Friday, May 4, 2018

Online headline: "Congressional chaplain can stay in job, says Paul Ryan" -- Good grief..Paul Ryan should just go back home today and open up a chain of restaurants ..serving pablum! .... And I'll give him the ideal name for them.. "The Waffle HOUSE".
I'm really po' Samsung phone won't let me access my AOL e-mail account unless I agree to give Samsung access to all my e-mail information. This isn't just's creepy and should be against the law.
From the "looking in the mirror without seeing yourself" department - Online story: " U.S. Senator John McCain rebukes President Donald Trump in a new memoir, accusing his fellow Republican of failing to uphold U.S. values by showering praise on international "tyrants," discrediting the media, ignoring human rights and demeaning refugees. * "Flattery secures his friendship, criticism his enmity," wrote McCain in "The Restless Wave," which he co-authored with longtime aide Mark Salter. * "It is hard to know what to expect from President Trump, what's a pose, what's legitimate," -- ""what's a pose, what's legitimate"? Seems like this should be McCain's autobiography and his epitaph..
Online story: "Presidents of two different teachers’ unions in New Jersey, including one who derided some high school students as "dirtbags" and "pieces of s---," have been suspended after undercover videos showed them saying they would not report teachers who beat students.: -- Hmmm... guess they got their training at Camelot Education for aggressive students....
Online story: "Just days before President Trump is expected to make a key decision on the future of the Iran nuclear deal he has repeatedly threatened to scrap, Iran's foreign minister has publicly vowed that the country will not take any part in renegotiating the terms of the 2015 agreement." -- Hmmm.. guess Iran hasn't got the word... Trump's America is defending the lines Obama drew in the ground..
Online story: "The records weren’t easy to obtain, and the payments – from Columbia County’s sales tax and general obligation bond accounts - looked suspicious, according to the campaign of a commission chairperson candidate. * Numerous payments to county employees. A check for “house rent.” A couple of checks totaling nearly $8,000 to Augusta Care Pregnancy Center. * “During our review we found questions regarding SPLOST and GO Bond funds being used for a number of things prohibited by law which include employee salaries, maintenance contracts and more,” the Mark Herbert campaign said Tuesday." -- and Columbus has 2 LOSTs, a SPLOST, and a T-SPLOST... with the concerns of Augusta's in play, I'd say a forensic audit of the 4 self-imposed taxes in Muscogee County is warranted...
You know, the one measure of success of a state's or City's success of it's governor or mayor is the financial stability (a.k.a. "Fund Balance") when they leave office compared to when they took office...GA's Governor Deal looks like a champ; Columbus' Mayor Tom-LYING-son... not so much...
Online headline/story: "DeKalb judge at center of 2015 ‘religious liberty’ fight comes out as bisexual * A former GOP state lawmaker who was appointed to the DeKalb bench after he helped spike a “religious liberty” measure has come out as bisexual. * DeKalb State Court Judge Mike Jacobs made his sexual orientation public at a Stonewall Bar Association of Georgia meeting last month with his wife Evan * “Evan and I have made this decision for the benefit of the DeKalb County citizens I serve, for our kids, and for others like me,” Jacobs said on Twitter" -- Good grief... you know what this means, don't you... that now Judge Jacobs is a two-timing "cheater"...One question though: How does admitting publicly that you are a cheater benefit your marriage and children?
Online story: "On Tuesday, Tom Price made his first major public speech since he was fired by President Donald Trump. What he said won’t make many Republicans happy. * The former Georgia congressman and health secretary told a conference of health care professionals in Washington that the GOP’s decision to effectively repeal Obamacare’s individual mandate without a replacement plan ready will likely raise costs on consumers." -- "likely raise costs on consumers"? whatta "waffly" statement... "likely" basically means an undocumented possibility.. what I see is now that taxpayers are not forced to buy an inferior product, new , better and more valued products will become available for the same or lower amounts.
I love Jimmy Dean sausage but it creeps me out hearing an ad for them with Jimmy Dean telling how good it is...Jimmy Dean's been dead since 2010.
You know..if you're running for a seat on the MCSB because you want to make a difference..because you want to make improvements, and yet believe everything is going well, you have no clue as to what's been going on, or what it will take to change it. There are 3 such candidates.. Schley, Edmondson, and Steed.. they may as well have a "L" tattooed across their foreheads... "Lewis-er" 
The way I look at it, any MCSB incumbent who feels the current leadership deserves an "A",.. or will not even make a simple grade evaluation, does not deserve to be returned to the MCSB.
Got excited about an upcoming new movie...Book Club. The ad had me with Keaton, Bergin and Steenbergen, but then it threw in Fonda... and we are out . We will not go to see it.
What is it about the L-E that has kept it from vindicating Jehmu Greene's sexual assault charges against State Rep Calvin Smyre... a man of Smyre's stature should not have such charges hanging over his head without closure...
From the "when a bill goes "too far" and still won't stop abuses" department - L-E headline: "Law aims to keep drivers’ hands on steering wheel" - "HANDS on steering wheel"? You know.. this law basically forbids amputee drivers and puts the brakes on "driverless technology" development. Wouldn't it be simpler... and more effective, if technology were developed that allowed cellphones to be controlled by the subscriber as to whether any person on their contract could have service while a vehicle is in motion...
L-E headline/story: "Woman had minor injuries after police shooting, GBI says * The woman who was driving a black Ford Fiesta when murder suspect Damion “Dae-Dae” Collier was shot by Columbus police officers Wednesday didn’t sustain a gunshot at 35th Street and River Road, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation said Thursday." -- Hmmm... well the L-E needs to at least apologize for "inferring" the woman was also shot, and the L-E should compliment the CPD for its training that prevent nearby people from sustaining gun injuries while in near proximity of an armed aggressor.
L-E story: "Record exports trimmed the U.S. trade deficit in March for the first time in seven months. * The Commerce Department says the trade gap slid to $49 billion, down from $57.7 billion in February and lowest since September. * Exports rose in March to a record $208.5 billion, led by shipments of civilian aircraft and soybeans. Imports slipped 1.8 percent to $257.5 billion. * President Donald Trump has vowed to bring down America’s massive deficits, which he blames on bad trade agreements and abusive practices by U.S. trading partners." -- Hmmm.. as usual, one VITAL element has been omitted.. probably intentionally... Nothing is said on the effect of US pricing being more aggressive because of the reduced corporate income taxes now in effect from the Trump tax bill.
Dicks' just hired 3 lobbyists to work towards gun control... Dick's might as well change its name to "Prick's"
Current outgoing US Senator Bob Corker of Republican from TN should be ostracized by the Republican Party.. he's basically endorsing a Democrat in a race for his replacement...
Online headline: "Hillary Clinton says being a capitalist likely hurt her among socialist Dems" -- Wait a minute.. Maybe Hellary has gotten hubby Slick Willie to "define capitalism" because nothing she's EVER been involved in created merchandise, new revenues, or jobs, and that is the goal.. and definition.. of a Capitalist.


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