Monday, May 14, 2018

From the " it's hitting the fan high speed" department - We really do need an investigative newspaper in Columbus.. unless, of course the L-E already knew this..... The plot thickens over the residency of Zeph Brown... sure, he's the owner of 1091 Bolton Avenue, but 1091 Bolton Avenue is listed as an assisted living (capacity of 4) center under the mantle of B & O Services of which Joann Thomas Brown.. a 2016 candidate for the MCSB is the CEO.

Here are the links to B & O Services :
And now I hear that the Board of Elections still has the power to disqualify candidates up until election date... will they is another story. While Zeph Baker's name cannot now be removed from the ballots, disqualification now will avoid post election expenses such as a "run-off" or lawsuits BY the City.
Zeph Baker's campaign slogan of "It's Time" may really be prophetic... It IS time, for Baker to be honest and transparent as he wants us to believe he is.. It IS fact, PAST TIME for Baker to spare Columbus of any more expense of the scandal it's become... It's WAY Past time for Baker to file his campaign reports and address his legal issues.
After Thursday's foul mouthed explosions from Patrick Reed at the TPC, I wasn't about to trust the PGA having done anything corrective. So whenever Reed came on camera this weekend, I just hit the mute button. Hey, Zeph... It IS time.. to do the right thing...
McCain IS demented...he just came out and said that naming Sarah Palin as his VP choice was a mistake...really.....I do not think I would have voted for McCain without Palin on his ticket.
From the "mainscream media never imagined" department - Online headline/story: "Trump Thanks North Korea for ‘Smart’ Move to Dismantle Test Site * A ceremony will be held between May 23 and May 25 for the dismantling of North Korea’s northern nuclear test ground, weather permitting, the state-run Korean Central News Agency said Saturday, quoting the Foreign Ministry." -- Just actual deal... signed at that ... that will reduce the threat of nuclear disaster immeasurably.. Hey, Iran.. you're NEXT!
Fox's Neal Cavuto nailed mainscream media Saturday...reporters being invited to attend North Korea "cleaning out" its nuclear testing facility was being discussed. A commentator said that was not enough..and that experts need to be invited, too. Cavuto then asked her, "Does that mean that you think "prompter readers" are not experts?"... Well reported Cavuto!
From the "Trump Effect" department - L-E headline/story: "2nd Democrat says he’ll vote to make Haspel head of CIA * Sen. Joe Donnelly, D-Ind., announced Saturday his support for Gina Haspel’s nomination to be CIA director, providing a crucial second Democratic vote that should provide enough margin for confirmation to overcome questions about her role in last decade’s controversial interrogation program. * Donnelly joins Sen. Joe Manchin III, D-W.Va., as the only other Democrat to announce support for Gina Haspel."  -- Hmmm... could it be that some DIMocrats have stopped drinking UpChuck Schumer's Kool-Aid... or is it simply that they are running for re-election against good Republican candidates in states that decidedly supported Trump-Pence in 2018?
A Budget Review Committee meeting is held at 9 a.m. Tuesday in Columbus Council Chambers at the City Services Center. It is aired live on CCG-TV. * Council Budget Review Session Agenda Public Works, Pat Biegler Probate Court, Judge Marc D'Antonio Trade Center, Hayley Henderson Elections, Nancy Boren Parks & Recreation, Holli Browder Metra, Rosa Evans Fire/EMS, Chief Jeff Meyer Muscogee County Prison, Warden Dwight Hamrick District Attorney, Julia Slater Police, Chief Ricky Boren Finance, Angelica Alexander Human Resources, Reather Hollowell Information Technology, Forrest Toelle Clerk of Superior Court, Shasta Glover Superior Court Judges, Ed Berry Transportation Projects, Deputy City Manager Pam Hodge" -- Let's hope... no PRAY HEARTILY, the Budget Review Committee parses Tom-LYING-son's projected revenue stream to make sure her budget proposal is "good" rather than an albatross around the neck of next year's Council and new Mayor
From an attack letter to the Editor of the L-E.. David R. Schwimmer (the CSU professor.. not the "Friends" star) - Good grief... Schwimmer is an oft printed leftist supporter who finds no bias in the drivel of Leonard "the" Pitts words, but detests the logic of Walter Williams, a brilliant conservative black professor.. Schwimmer is a not worthy of having his word spread about... but he does reflect the L-E leftist bias.. go figure... OK.. times up.. you've figured out why the L-E prints him. Sadly... this guy is preaching his biases to our college aged children.
Speaking of Leonard "the" Pitts, here's the headline of his latest drivel printed in the L-E Sunday - L-E Commentary headline: "Why we need the new Poor People’s Campaign * BY LEONARD PITTS JR. * Miami Herald" -- Though not in his words, Pitts is really promoting the efforts of the only president since Reagan that has had the interest of America's "Poor People" in his heart.. Yes, Trump IS the champion of all Americans.. more jobs, less welfare, and less government interference ARE the needs for Poor People to escape the "enslavement mentality" of the Socialist/DIMocratic Party.
HuffPOOPOO headline: "Michael Avenatti posts photos of Cohen with Qatari investor accused of bribery" -- This news? Good grief... lawyers make their living representing many, many dubious people accused of crimes... in fact, I bet I can find 1000s of photos of Michael Avenatti out and about with a whore.
From the "tell it like it is" department - Online headline: "'I don't get involved with pimps': Rudy Giuliani escalates battle with Stormy Daniels' lawyer" -- And Giuliani is "spot on"...When some one represents someone using her porno film name, he's basically her "agent", and that.. my friends, describes a pimp.
AT&T just lost any possibility of my ever using their services again...AT&T's blanket dismissal of the services of Michael Cohen as an attorney AT&T CHOSE from a pool of qualified attorneys just makes AT&T sound indecisive and petty.
Online story: "The National Rifle Association on Friday sued New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and the state's financial regulator for engaging in what it said was a "blacklisting campaign" aimed at swaying banks and insurers to stop doing business with the gun advocacy group, according to a complaint. * The NRA's lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of New York, follows a $7 million fine on May 2 imposed by NYDFS against insurance broker Lockton Cos LLC, which administered an NRA-branded insurance program known as "Carry Guard." * On May 7, NYDFS fined insurer Chubb Ltd and its Illinois Union Insurance Company unit $1.3 million for having "unlawfully provided liability insurance to gun owners for acts of intentional wrongdoing," the regulator said." -- Good grief.. one DIMocrat wanted to "fine" for not carrying (health) insurance, now another DIMocrat "fined" an insurance company FOR insuring us.
From the "lists, lists, everywhere a list" department - Online headline: "Most Dangerous States in America"-- Well, Georgia made it well up the list of "most dangerous".. WE know personally about the dangerous environment in Columbus simply from the "jury fail" reports I post of juries not convicting felons on their "worst" charges so that the prison system will let them out "way early" . What's more disturbing is that half of Columbus is represented by the same Congressman.. DIMocrat Sanford Bishop... as Albany,GA and it is rated THE worst metro area in GEORGIA, Of course, with the number of murders here in Columbus this year on a RECORD pace, Columbus could take over Albany's "title" for 2018.
21. Georgia
> Violent crimes per 100,000: 398
> Total 2016 murders: 681 (5th most)
> Imprisonment rate: 666 adults per 100,000 (9th highest)
> Poverty rate: 16.0% (10th highest)
> Most dangerous metro area: Albany
And the lists keep coming... Now there's one on the highest state/federal taxes on gas-per-gallon.. Georgia comes in number 20 on this list... this may explain why Georgia is also so high on the "dangerous crimes" list , too.
20. Georgia
> State gas tax: 31.0 cents / gal.

