Monday, May 28, 2018

First, remember... and revere... Memorial Day..
A Soapbox Moment: You know, the NFL should schedule an "All-Star" football game in Washington, DC of NFL players who have "taken a knee" during the National Anthem in a regular season....on Memorial Day, with nothing but amputee veterans in the bleachers...
I'm curious... the NFL is not the only football league in America... some cities have Arena Football... haven't ever attended one personally, but I haven't heard of its players who really want to play football protesting the National Anthem. I guess they actually know fans-in-the-stands are paying for their much smaller paychecks.
What a man....President Trump not only spoke to the graduating class at the US Naval Academy, he stayed on stage and shook the hand of every new ensign beginning their service to America!
L-E headline: "NAACP * Columbus officers told to vacate NAACP posts" -- You know.. this may be the break Columbus has needed to get our communities together...the last time we had leadership apparently wanting to work out local racial issues... the local board ousted Nate Sanderson.
From the "for the first time ever" department - L-E headline: "Michelle Obama unveils cover for upcoming memoir" -- Hmmm.. call Guinness! We'll soon have a book that we can 'judge by it's cover'.
From the "liberals' false hope springs eternal" department - L-E headline/story: "Weather washes away soccer tournament * Georgia Soccer State Cup tournament relocation from Columbus to have an economic impact of nearly $2.4 million. * The Georgia Soccer State Cup, a youth tournament that was scheduled to be played Saturday through Monday, was filled with potential. Its 3,600 participants were expected to bring plenty of family members with them, filling the city’s hotels and restaurants. The event has taken place in Columbus more than a decade. * Georgia Soccer officials could not be immediately reached for comment. Sherman said the tourney is being relocated to the Atlanta metro area and to playing fields there that have artificial turf and are better suited for drainage after heavy rain. Aside from Kinnett Stadium, all of the Columbus soccer fields are natural grass, typically preferred by soccer players, but unable to drain as quickly as turf. * Georgia Soccer State Cup is renewed each year, which means there currently is no contract for 2019, although Sherman said she is extremely hopeful that it will return to Columbus next year. * “We’ve had a longstanding relationship with Georgia Soccer and have had successful events here for many, many years,” she said. “This is the first year in history that the weather has been uncooperative and it’s unfortunate for all of the businesses that rely on the dollars from this weekend.” -- " she is extremely hopeful that it will return to Columbus next year"? Yeah, right. like Atlanta will back away now that it has the opportunity to showcase itself.. Do you remember when the Olympics took over Golden Park and sent the baseball team over to Columbus State.. That killed in possibility of baseball recovering here in Columbus.. and what the the Fair.. the Fair vacated South Commons so the Civic Center could be built, then Council reneged on the promises made, and the Chattahoochee Fair DIED! No, Columbus will not get the soccer tournament back.. drainage has always been a problem at the Woodruff Road Complex because drainage was not properly addressed from the git-go.
L-E guest commentary headline and content: "To work for this president, believe the truly unbelievable * BY JAY BOOKMAN * Cox Newspapers * TO KEEP YOUR JOB, TO KEEP YOUR STANDING IN THE MOVEMENT, YOU HAVE TO SET YOUR SELF-RESPECT ASIDE." -- Good grief.. being hired by a liberal mainscream media is more demanding of one having to set aside his/her self-respect... because he.she knows that he/she is not worthy of a job at a respected media organization..
From the "if it doesn't fit, you must acquit" defense department - There was a story in the L-E about a man accused of rape who was acquit after the victim described his genitals.. the man was allowed to expose himself to show his genitals did not match the victim's description.. and jurors :bought it".. even though the DNA evidence matched the criminal... it's sad that "jury fails" are prevalent all across our country...
L-E headline: "North Korea said it destroyed nuclear site, hours before Trump canceled meeting" --
Trump and World -1
Kim Jong Oooops -0
Looks like our murder total is up to 16... but 17 if you count the suicide following a spouse killing.. this is just as much a murder as killing his spouse was..
L-E commentary headline: "‘I was wrong’ – the 3 hardest words in the English language * BY LEONARD PITTS JR. * Miami Herald -- Of course, Pitts is not referring to himself, but another "big twit".. As I know what 'the Pitts" political rhetoric is, actually those three words, "I was wrong" should be his editorial commentary "signature".
