Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Today marks the 100th year since my late father was born. We miss you Dad!

You know, when was the last.. well, it's more like, when has mainscream media said ANYTHING positive about President Trump.. Mainscream media would sound a lot more credible if it occasionally mentioned something positive about what he's accomplished in such a short time..

Online story: "The U.S. Congressional Budget Office said on Monday in a report that fourteen million Americans would lose medical insurance by next year, " -- Hmmm.. You know, this is purely "speculative", but,,, it's also probably less than would have abandoned OObamaCRAP.. Regardless, the government is getting out of the "individual oppression business",

Fom the "ooooops, you shouldn't ask a question you don't already know the answer to" department - HuffPOOPOO story: "CNN host Fareed Zakaria asked Dmitry Peskov in an interview that aired on Sunday if Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak had meetings with Clinton campaign officials. Peskov responded, "Well, if you look at some people connected with Hillary Clinton during her campaign, you would probably see that he had lots of meetings of that kind ... In no way it should be presented as interference in [the] electoral process." -- Hmm.. I guess it was "different".. yeah... right 

I also guess it was different in the 2012 election when Obama was caught on an open mic telling a Russian official he'd "be more flexible AFTER the election"...

Online headline/story: "Trump reportedly asks State Department for 50 percent cut to UN funding *
One expert told Foreign Policy that if funding is cut for humanitarian agencies, like the U.N.'s refugee and food programs, it could "leave a gaping hole that other big donors would struggle to fill. ... You are basically talking about the breakdown of the international humanitarian system as we know it." -- "one expert"? Does this "one expert" have a clue what and how money is actually spent? Besides, WHY is America "required" to be THE "hunmanitarian" country when it's a world-wide problem? I learned long ago that others are more interested, more active, and more appreciative when they "have skin in the game" and are watching over how THEIR money is being used.

Oh... and if you rely on "one expert", wouldn't mentioning his/her name be paramount to any credibility that it wasn't the writer's personal opinion?

Online headline: " Florida to require unanimous jury recommendation for death penalty" -- While one activist on a jury can "thwart" real justice, I can live with such.. but.. the FL legislature should have added that once a jury has unanimously decided that the death sentence IS justice, then it be carried out within 30 days of the sentence.

 From the "how to keep the mainscream media confused" department - Online headline: "Trump wants press corps to pick where to donate his salary, Spicer says" -- Hmmm.. learned long ago that if you give a group of liberal malcontents one option they have to agree on in unison, that nothing will get done, and they will occupy their own space for as long as it takes..

How can Comey even think about denying knowledge of surveillance of Trump when the FBI freely admits taping phone conversations of Trump appointees? Hey, McCain.. what about this do you not understand?

Why would any sane..logical person believe that when you are politically appointed to a government job that when the government changes hands, that the new chief-Appointer would want you to hang around?

Online headline: "ACLU Tells Trump Resistance: 'We'll Do Work in Courts, You Do Work in Streets'" -- Hmm.. I think that if I were Trump, I;d send the ACLU a bill for the repair of the 5th green at his California golf course for the damages "Trump Risistance" activists caused. If I were a City government and "Trump Resistance" caused damages, I'd send the bill to the ACLU, too.

L-E headline/story: "SUPREME COURT * If on bench, few clues on how Gorsuch would vote *
“His record on immigration is a mixed bag, so it’s hard to predict how he would rule on any challenge to the executive order,” said Melissa Crow, legal director for the American Immigration Council, which challenged Trump’s original ban." -- Good grief.. this is what's wrong with liberals and mainscream media.. No judge should (Ginsburg, Sotomayor, and Kagan, unfortunately, do) make a decision on an issue he/she has not heard all the arguments nor applied the Constitutional guidelines., but liberals are one-issue... and a selfish issue at that.. about everything..
L-E headline: "City looks into possible crime activity at Club Medallion in wake of shooting" -- Haven't we had enough shootings in/around "night clubs" to enact an ordinance hat requires  detector devices for any such club once one shooting incident has been reported?
L-E's "Quotable": "JOHN F. KENNEDY. * "LEADERSHIP AND LEARNING ARE INDISPENSABLE TO EACH OTHER. * John F. Kennedy. 35th U.S. President (1917-1963)" -- Wow.. what a change in the Democratic Party since then.. no leadership, and no students learning.  I have another JFK quote that gets "less" attention.. I'm guessing by design: "One person can make a difference. and everyone should try." -- It applies to Trump, to me, to you.
L-E headline: "MUSCOGEE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD * Proposal would ‘radically change’ custodial logjam" --
Personally, all the "custodial services" involved need to be identified in this story..let's show whether there is political pressure involved within.

On another subject, this "link" : http://www.someecards.com/life/school/wendy-bradshaw-teacher-resignation-letter/  concerns the Polk County FL School system where Dr Lewis was plucked..

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