Maxine Waters.. D - CA, is without a doubt a fool... Now she's melting down and saying she "resents MAGA". Hey, Maxine...don't be fooled (as compared to "don't BE the fool).. no one was blaming you for REPRESENTING America's Greatness to begin with
Online headline: "Town & Country apologizes to Monica Lewinsky for party disinvite after Bill Clinton accepted" -- Hmmm... seems to me that if Town & Country "disinvited" Monica AND Bill, everyone else attending would be "more comfortable".  Hmmm... in the world of #METOO!, don't you find it strange that not only is Bill Clinton's "past" a taboo subject, but his "sexual addiction" diagnosis is also?
A fellow BCer sent me this, and I'm sharing with the rest of you:
"Why No Transgender in the Military?
Trey Gowdy just said a few things about the military in response to a stupid question from a CNN reporter about the ban of transgender. He nails it. * “Nobody has a "right" to serve in the Military. Nobody. What makes people think the Military is an equal opportunity employer? Very far from it.
The Military uses prejudice regularly and consistently to deny citizens from joining for being too old or too young, too fat or too skinny, too tall or too short. Citizens are denied for having flat feet, or for missing or additional fingers. Poor eyesight will disqualify you, as well as bad teeth. Malnourished? Drug addiction? Bad back? Criminal history? Low IQ? Anxiety? Phobias? Hearing damage? Six arms? Hear voices in your head? Self-identify as a Unicorn? Need a special access ramp for your wheelchair? Can't run the required course in the required time? Can't do the required number of push-ups? Not really a "morning person" and refuse to get out of bed before noon? All can be reasons for denial.
The Military has one job. WAR!
Anything else is a distraction and a liability. Did someone just scream "That isn't Fair?" War is VERY unfair, there are no exceptions made for being special or challenged or socially wonderful. YOU change yourself to meet Military standards. Not the other way around.
I say again: You don't change the must change yourself. The Military doesn't need to accommodate anyone with special issues. The Military needs to Win Wars.