There was an Editorial Cartoon in last weeks L-E by someone named "Joel Pett" - It has the caption, "What are the odds Colin Kaepernick would be playing in the NFL if he were white?". Hmmm... what are the odds "if he were white"? First. he probably would never have disrespected our veterans and National Flag/Anthem, but his odds of playing now would be even LESS... In fact, mainscream media would have excoriated him, not canonize him!
From the "well there's gonna be plenty of room in the grandstands for grandstanding" department - Online headline/story: "Jets' Christopher Johnson: 'If somebody takes a knee, that fine will be borne by me' * So here’s a question: If Johnson is as opposed to the new rule as it seems he is, why did he vote for it? The teams that voted – San Francisco’s Jed York abstained – unanimously voted yes. * “Do I prefer that they stand? Of course. But I understand if they felt the need to protest. There are some big, complicated issues that we’re all struggling with, and our players are on the front lines. I don’t want to come down on them like a ton of bricks, and I won’t. There will be no club fines or suspensions or any sort of repercussions. If the team gets fined, that’s just something I’ll have to bear.”" -- Talk about "grandstanding".. the New York Jets have had to reduce the prices of this Fall's Season Tickets ALREADY!
You know.. when the Super Bowl Champs are reducing the costs of Season Tickets, the whole league is suffering from the backlash of the protests...Isn't America GREAT!
L-E headline/story: "High hopes but tough road for black woman in governor’s race * Abrams is betting she can succeed by abandoning the political playbook of previous Democratic nominees, who ran centrist campaigns aimed at luring back older white voters who had come to favor Republicans. She is instead hoping to appeal to young voters and nonwhites who have been less likely to participate in elections." -- Her number one problem is not her gender nor race.. it's her lack of knowledge of budgeting.. and being a DIMocrat.. her personal finances are a known mess... Guess she's going to try to appeal to those most recently graduating from public education system where knowing 2 + 2 = 5.. or 6.. and is close enough to get a passing grade.

Also hope the GA Election Commission watches over her campaign donations to make sure there's no illegal conversion of donated funds...
With Dr Schley winning the District 8 seat from Frank Myers.. Columbus loses the main spotlight on issues facing the future of Columbus.. it's like replacing a 100 Watt bulb with a candle..well, maybe 85 birthday candles...
HuffPOOPOO headline/story: "Federal judge rules Trump can’t block people on Twitter * U.S. District Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald in New York concluded that blocking people on Twitter violated their First Amendment rights. -- Good grief.. Some low level Clinton appointed judge has ruled that President Trump cannot block incoherent people's Twitter exchanges. WHAT! CNN is ecstatic..I guess CNN feels that the judge has ruled educated people won't be able to change channels or cut their TVs off when Anderson Cooper speaks his drivel..hmmm .. but then again, then I guess UC Berkeley can no longer forbid Conservative speakers. You know.. the Freedom Of Speech Amendment goes both ways.. I can speak my mind, but no one is forced to listen to it...of course, genuinely smart people do....
From the "shades of 2016" department - Online story: " Gov. Cuomo, facing a tough primary challenge on the left from actress Cynthia Nixon, on Wednesday easily snared his party’s nomination for a third term at the state Democratic convention. * With Cuomo winning more than 95% of the vote, Nixon failed to get anywhere near the 25% she needed to guarantee her a spot on the primary ballot." -- Good grief.. after the delegate rigging scheme for Hellary vs Bernie in 2016, you'd "feel" Hellary would be out stumping for an open DIMocrat Primary in 2018.. Oh, and while Hellary did endorse a female DIMocrat candidate in the GA Primary, yet will not endorse a female.. and one with a leadership element in the LGBTQ community... in her home state? Hey, DIMocrats.. especially Hellary and Cuomo, where's your conviction about letting the people decide for themselves?
Let's see.. the local elections are pretty much over.. there are a couple of run offs left, but the two questions left unanswered by the candidates are still with us.. How much is the roundabout project on River Road going to cost Columbusites, and now that the cost of a 40'X60' "red iron" metal on slab wrestling/cheerleading practice facility had been published at $38,000.00 how does the MCSB justify the overall costs pegged at $750,000.00 each for 6, (plus there are two others that are bigger on the construction list)
Now we know why movie prices are so high for the ones we WANT to see...Theaters must make up for the lack of viewers in their theaters that are showing "action" classics about "Poop Francis" and "Ruth Bader Ginsburg" .. hmm... maybe the scheduler thought she was Darth Bader's mother..
