Wednesday, March 1, 2017

When is mainscream media.. and the Democratic Party not just going to learn, but accept as well, Trump IS smarter than them. It must be scary to have been a Democrat Senator or Congressperson to be sitting on his.her hands as Trump presidentially and emotionally CONNECTED to the vast array of viewers surrounding them.. surrounding them inside the Capitol, surrounding them across this great nation and around the world. America is BACK, and Democrats looked irrelevant.

Last night I thought I saw Nancy Pelosi trying to read Donald Trump's lips when he was talking about what he has already accomplished in 5 was futile though as we know she doesn't read anything.

It must have been scary to be a Democrat last night in the Capitol. I'm mean just to sit there as a deaf-dumb mute while the rest of Washington and the world cheered.

Where was Joe Biden last night? The Democrats really needed him to get them on their feet. Remember "Chuck"..the guy Biden tried to get to stand up and take a bow in the 2012 campaign..then Biden looked down and saw he was in a wheelchair. Well Chuck Schumer wasn't in a wheelchair, and he sure could have used Biden there to get him standing!

The former Governor of Kentucky who delivered what will looked back as "a Chicago-style shooting themselves in the arse Democrat Response", reeled off a list of American "values" we should all have..unfortunately Democrats abandoned these years ago.

I wonder if Schumer and Pelosi realized that their "responder" and his pre-packaged spiel, would make Trump sound even better, and the make the Congressional Democrats behavior even worse.

From the "is this not the coolest" department - Online headline/story: "This foam stops bullets cold and pulverizes them to dust *  And the foam doesn’t just stop bullets. It destroys them…this foam decimates bullets into dust. * North Carolina State University Professor Afsaneh Rabiei led the team that created the amazing foam. * This is not ordinary foam like the kind used for shaving, for example. This is a special type of foam called composite metal foams, or CMF. *  The military and law enforcement could use this kind of foam for advanced, ultra light body armor to protect personnel. *  In tests conducted by the development team, the foam body armor was able to defeat an armor-piercing bullet. And on impact, their foam smashed the bullet into powder. * The National Institute of Justice standard allows up to 44 mm indentation from a bullet on side facing the user– so the foam performs  80 percent better than the maximum standard." -- Wow.. let's get this in the hands of our law enforcement and military communities... fast! Oh, and start of with laws preventing it from being sold to our enemies.. around the world and on our streets.

Don't those sappy ASPCA ads get you PO'd? They sit there filming dogs staked out in the snow, and ask us to help them. Why don't they unchain those dogs and take them to shelter themselves?

You know, I wish Congress was more interested in investigating Hellary, the e-mails destroyed, and her Foundation, and wondering why John Podesta's DNC account was hacked. I want Congress to expose the State Department "leaks", and current Security 'leaks'.

Looks like Green Valley Coffee has displaced Juan Valdez as king of the Colombian coffee industry.

You know, having military advisers being concerned about cutting foreign just solidifies Trump's assessment that our military just hasn't tasted victory in so long, it feels appeasing "warts" is an acceptable alternative to just being respected.

You's obvious the mainscream media/liberals cannot comprehend Trump when he lays out issues, problems, and solutions in "big boy speak", but it's pathetic they cannot comprehend those when Sean Spicer spells it out in sound bytes.

How about the nationwide threats and cemetery desecration aimed at our Jewish communities. I guarantee this is not something the Trump movement is doing or condones. WE are excited to have a president who values Israel as our friend and ally. The only thing WE don't understand is why the American Jewish community still supports Democrats.

Wow..the Democrat spinmeisters are livid at Trump's assertion that Obama is calling shots for his OFA protesters...because Obama is out of the country on vacation. Excuse me, but aren't these the same people claiming Russia sabotaging Hellary's coronation all the way from the Kremlin?

Trump just exceeded his brilliance noted earlier about "regretting" to the White House Correspondence Dinner. Signing his Executive Order to strengthen Historically Black Colleges and Universities to put them in the forefront of education pretty much neuters mainscream and liberal propaganda.

Hey John Lewis...what do you think bout Trump bringing the HBCU into the White House? How about asking Obama, Bush, and Clinton why didn't they have the insight, caring, and initiative?

I was hungry yesterday and was thinking about a "Whopper" so I turned into the Bradley Park Burger King...and ordered a "John Pezold"..the voice asked, "Do you want LIES with that?"

Got the "job" of taking my granddaughter to her gymnastics class yesterday..mentioned I liked to see her having fun exercising...she looked askance and said in 4 year old speak, "'s not exercise, Big, it's gymnastics".

From the "setting the story straight on a local issue: "Fake News" department

Chuck Williams contrived a one-sided story he either gleaned and self-servingly cherry picked from a FaceBook exchange between a state representative and myself.. or maybe someone asked him to do so.. time will tell.

My first response addressed the inaccuracies in the story and in his interviews with John Pezold:

Wait a minute. Four things..

1st - no one from the L-E has contacted me **, and the L-E has my phone numbers , my e-mail and Facebook messenger. Just a bad reporting job.

Second, I've been on Pezold's positions only since he supported the Tax Freeze assault, which the team I was on won handily. (Oh, and for the record, I voted for and supported Pezold in his first and second terms.. guess he's just become more politically confused about who he represents.. himself or his constituents, and I've pointed that out.)

Third, I will throw my hat, my TRUMP hat at that, into the Republican primary, but only Pezold correctly aligns himself up with hid and the Mayors Democratic Party as the local Republicans won't challenge him for fear of losing his Dad's long term Republican financial support and loyalty.

Fourth, he can keep his money, besides, what Democrats actually keep political promises"

** Chuck did send an e-mail one I do not use or check (except as a gateway to my Online Blogsite (
and it can only be gleaned from there if you're going to it to read it there.. He's never received an e-mail from that account. Other than when Chuck asked me to remove him from my daily e-mail blog (because I was supporting a candidate running against his wife for a seat on the school board), Chuck had daily access to my everyday e-mail address for years- which I have used in every correspondence with the L-E since 1993 - and my phone numbers are in the L-E data-base as well. Chuck is not a very thorough reporter.. petty is another story.

HuffPOOPOO headline: "Where is Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg? Twitter goes nuts over her absence during Trump speech" -- Hmmm.. a more pertinent question is "Where is Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on upholding our Constitution when she sits in on Supreme Court cases/decisions?"

Heard from a fellow BCer last night that .. Oh.. a rumor has it that the Democrat Party says it knows why there was a "flub" at the Oscar presentation.. Putin hacked into the envelope and changed the vote.

Sounds exciting! The new WC Bradley plans on the Chattahoochee, that is.. Oh, I also drove over the J. R. Allen Parkway bridge to Phenix City Monday,  and looking north on the Alabama side is a huge building complex going on.. who knows about it?

L-E headline: "Questions about city’s finances spark talk about 1999 SPLOST" -- I can only surmise this is an internal GA Department of Revenue issue.. My bride and I had a business on Broadway from 2009-2012 (we retired to be grandparents.. full time). I remember the monthly sales tax forms as having the tax data correct. If income is still coming in on the 1999 SPLOST, then it's either being siphoned off from the intended tax categories.. or is income from another source. Either way, it needs to be corrected. I just hope that it's a mistake on the first option I stated, and Columbus just needs to make sue the proper LOSTs, SPLOST and T-SPLOST get proper credit. Let's pray that the income wass not ours to begin with, and the state wants it back.

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