Thursday, February 28, 2019

From the "Bias? What bias?" department - Online headline/story: "No deal: Trump, Kim summit collapses * Trump, in a news conference after the abrupt end to the talks, said the breakdown occurred over North Korea's insistence that all punishing sanctions the U.S. had imposed on North Korea be lifted without Pyongyang committing to eliminate its entire nuclear arsenal. * "Sometimes you have to walk," Trump explained, adding that an agreement was "ready to sign." -- Th real headline was "No BAD deal: America wins" Thank goodness we have President Trump! Had Hellary been president, she'd given Kim Jong Oooops the rest of our uranium, and an apology for America's existence.
From the "now we know!" department - An age old mystery has been revealed.. All my adult life I have been bewildered at how the Democrat politicians keep getting re-elected.. I generally thought that it was because so many people felt that Democrats were interested in them getting something for nothing.. but I was wrong.. Democrats.. voters and politicians just feel they would rather hear what they want to hear rather than deal with the truth. Michael Cohen is the DEMentiacrats' Holy Grail of proof to this revelation.. Even though Cohen was already convicted of lying to Congress.. and over nothing involving Trump, the Democrats still wanted to believe what Cohen tells them in his attempt to curry a better sentencing deal.
One DEMentiacrat said to the Committee interrogating Michael Cohen that the Republicans didn't object to Cohen lying about Trump, but do object to him telling the truth about Trump. Excuse me, but wasn't "lying to Congress" what Cohen was convicted of?
Another from the "now we know" department - Online headline/story: "House passes gun background check bill after GOP undocumented amendment: * "People who are felons or are dangerously mentally ill shouldn't have guns," regardless of whether they buy them from a federally licensed dealer or their next-door neighbor, said Rep. Mike Thompson, D-Calif., a key sponsor who has pushed for expanded background checks since the 2012 killing of 20 elementary school students in Newtown, Connecticut." -- It's so appropriate that this story was delivered by a California Democrat because we already know Dems live in Fantasyland. Their bill will not stop a single felon or mentally ill person from acquiring a gun, but what is good in the "GOP undocumented amendment". It's a step that requires gun dealers to report any illegal aliens who try to buy a gun.. of course this will be ineffective in California since illegals aren't detained after initial arrests in California.
From the "one answer fits all" department - Online headline: "The best and worst times to visit the Disney parks" -- Anytime!
Found an interesting tidbit about Disney... "all cast members (on Disney cruises) are REQUIRED to speak English"......Looks like Disney is pretty exclusionary.. especially for Cuban refugees in Florida, and Central American illegal aliens in California.
Yesterday, I wrote about the proposed MCSD plan for Special Needs student. These were the 3 options:
•(1) Interrelated Special Education Supports, which provides targeted student and teacher support in a co-taught general education setting.
•(2) Specialized Hybrid Transitional Class, designed to integrate students back into a co-taught classroom.
•(3) Therapeutic Day School, a separate facility for students who aren’t succeeding in the other options.
I was thinking about "2 of the 3" should be eliminated before any further discussions are engaged... I let that to be presented as Option "2 AND 3". What I was thinking was "1 and 2" be eliminated, and concentrate on 3, because it's the fairest for the students involved.. especially the younger ones. Other children can.. no.. WILL  be vicious in labeling special needs students  which will be crippling to their development; even teachers will come to expect such and miss actual improvements in the children's ways... As long as public schools are required to provide specialized options, isn't preparing them to be able to "graduate"/assimilate into society at an efficient level the best goal?
Have you noticed...noticed TV and magazine pet ads..especially for dog food...Manufacturers seem to be more concerned about what you should feed your dog than your kids.
From the "bet she asks Bill Clinton for his definition" department - Online headline/story: "Democratic freshman lawmaker Tlaib raises specter of racism during Cohen testimony * Tlaib, D- Mich., was addressing the chamber when she turned her remarks to a Trump employee who'd been invited to the hearing by Meadows, R-N.C. * “Just because someone has a person of color, a black person working for them, does not mean they aren’t racist and it is insensitive that some would even say, the fact that someone would actually use a prop, a black woman in this chamber, in this committee, is alone racist in itself.” -- First.. and only question ( her stereotyped agenda is RATHER OBVIOUS) : What does she mean by being "a person of color"? We all have color!
Yesterday I also questioned the recent softball tournament hosted by Central High School at Columbus patrons/taxpayer funded facility.. mainly because the City does not charge enough for outside entities to rent it at rates that don't cover their true costs.. I was questioned about this and brought up that "normal rates" at the AquaCenter do not pay for its upkeep, and mentioned how CVCC was allowed to use OUR Golden Park at a rate far less than what we taxpayers are taxed to maintain it at a "game ready condition". While there is some justification for a pricing system that allows all Columbus citizens to participate (because we all pay taxes), allowing non-Columbus users the same losing rate is not fair to the community. It really shouldn't be any different from the policy of the MCSD.. if students from other counties/states are allowed to attend MCSD schools, they are charged an addition fee to do so.