And "they" wonder why drops in education and school safety are too issues...a valedictorian of an Indiana high school was muffled in his speaking spot because his school officials saw his subject which included mentions of Jesus. You know, it's pathetic that Vice-President Pence, a favorite son of Indiana can speak of his relationship with Jesus but an Indiana student cannot.
There are fewer situations in life more enlightening than liberals trying to "walk back" from trying to demonstrate their "inclusiveness". Starbucks opened it's doors to everyone .. for what ..2 or 3 days..and now is shutting "their people" out again.. seems Trump people decided to stay out the first time the Starbucks chairman expressed his bigotry.
Stayed at one of our Buckhead Marriott hotels last week, and discovered that other than the Downtown Marriott offerings, all the other Marriotts in Atlanta exclusively serve Pepsi products. Wait a minute, Atlanta is the International HEADQUARTERS of Coca Cola...and Pepsi is the Pace Salsa commercials point out about their main competition, is from NEW YORK CITY !!! Gonna find me a new hotel chain to support!
I'm tested the Marriott one other way...went to the bar and ordered a Bourbon and Coke to see if the barkeep would tell me they only serve Pepsi products... he didn't.. canceled my order and left..
To sum up staying at the AC Marriott, at 8:10 AM housekeeping KNOCKS..bye Marriott!
My grandson really enjoyed the GA Aquarium Dolphin Celebration..I think it's because they spoke the same language
This may have been my last visit to the GA Aquarium... It's riled by chaos and inept food services.. Why doesn't the GA Aquarium make some policy changes such as either limiting school field trips/youth groups to certain days, or simply prohibit them on 1 or 2 specified days, and the food services.. absolute chaos and gouging that just eliminates having a good family day... I'm serious.. why doesn't the GA Aquarium just franchise the food area out to Chick-fil-A... not only is an Atlanta icon like Coca Cola, it knows how to get people served and on their way.... with a smile.
On a local note.. Let's see...Zeph Baker stated in a L-E interview he would finally turn in his Campaign Financial Forms on May 21st...Today is the 7th day of another of his lies.
Yu know.. now is the time Baker's donors might be embarrassed about the public knowing they supported Baker this election cycle...
Some Clinton appointed judge has ruled that President Trump cannot block incoherent people's Twitter exchanges. WHAT! CNN is ecstatic..I guess CNN feels that the judge has ruled informed people won't be able to change channels or cut their TVs off when Anderson Cooper speaks his drivel..hmmm .. then again, I guess UC Berkeley can no longer forbid Conservative speakers.
Heard a liberal talking about what Trump hasn't done for Chicago to curb the street murders...It's funny, the same liberal didn't ask Chicago or Obama why they hadn't stopped them.
Online headline: "John McCain: I'm Partly to Blame for 'Mistake' of Iraq War" -- Hmmm.. well carry it one step further and apologize for being 100% to blame for the Senate not ending OObamaCRAP.
You know, I hear liberals and other DIMocrats saying the Republicans haven't offered and alternative plan.. take heart DIMs, you can STILL BUY OObamaCRAP, only now you won't get fined if you don't.
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about Nestle signing a pact with Starbucks to distribute coffee, and my plans to remove Nestle from my life..Well, this past weekend, I finished the last Butterfinger candy bar in my 'stash'.. It has been my favorite for go to for movies and momentary moments of indulgence...Well, no more..not even in my favorite Dairy Queen Blizzard.
Online story: "Barack and Michelle Obama are raking in the cash, thanks to the influence of a former campaign supporter. * The couple last week signed a creative production deal with Netflix that one entertainment-industry source said could be valued at more than $50 million. * Ted Sarandos, a major campaign contributor for Obama and the streaming giant’s creative-content chief who oversees an $8 billion budget, helped to broker the deal, the source told The (New York) Post." -- Hmmm... Well, this is my NETFLIX position since it hired the Obamas..I do not plan to watch their productions, so if Netflix raises what I pay to cover its losses for what the Obama's produce, I will drop Netflix.
