Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Our First Lady underwent surgery yesterday, and most mainscream media headlines mentioned it ... some were so bold as to pass along that it was successful... I won't say "none" as I could have missed one, but I didn't see any such that actually prayed for her or her husband or family. Just in case you hadn't already, please pray for Melania Trump, her husband and family
From the "where's PETA and the ACLU and the leftist Judicial conclave" department - Online headline/story: "Colorado rangers kill bear suspected of mauling child * "Based on the description of the bear and that it returned to the same general area, we believe it is the same animal," Porras said by telephone." -- Talk about "profiling" and "circumstantial evidence"!... In Columbus, GA, we can't get murderers convicted of killing people they weren't aiming at but die anyway.
What a month Trump, the USA and world have had...Kim Jong Ooops has seen the light , 3 Americans freed, meeting set in Singapore, 5 ISIS leaders captured, fabulous GDP predictions, Obama's unsigned deal with Iran vacated, and opening the US Embassy in Jerusalem. He could get a LIFETIME achievement award for the last 30 days or so.
A week from today is our primary/non-partisan election date..Early voting is going on, and while I've spoken out for the local Council/MCSB candidates, and Josh McKoon, we have other races on the ballots..I'm basically supporting Columbus candidates that are running in State offices. It's something all Columbus voters should consider.
I think the most disappointing aspect of the upcoming primary/non-partisan elections is (no, not Zeph Baker... though it's close) is that the GA District 2 seat of Sanford Bishop has no opposition in the DIMocratic Party primary. Surely.. DIMocrat voters cannot be happy... even partially pleased with the state of GA District 2...
You know, it's discovery of late information like what's coming to light now that makes the best argument against extended early voting periods. While I personally prefer to actually vote on Election Day in my assigned polling center, I can support an extra day or two prior to the date to circumvent a voter being unable to vote on the scheduled date, but weeks ahead is wrong...I wonder how many votes cast for Zeph Baker in early voting, may be regretted today.
"Thank you President Trump..for keeping your promises!" ..words out of Benjamin Netanyahu he has never uttered about a DIMocrat!
As an American, it surely is inspirational, comforting, to watch as promises made by a President are kept.
And DIMs and mainscream media just sit back dumbfounded at Trump's success...Netanyahu explained to to them, but neither group is listening...it's all about knowing our President keeps his promises.
Israel has learned that America is it's true ally when DIMocrats are not in power...I still do not understand how...why.. the Jewish community in America overwhelmingly supports the DIMocratic Party.
Want to hear from our existing Councilors, but I heard from a knowledgeable source that it will be 2018 before the much talked-about River Road roundabout could become a reality...now it's even more important than ever that Council be transparent about the projected costs will be..In 2012, it was going to be a $1.5 Million dollar projected paid for with GA DOT revenues...as of Feb of 2016, the GA DOT said it would be a $2.7 Million dollar project with the GA DOT still paying the original $1.5 Million, but the City would have to cough up the extra $1.2 Million..We must assume that the GA DOT will hold it's ground on the original $1.5 Million, and Columbus taxpayers will get stuck for the extra costs of Tom-LYING-son's vanity.
Is it just me or do notice that putting "DIMocrat" on campaign signs or in ads is avoided at all costs?
News alert.. Stephanie Clifford.. a.k.a. "Stormy Daniels", considered a brief US Senate campaign in 2009 in Louisiana.. she was the perfect DIMocrat candidate..she was a professional at laying down on the job, and her husband may have been the first man to create a #metoo4men twitter account.
Well... here it is.. the Together_2017 promised exercise station at Rotary Park.. a fellow BC sent me photos and a couple of questions about what now EXISTS.. He asked.. 1 - who's gonna maintain it, but more importantly, who's gonna u it when the seats are red hot from sitting out in the sun all day, and can you imagine how hot that concrete slab will be to bare feet (surely you don't expect bicyclers to exercise in their cleated riding shoes do you?)?

Why didn't "they" just ask any child who's slid down a park slide on a sunny day?

Good... no... GREAT News.. Fox is bringing back "Last Man Standing".. ABC dropped it because of Tim Allen's conservative stance on political issue and his non-politically correct posture clashed with ABC's gender neutral executive team. It won't return until the Fall Season, but you can get a taste of Tim Allen on TV... he's the voice in those pretty soothing pro-Michigan ads.
Hey MidTown Columbus.. check into the law about not taking down old chimneys.. this may be the "Achilles' Heel" of the proposed low-income housing project Mayor Tom-LYING-son has "gifted" to Columbus on her way out.
L-E "headLIE": "Supreme Court makes sports betting possible nationwide" -- WRONG! We have had nationwide sports betting for decades,, maybe centuries; what the Supreme Court did was possibly legalize it nationwide...
Have you seen the editorial cartoon that implies it's "Trump Family Values" making ICE split illegal aliens' from their families? What a crock... American criminals subject their families to the same family split every day in America.. perhaps protesters should devote themselves to stopping American criminals from committing crimes that separate them from their families.

Whoa! Mayor Tom-LYING-son's legacy is SOARING! Today's L-E "Foreclosure Section" has 12 pages!

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