (and probably other cities) to collect local 'LOST, SPLOST,  and T-SPLOST" sales taxes on groceries et al that the state has declared non-taxable collecting the state sales taxes..

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