Going to Atlanta proved my assessment of the new GA car phone laws will be more of a problem than the legislature feels it solves.. My car is set up to access my phone...when my wife drives it, she still has to answer her phone mechanically...I imagine every one of you will have the same issue driving your spouses car.
Oh, and some of you will also have children driving your cars set up for your cellphones, or an older one that doesn't even have the capability for hands free calling.
From the "when America is respected, and says, "Jump", dictators say how high" department - Online headline: "S.Korea says N.Korea's Kim reaffirms commitment to summit with Trump". -- Seems our mainscream media still doesn't understand how courage in a President works.. but then again, mainscream media is use to DIMocrats and RINOs.
Online story: "Russia and Facebook back in the headlines together again … * USA Today published a review that showed Russian operatives bought and promoted thousands of ads after the 2016 election. * Those ads on the social media platform targeted Hispanics and immigration policy. The review revealed the ads were part of an effort to quote, “inflame racial tensions over controversial immigration-related topics.” -- Hmmm sounds more like Russia was spiteful that Trump won... that sorta blows piss back into the face of Robert Mueller et al... maybe because Russia had a master plan to send troops in over our Southern Border as soon as Hellary completed dismantling our military..
Online headline/story: "Police arrest MS-13 gang member who killed man, burned his body * An (sic) MS-13 gang member accused of killing a Texas man and torching his body was arrested in South Carolina Tuesday. * a documented and confirmed MS-13 gang member,” fatally shot a man before putting his body in the trunk of a car, dousing the vehicle with gasoline, and setting it on fire, authorities said * Fr***** Pl*****-R******, 21, was arrested after being on the run from Walker County police and ICE for nearly four years, the Houston Chronicle reported." -- "on the run...for nearly four years"? Hmmm.. that puts the "animal" here during the Obama administration's "Reign of Error"
Hey.. Pelosi.. Schumer.. please stand your ground that MS-13ers ARE NOT ANIMALS.. November is coming!
The real crime about DACA is that a policy was put in place that knowingly KNEW that parents could... and would... be separated from their children..
Online headline: "Chelsea Clinton says Trump 'degrades what it means to be an American,' says Brits should protest his UK trip" -- Hmmm... well, I guess if she looked to her parents as to what patriotic Americans were, I guess she has no clue what a REAL PATRIOTIC American is..
There was a picture of Harvey Weinstein with Hellary and Huma together that got posted .. then quickly deleted from twitter.. It's said Michael Flynn's twitter account was "hacked" (but not if it was the posting or the deletion that was the "hack". My guess is that the lawyers for the women filing suits against Weinstein did the deleting,, I mean, what jury is gonna believe those women when they see Weinstein interested in Hellary.
L-E headline/story: "Next mayor, council face economic balancing act * The tax digest, the gauge of all taxable property in the city, is expected to grow only about 2 percent the next budget year. Sales tax revenue is not growing. * “There is no question that the sales tax has been flat,” said outgoing District 5 Councilor Mike Baker, an accountant who chairs the city’s budget review committee this year. * Before the recession of 2008 and 2009, annual sales tax revenue was up to $36 million a year, and city leaders made long-range plans based on that, hoping it would hold there. * So, for the past several years, sales tax revenue hasn’t hit that $36 million mark. It has flattened out at around $33.5 million." -- You know.. this story acts like we have only one 1-cent tax.. but we have four of them Consumers are spending much more on sales taxes which reduces their disposable income.. To boot, the T-SPLOST Tax takes 1-cent out, but only returns 85-cents per dollar we pay in that tax. Columbus doesn't have a revenue problem, it has an overtaxed and wasteful spending program problem.. New projects that will produce more maintenance expense are not a solution to getting more revenues nor keeping our existing facilities working for our future.
In the same story it was said that Columbus is leasing its Police Cars.. How does this save money when cars are turned in and new ones attained keeping the monthly payments ongoing for the life of a vehicle, versus a onetime payment and using for as many years as possible? Oh, and does the leaser do the maintenance or is that something we do also?
Oh... here we are on Monday following last weeks elections, and I still haven't seen the precinct vote counts for all the local races... has the L-E dropped all interest in being a local newspaper?