If any of your personal issues are a liability that detract from readiness or lethality... Thank you for applying and good luck in future endeavors.” --

---In a word of my own.... AMEN!
Did I hear right..that the FEC is considering allowing candidates to pay for childcare out of political campaign donations..If that's so, then let's make all donations be considered "earned income " and taxed accordingly. And since it involves children's welfare, maybe all donors should be vetted for moral background deficiencies before they can give a donation, and all corporations/PACs be eliminated from donating. In fact.. all donors should be eligible TO VOTE for a candidate they donate funds to.
Took Mark Cantrell up on his advice.. called General Steel about the costs of a 40x60x20 foot, 3:12 roof pitch, steel building using "red iron".. Jon F. at General Steel answered all my questions.. a complete package of all the steel components including framed cut-outs for 2 standard walk-in doors and an 8' opening can be delivered to the site for $38,429.00 and that includes 3-sets of construction plans. and the building meeting all Georgia standards for wind and snow. Seems like there would be $711,571.00 to pour a slab, assemble the building and equip it with HVAC, electric service, plumbing and wrestling pads.. OK, Mark Cantrell, and other School Board members/candidates... how much for the subs to do these, and what are you going to do with the $500,000.000 or so that WON"T be needed to do so?
With the new tax law being worked on taking away US Passports for Americans owing IRS $50,000.00 or more, GA gubernatorial hopeful Stacey Abrams could become the first state governor who promotes illegals allowed into America, but can't legally leave America.
From the "didn't I suggest this earlier?" department - Online headline: "JOHN KERRY SPOTTED WITH IRANIAN DIPLOMATS After Iran Threatens To Release Names Of Officials Who Took Bribes To Pass Sham Nuke Deal"
President Trump is right on the target wanting the Big Pharma companies to advertise the prices of the medicines they are advertising...many of them are "tweaks" of their older products that have or are about to become generic, but the prices are not mentioned because Big Pharma knows that if you ask your doctor about them he/she will prescribe them and you will only know what your c0-pay costs.. A recent example is Eucrisa.. a topical ointment for a type of dermatitis.. the ad shows a child smiling as a parent rubs some on a spot.. but it doesn't tell you that it's a guaranteed CURE, nor does it tell you that a 60 gram tube (a shade over 2 ounces) of a 2% mixture (i.e. 98% of product is an inert carrier) costs between $619.05 to $666.31 in the Columbus, GA area if you do not have this kind of insurance coverage...
Well, Mitt Romney is blasting Trump's choice of pastors to give the blessing at the opening of the American Embassy in Jerusalem.. Romney is consistent... now... as he also blasts President Trump... Could it be that Romney is just kicking himself for listening to the establishment Republicans who told him he should get more passive in his campaign against McCain in the 2008 primary, and Obama in the 2012 General Elections he lost, because Romney saw Trump win by doing what he needed to do to win? Maybe we should rem=name Romney... how about Nitt as in nitpicking?
Online headline: "Pakistan bars US diplomat from leaving amid tense relations" -- Hmmm...isn't this... basically.. "kidnapping" possibly a declaration of war?
Online story: "President Trump had plenty of kind words for his own mom on Mother’s Day, but he conspicuously failed to mention any of the mothers of his children. *In a 90-second video on Twitter, Trump spoke fondly of Mary MacLeod Trump. * “She was just incredible,” he said. “Warm, loving, really smart, could be tough if she had to be, but basically she was a really nice person. So much of what I’ve done and so much of what I’ve become is because of my mother.”" -- and what did mainscream media use as a headline, "President Trump forgets about Melania on Mother's Day" Good grief.. President Trump did what nearly every man, woman, and child in America did.. took 90 seconds of reflection of his/her Mother on this special observance day. And like most, if not all men, praised his wife in private. And guess what, Trump will praise his father on Father's Day.. not reflect on his own fatherhood.
You know.. it's this continuous nanny-nanny... no... Pelosi-Pelosi-Pooh-Pooh from the left that will sweep more Republican Trump supporters into office in 2018, and give Trump a major landslide win in 2020!

From the "once again Mayor Tom-LYING-son disappoints MidTown" department - L-E headline/story: "Steep bank on Wynnton Road eroding a month after water main break * An area resident noticed the bank with no vegetation slowly disappearing and posed that question to city officials. The concern surfaced since the water main failed on April 13 and sent water down the street for more than seven hours before a Columbus Water Works crew shut it off. The pipe was repaired the next day. * Farhad AliFarhani, assistant director of engineering/traffic engineering manager, said the right-of-way belongs to the city and he has seen the steep bank with erosion on the top. He hopes the Water Works will return to the area and restore it." -- The discovery of the low-income housing plans at Wynnton and Hilton are not even addressed and now this.. First, the Mayor is an ad hoc member of the Water Board.. secondly, how can it take more than 7 hours for the CWW to shut the main off, and third, how much water passed through that burst main that the CWW will want to add on to our water bills to make up for it's slothfulness in shutting it down?

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