Thursday, June 13, 2019

As bad as liberals are for government, personal confidence, and personal achievement, they are even worse as sports critics. Now MSM-13 is browbeating the US Women's National Soccer Team for celebrating goals they made in blowing out Thailand 13-0. What are the women suppose to do, apologize like Obama did to the world for being good? Perhaps the liberals would be more tolerable if score wasn't kept.
From the "what's the motive? department - Online headline/story: "Immigrant-rights groups ask Supreme Court to delay decision on 2020 census * Immigrant-rights groups asked the Supreme Court on Wednesday to postpone ruling on their legal challenge to the addition of a citizenship question to the 2020 census until allegations that the query was intended to bolster Republican political advantages can be heard by a lower court." -- Good grief! Legal immigrants on track for citizenship should be DEMANDING the Supreme Court protect their future by acting as soon as possible.. Seeking a delay will only cause a 10 year wait before legislation to re-add the citizenship question can come into effect. The liberals motive is to delay so illegal aliens counted in California will continue to give California unwarranted seats in Congress.
New York State is about to allow illegal aliens to attain driver's licenses It will become the 12 liberal/Democrat state to do so.. it allows illegals to rent trucks with which to run down people on crowded streets as we have experienced all too often. The real fear is how illegals with legal licenses can upgrade them to unmarked licenses in other state that don't allow issuance, but states cooperate on random service issues.
Missed it the first time it ran, but now that clip of Elizabeth Warren showing us she's a "regular beer babe" is running again.. Now, look closely how she's holding the bottle.. but the neck so that her thumb and index finger create the "OK" sign.. of course, the let is claiming that such a sign made by a white person is actually a secret "White Power" symbol...
Bernie......he talks loudly about FREE this and FREE that but quickly tails off when he mentions that the more FREE stuff you feel you deserve means you'll pay more in UNFREE taxes. Oh, and if you think healthcare is expensive now, just wait until you see how much FREE healthcare costs you..not only in quality, but in additional income taxes.
You know. If the Democrats actually felt that Trump was doing a bad job as President, they would be running against his record by talking about ideas they have for solutions, not trying to buy votes with "freebies" that add to our nation's debt.
From the "this is just WRONG!" department - M/C L-E headline/story: "Man named ‘teacher of year’ after arrest in Columbus DUI crash. A girl lost her foot. * High school teacher Jonathan Dimitres Carr drank a whole bottle of rum before his Dodge Ram pickup crashed into a yard on Columbus’ Englewood Drive, maiming a 14-year-old girl and ramming her house. * Initially charged with multiple offenses, Carr faced up to 15 years in prison Wednesday when he pleaded guilty to serious injury by vehicle while driving drunk. But Superior Court Judge Ben Land had to weigh the circumstances carefully when sentencing the 27-year-old. The girl and her family didn’t want Carr to ruin his career by having to serve years behind bars. * Assistant District Attorney Veronica Hansis recommended Land sentence Carr to 15 years with five to serve in prison and the rest on probation. * The judge took about 30 minutes to ponder the options before sentencing Carr to serve 180 days in a detention center and 15 years on probation. He fined Carr $5,000, ordered him to pay restitution and perform 300 hours of community service." -- Yes.. JUST WRONG! This could have been a "teaching moment" about accountability, but now it's just someone getting away from being held responsible, and losing the opportunity to show remorse, and .. and show how being accountable for one's actions and dedicating oneself to making amends can be a good influence on others... instead, he's back in front of youths having .. basically... "gotten away with something".
From the "Bias? What bias?" department - Online headline/story: "NFL legend Herschel Walker slams California bill aiming to give health care benefits to some illegal immigrants * Walker, a former Pro Bowler who played 12 seasons in the NFL, tweeted his disapproval with the plan. * “Not to point fingers at California, but why would you give free healthcare to illegal immigrants when your streets are littered with homeless legal residents, trash, and tents. " -- Walker did not say "giving to some illegals:.. he said, "why would you give free healthcare to illegal immigrants".. That's quite difference in a world where semantics are are key to information.
From the "FRAUD! Outright FRAUD!" department - Online headline/story: "New York's Medicaid system paid $60,000 for sex offenders to get erectile dysfunction drugs * even though state and federal laws prohibit Medicaid payments for ED treatments like Viagra. * "There are clear rules about what conditions Medicaid will cover when it comes to erectile dysfunction drugs," State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli said in a statement. "And paying for sex offenders who’ve committed terrible crimes to get these drugs should never be lost in the bureaucratic administration of this program.”" -- "clear rules"? Obviously not CLEAR ENOUGH! I cannot think of one legitimate reason any prisoner of any crime be give medicines for ED while incarcerated.. if anything, an anti-function drug should be on the prisoners mandatory medication list.
Biden bin Lying has been caught again taking credit for plagiarism.. Make America America Again.. isn't that basically what Trump meant when he advocated to Make America Great Again?
Online story: "An anti-government waste group has identified millions of taxpayer dollars allegedly frittered away on “absurd nature-related earmarks,” including $9 million to “quarantine fruit flies” and $13.8 million to “manage wild horses.” -- I'm glad this has been exposed and clarified.. when I first heard about these programs, I just thought it was something PeLOUSY had set aside for Democrat candidates.
The next opponent for America's Women's World Cup Soccer team is Chile.. Chile is ranked below Thailand which the American Women beat 13-0. Now what are the expectations for our our women.. not to play their best.. shave points.. keep the score 'under the spread'.. It's not for America to play ... or lay... down.. it's about other countries upping their game.. this reeks of what the IOC did in women's softball.. the IOC eliminated the competition because America was too good.. isn't being the best the goal other countries want to have as their goals as well?
I listened to Jon Stewart's impassioned speech concerning the 9-11 First Responders funds and felt his concerns..then yesterday learned that there were a lot of details Stewart omitted to point out that makes me angry that Stewart turned that moment to glorify himself.
You know...I find it interesting that Biden bin Lying blasts Trump for exercising his power...and in some cases, his absolute power, while being silent as PeLOUSY brags about her absolute power.
From the ""truth redefined" department - Online headline/story: "Biden promises he'll 'cure cancer' if elected president * Joe Biden told an audience in Ottumwa, Iowa Tuesday that his White House would "cure" cancer should he beat President Trump in 2020. * Biden promises he'll 'cure cancer' if elected president." -- Good grief.. this is the perfect promise for Biden bin Lying to make.. no one will expect him to keep it but it sounds good to the left.
What's happened to Creepy Joe's Botox? When he was Bleep Veep, his forehead was wrinkle-less.. maybe even bulletproof protection.. from all the Botox treatments filling out the wrinkles. Now, he's got a full complement of wrinkles. So' where has the Botox gone? My guess is that it's worked itself into his brain and clogged up those brain wrinkles.
M/C L-E headline/story: "Ex-coach is spared prison in admissions scandal * Vandemoer pleaded guilty to racketeering conspiracy in March and admitted to taking $610,000 from William “Rick” Singer, a Newport Beach college consultant and the confessed architect of the widespread scam that allegedly included coaches and administrators at several top-tier universities and parents from some of the country’s wealthiest enclaves. * In exchange for the money, which Vandemoer gave to Stanford’s sailing program instead of himself," -- You know, where is the IRS on this.. how many taxes were avoided by turning the money over to the school sailing program for obviously was not untainted exchange of money for specific services..

M/C L-E headline: "GM investing $150 million at Flint plant for pickup trucks" -- Trump! 2020 Vision!

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