From the "shaking my head" department - How did this happen.. arbitrary mayoral candidate Zeph Baker got 7,656 votes yet "Keep The Freeze" Champion Tollie Strode got only 5,524 votes.. How does this happen.. me thinks a forensic audit should be done on certain South Columbus churches' donations, and donations made by charitable foundations of politicians..
It doesn't look like it matters now, but Representative Pezold's backing of Buzz Lightyear in the Secretary of State's race versus supporting Columbus' own Josh McKoon shows Pezold is/was out of step on this issue as he was on his support of eliminating he tax freeze. Too bad he'll still be representing District 133 for the next 7 months.
From the "what a terrible message to send to out students ... and potential businesses that want to come to Columbus" department - L-E headline/story: "Election results to bring changes to school board * The 2018 elections for five of the nine seats on the Muscogee County School Board concluded Tuesday night with the realization that all the anti-establishment candidates lost, indicating that the majority of voters are satisfied with the school district’s progress." -- "the majority of voters are satisfied with the school district's progress"? Isn't "progress" defined in a dictionary as "improving" and/or "moving forward"?
Wow.. Obama sent pallets of cash to Iran to get prisoners released, while Trump has has gotten American prisoners in North Korea and Venezuela released by sending the message that America is GREAT AGAIN.
Good grief.. Obama is claiming that there were NO scandals in his administration.. I guess that's in the eye of the beholder.. what logical Americans believe are scandals, Obama believes are accomplishments building his legacy...
I heard something that disturbed me yesterday..a Sunday School class member said he and his bride ..went to Paws Humane to drop off a 4 week old kitten that showed up at there abode, and Paws turned it away.. PAWS had TOO MANY cats. Doesn't sound so very "humane" to me.
Ate lunch after church at a restaurant on Broadway at 11th St Sunday..We parked about halfway down the block and walked...we almost turned around because of the street trash..there were actually garbage bags piled on the sidewalk.....that was bad enough, but the most disgusting sight was the hundreds... if not thousands.. of cigarette butts tossed on the sidewalks. Columbus is lucky that I'm a 6th generational Columbusite..if I'd been from out of town, I really doubt I'd come back.
From the it had to be California" department - Online headline/story: "No anthem? No problem -- Ballgame crowd sings it anyway * What happens when the national anthem isn't played before a ballgame? In Fresno, Calif., first the crowd boos, then it takes it upon themselves to sing it anyway -- a cappella. * In a show of patriotism before Memorial Day, the crowd at a high school softball championship game at Fresno State's Margie Wright Diamond on Friday night launched into their own rendition of "The Star-Spangled Banner" after it was announced that the song wouldn't be played because it had already been played before an earlier game." -- It's happening folks... despite California, America IS becoming GREAT AGAIN!
From the "in spite of how mainscream media reports it, America IS Becoming GREAT AGAIN"" department - Online "headLIE/story: "Many Americans are on the financial edge * On Tuesday, the Federal Reserve released its 2017 report on the economic well-being of U.S. households.* With the economy in its tenth year of expansion following the financial crisis-induced recession, things are getting better — on balance — as you’d expect. When the Fed did this survey in 2013, 13% of respondents said they were struggling to get by; last year, that number fell to 7%. * Additionally, two-thirds of adults with a high school education or less now say they’re doing at least okay financially, up from 53% back in 2013. Among those with a college degree, the percentage of those indicating they are doing at least okay hit 85% in 2017." -- Hmmm... I wonder who amongst DIMocrats will reference this when talking about getting Trump impeached...
You know... listening to how DIMocrats campaign, it's obvious that DIMocrats are more concerned with their own concerns than America's.
L-E headline: "Follow Me Trail plagued with another delay on bridge" -- Sounds like the "Follow Me Trail" is following the Whittlesey Road Widening, or the Moon Road/Veterans Parkway model rather than the Sports Authority model for completing on time...
HuffPOOPOO headline/story: "Publix suspends contributions to NRA-backed politician amid protests" -- Hmmm...the Publix manager should have announced, "Cleanup in Dairy and Produce Aisles.. Send in the floor sweeping vehicles.".

L-E Headline: "Publix to end 5-percent senior discounts in Columbus stores"...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Did not shop there "just for it", but it sure was a pleasant surprise to get that 5% off our bill...took the sting out our paying $4.79 for an 18 oz box of "LIFE" cereal we could buy at another store for $2.98.

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