Saturday, March 18, 2017

Let me get this straight.. the three branches of government swear to uphold the same  US Constitution, yet some low level federal court judge can undermine the legitimate order of the president when he's exercising a direct power endowed to him.. Liberalism has got to be culled from our nation!

From the "Chicken Little may have been right" department - Online headline/story: "NASA announces plan to turn the sun into a giant 'magnifying glass' * Scientists at NASA have revealed a new plan to turn the Sun into a giant magnifying glass, tapping into a phenomenon called gravitational lensing to locate new planets in ultra-high resolution. * Gravitational lensing happens when light is taken from a distant object -- the sun, in this case -- and manipulated to warp around and view a much larger object, like another galaxy." -- As Robin might exclaim, "Holy Batcrap! -- Call... write.. get ion a plane and talk with your Congressperson.. can you not see a "government "efficiency glitch" being served up on a platter? What happens when said sunlight does not "BEND", and gets focused/directed straight through to Earth.. does the image of a kid with a magnifying glass aimed at a line of ants not come to mind?

From the "let's take this comment and completely make it out of context" department - HuffPOOPOOPOOPOO "headlie and story": "Tim Allen on why 'you've gotta be careful' when talking about Donald Trump * Tim Allen appeared on "Jimmy Kimmel Live" on Thursday night and compared Trump's America to Nazi Germany." -- You gotta listen to this.. Tim Allen was saying that in Hollywood.. and being around entertainment celebrities in general, you have to be careful speaking up against what "they believe".. HuffPOOPOO has made it sound like the opposite.

Online headline: "Former acting CIA director doubts Trump-Russia collusion * former Acting CIA Director Michael Morell's comments, in particular, have gotten attention because he endorsed Trump's opponent, Hillary Clinton." -- Hmmm... even Hellary's smart supporters are abandoning her as their supply of Kool-Aid wears off.

I think I have Trump's "Bowling night" congregations figured out..he wants liberals and RINOs to get back to knowing what a set balls feel like.

It seems the "go to" phrase to deny surveillance of Trump during the election & post election periods is "we can SEE no evidence of government surveillance" .. Of course not...on two is any credible "evidence" was not in writing, and two, the Democratic Party/DNC are not " government" entities. Let's face it, "the Plumbers" in Nixon's Watergate break-ins were not operating as government agents.

L-E headline/story: "National champion high school program seeking donations * Quaker State will transport the Mustang to Florida, but the Jordan contingent of 10 students and two adults plans to leave April 5 in two SUVs. They are trying to raise $3,500 to cover their expenses. They already collected $1,300 from the donations they received while displaying the Mustang at the Valley Auction in Phenix City, Harris said." -- OK, Columbus.. in the vernacular of the Mustang community, "let's 'pony up'!" My family is going to give $1,000.00 towards this.. Make you checks out to "MCSD - Jordan HIgh School with a note in the Memo slot, for the Mustang Travel Team for Quaker Oil contest" Let's support of industrious.. and victorious young adults!

From a still-on-Kool-Aid LIV's L-E "soundoff": "A new word soon to be added to Webster’s: “Trumpian” — as in “He told a falsehood of trumpian" -- Good grief.. After liberals digesting nearly 25 years of Hellary-isms and 9 years of Obama-bytes, how can anything related to the truth be recognized coming from others?

I applaud Chief Boren for his research diligence in this matter and considering taxpayers in his decision.. but I do want to say I love my Glock .40 cal (Model 22) semi-automatic weapon.. it's recoil is straight back, and I do not lose sight of my target between shooting subsequent rounds. Oh, and it holds 15 (got'em before the 10 round reg went into effect) in a magazine plus 1 in the chamber

From the "correct me if I'm wrong" department - L-E headline: "WASHINGTON * Trump welcomes Merkel for high stakes visit" -- As Fred Sanford might say, "It's the big one! Elizabeth, I'm coming to see you!" I do believe this is the first positive.. well, at least the first non-negative headline the L-E has printed that has Trump's name in it.

---From the "how about a little clarity here" department - L-E story: "The Columbus Council has approved a $155,000 settlement in a disability lawsuit filed against the Columbus Convention and Trade Center by a former employee. * Unetia Perry, an events coordinator, filed the lawsuit against the Columbus Consolidated Government in U.S. District Court, alleging violations of the Americans with Disability Act by the Trade Center. * The settlement comes 11 days after the resignation of David Bevans as the center’s executive director." -- Wait a minute not only do we not know anything about the circumstances of the suit, there's been a L-E "inflection" that the recently resigned ED might be involved.. Inquiring minds WANT TO KNOW!
From the "let's take this comment and completely make it out of context" department - HuffPOOPOOPOOPOO "headlie and story": "Tim Allen on why 'you've gotta be careful' when talking about Donald Trump * Tim Allen appeared on "Jimmy Kimmel Live" on Thursday night and compared Trump's America to Nazi Germany." -- You gotta listen to this.. Tim Allen was saying that in Hollywood.. and being around entertainment celebrities in general, you have to be careful speaking up against what "they believe".. HuffPOOPOO has made it sound like the opposite.
From the "Chicken Little may have been right" department - Online headline/story: "NASA announces plan to turn the sun into a giant 'magnifying glass' * Scientists at NASA have revealed a new plan to turn the Sun into a giant magnifying glass, tapping into a phenomenon called gravitational lensing to locate new planets in ultra-high resolution. * Gravitational lensing happens when light is taken from a distant object -- the sun, in this case -- and manipulated to warp around and view a much larger object, like another galaxy." -- As Robin might exclaim, "Holy Batcrap! -- Call... write.. get ion a plane and talk with your Congressperson.. can you not see a "government "efficiency glitch" being served up on a platter? What happens when said sunlight does not "BEND", and gets focused/directed straight through to Earth.. does the image of a kid with a magnifying glass aimed at a line of ants not come to mind?

From the "one of the worst attitudes ever for a college associate professor" department - L-E editorial comment: "YOU PROBABLY READ MY COLUMN CRITIQUING THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE, AND AGREED OR DISAGREED WITH ME. SOME OF MY STUDENTS ALSO DEFEND THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE, ESPECIALLY SINCE IT HELPED DONALD TRUMP WIN THE WHITE HOUSE." -- Good grief.. we support our Electoral College process because our Foundin Fathers knew a pure democracy would perish as soon as enough politicians realized they could buy votes by promising enough people they could get other people to pay for their food and housing. The Founding Fathers protected the whole US by making it hard for large states/cities to control the election process for the nation as a whole. The Founding Fathers knew that if a group of wolves ever outnumbered the rest of the animals, the wolves would get to decide on what was on their dinner menu. Tures is simply  not qualified (other than some questionable college degrees) to be teaching!

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