Online "headLIE"/story: "Bill would boost Georgia transit spending by up to $60 million * A bill introduced in the General Assembly on Wednesday would provide tens of millions of dollars a year for mass transit * The money would come from a 50-cent fee on all taxi, limousine and ride-hailing trips and a 25-cent fee for shared rides. That would generate an estimated $30 million to $60 million annually for transit." -- Another "headLIE".. this is not about spending.. it's about adding not-so-hidden taxes. It's a typical government response..notice a private business being successful and innovative, then find a new tax to kill it!
Back in the 50s and 60s, I remember seeing billboards that simple read "Impeach Earl Warren".. I asked my Dad about the and he mumbled fumingly that Earl Warren was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court...I believe it's time for some "Impeach John Roberts" billboards.
From the "lightning strikes again.. and again" department - Online headline/story: "CNN accused of stacking audience vs. Bernie Sanders in town hall event * CNN admitted fault on Wednesday after being accused of failing to disclose Democratic Party ties of several attendees who were able to ask 2020 presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders questions during the network’s town hall on Monday. * Tara Ebersole, who asked about Sanders’ plan for universal health care, was introduced by CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer as a “former biology professor,” but her reported LinkedIn page claims her current job is chair of the Baltimore County Democratic Party." -- You know.. back in the 90's, CNN's Baghdad office was outed for its omission of the many atrocities they knowingly knew about in Saddam Hussein's palace... because.. because CNN executives knew they would be omitted from Hussein's invitation list to parties at the Palace. Now, 30 years later, nothings really changed.. but now CNN just wants to be be on the the Washington and Hollywood guest lists.
I understand there is an Elizabeth Warren "fund-raising" coin available to buy.. how appropriate for a her. The only questions I have is did the design team put headdresses on each side, or different mouths on each side?
Consumer Reports prides itself (and way too much" on being THE ADVOCATE on all consumer issues.. Here's one they missed. I was under the weather Tuesday, so my bride picked up a copy of the latest "Consumer Reports". We've been talking about a new bed and mattress, and this issues cover concerned such..I had just applied a lotion to my hands to combat dryness, and when I closed the magazine, my left hand was BLUE.. the ink on the cover bled onto my lotion coated hands.. I guess Consumer Reports should do better research on the ink it uses.
Just got word about one of the Veterans Parkway eyesores I posted.. Councilor House was industrious enough to ask Norfolk Southern about them, and NS replied that "The crew that picks up cross ties is 30 miles north of Columbus and working its way south.  They should get here in a month or a little longer." I suggested Councilor House get some sort of "working date" from NS.. as those railroad crossties and spikes have been stacked like than for over 2 years, and it's obvious that NS hasn't had much interest in cleaning up after itself.. so why expect NS to change? I would think one refuge train could pick those up in one run in one day.
M/C L-E headline: "Cohen says Trump directed him to lie; GOP fires back" -- Good grief.. I expect a logical. at least semi-sane person to understand that when a man has already been convicted of lying to Congress, why would you even expect him to tell the truth in front of another Congressional Committee while he preparing to be incarcerated, but I'm even more disappointed in the L-E than Congress.. the L-E should not have a political agenda..
M/C L-E headline/story: "Downtown YMCA plans to open an extra day * Scott Balkcum, executive branch director of the downtown “Y” at 24 14th St., said Wednesday the 52,000-square-foot facility has tentatively scheduled to open from 1 to 5 p.m. each Sunday starting April 28" -- What a disappointment! We no longer have to wonder whether or not the Y.M.C.A has forgotten what the acronym stands for... Young Men's Christian Association.. The "Y" gave up it's gender exclusiveness years ago, but now appears to be giving up it's Christian heritage. Even though the proposed hours are "after church service times", they are smack in the middle of what few distracted... and precious hours families have to spend with each other.
M/C L-E "headLIE": "Jackson family: Accusers’ film neglects facts" -- Whoa! I do believe the only "neglect" of facts are the reality that the Jackson family doesn't want to deal with "facts"..
M/C L-E headline: "United Way raises more than $7 million" -- Well.. this is not so simple.. the United Way can state it raised pledges in excess of $7 Million, but doesn't want to talk about how much less is actually collected, or the costs of collecting, or the reality of how much actually get disbursed to social programs..

M/C headline/story: "Wall prototypes come down amid clouds of dust * The government on Wednesday tore down eight prototypes of President Donald Trump’s prized border wall that instantly became powerful symbols of his presidency when they were built nine months after he took office. * An owl flew out of a steel tube on top of one model." -- Whatta Godsend! Now liberals will jump to make Trump build the wall faster since the wall has become a nesting ground for owls! Either that or they will sue Trump...again..

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