Friday, June 21, 2019

I can understand how professional sports allow individual "variables" as to the brand of shoes they wear ... personal contracts and all... but how is it allowed in amateur collegiate .. even high school level team sports? I'm talking about institutional teams allowing players to choose their own brand in footwear... including color choices... that basically separate the team uniformity.

Online headline: "Experts warn 'flesh-eating' bacteria may be spreading to seafood, beaches due to climate change" -- Good grief.. when will we see some ad campaign based on dieting/weight loss, and calling the flesh-eating bacteria the "in" weight control program.

From the "what is it with Biden relationships with Arkansas women?" department - Online story: "A 28-year-old Arkansas woman has filed a paternity suit against Hunter Biden, 49, alleging he fathered a child born in August 2018." -- Good grief! Another Biden who's been Lying.. only lying with another woman other than his brother's widow. and it looks like he's abandoning still another grandchild of Creepy Joe..

From the "so much for the unborn not being babies" department - Online headline: "Cleveland Clinic performs its first-ever in utero surgery to repair spina bifida before baby’s birth" -- Looks like every pro-abortion argument just took a back seat to the civil rights of babies' rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness our forefathers fought for in establishing our great country!

Online headline/story: "U.S. Supreme Court upholds retroactive part of sex offender law * The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday upheld the federal government's authority under a 2006 law to require thousands of sex offenders to register with authorities in the states where they live, as the justices ruled against a child (aged 11) rapist convicted in Maryland. * In its 5-3 decision, the court rejected convicted sex offender Herman Gundy's argument that in passing the law, Congress handed too much power to the U.S. attorney general in violation of a principal of constitutional law called the nondelegation doctrine." -- And this was upheld by a 5-3 decision? Two questions: 1 - why wasn't this UNANIMOUS!, and 2- Can you imagine this ruling if Obama's or Hellary's choice was sitting instead of Kavanaugh?

Proving my point - Online headline/story: "Democrat Aide Pleads Guilty in Kavanaugh Smear Job * Jackson Cosko, 27, plead guilty to two counts of making public restricted personal information and one count each of computer fraud, witness tampering, and obstruction of justice, The Washington Post reported. * What they won’t tell you is that Cosko was an intern for Democratic Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee at the time. * Cosko admitted in court documents that he was very angry after being fired by Democratic Senator Maggie Hassan. He “engaged in an extraordinarily extensive data theft scheme” by burglarizing the office several times after his firing so that he could use the information at a later date of his choosing." -- Think.. think how close it was that Kavanaugh's seat could have been the choice of Obama or Hellary...

From the "hay, Alabama.. you can do better... a LOT better... than this" department - Online headline: "Roy Moore announces new Senate campaign" -- Good much a slug as the current Democrat Senator Doug Jones, D, is .. I think I'd vote for "None of the Above" if I was in Alabama in November of 2020. C'mon, Alabama Republicans.. you shouldn't have to dig too deep to uncover a much better candidate to run.

The College World Series presents a sad  commentary about how put of touch most sports announcers are about technical aspects of the game. Nothing is more revealing than to hear one describing how important it is for the catcher to "frame"  pitches to get favorable calls from an umpire. Good grief.. umpires call balls and strikes by location as the ball crosses the plate..not where a catcher catches a ball.

The PeLOUSY Democrats are so disingenuous  .. since they have the majority in the House, they can write "free this/free that" bills aimed at vote buying that will never see the light of day in the Senate or White House rather than bills that actually help America.

In about 10 days, the $5.6 Million tax dollars being spent on the softball complex here in Columbus will be on display. One much revenue will the City receive in rentals, ticket sales taxes and concessions? Surely Council has crunched the numbers and all know them.

From the "Democrats? Nah.. "Decepticons" is more accurate" department - Online headline/story: "Democrats hide costs, approve Maine welfare for non-citizens bill allowing DHHS to take from other programs * On paper, the bill to provide welfare for non-citizens in Maine doesn’t cost anything, at least according to a decision by the Maine House of Representatives to strip the bill of its $14+ million fiscal note. That doesn’t mean the spending won’t happen, but now the spending will not face the scrutiny and restrictions that items that are placed in the state budget face. * The bill, sponsored by Rep. Drew Gattine, restores state-funded welfare benefits to non-citizens, including those who have not yet filed for asylum, in Maine’s food stamps (SNAP), Medicaid and TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) programs. * Instead of actually identifying the money and putting it in the budget, the House directed Maine’s Department of Health and Human Services to use existing resources to provide the welfare benefits. * That move allows administrators at DHHS to move funds that were appropriated to other programs into funding for welfare for non-citizens." -- You know.. what Dems do in Maine have but a ripple effect on what such a bill on the books will cause in a larger state.. especially a state that is up for grabs in the 2020 Presidential or Senate races... but the Maine bill is what we would get if Dems get control of the Senate and White House too.

From the Department of Irony: Online headline: "USA Powerlifting bans all trans women from competing as women" -- Have said that in order for women to have equal rights, real women must stand up for themselves.. ironically, real women had to "grow a set" to do so..

Online headline: "Audit: Pentagon Cannot Account for $6.5 Trillion Dollars in Taxpayer Money * Adding to the appearance of impropriety is the fact that thousands of documents that should be on file have been removed and disappeared without any reasonable explanation." -- Now.. the timeline.. since the process wasn't ready until Sept 2017, we're looking at fraud for the 8 years of Obama, Biden bin Lying, and Hellary were in charge.

Online headline: "MSNBC contributor apologizes after mistaking Joaquin Castro for his twin brother on air" -- Hmmm.. now the big question... was this simply a "rush to judgment" MSNBC encourages or does Rothman just feel all Hispanics look alike?

From the "there's certainly  no "sanctuary" for law-abiding Washington State citizens" department - Online story: "Washington authorities are hunting a convicted rapist who they believe attacked a wheelchair-bound woman just three days after getting out of jail -- where he'd been locked up for previously raping the same woman. * Francisco Carranza-Ramirez, 35, was released from jail last Thursday after serving less than a year for the rape of a White Center woman on two occasions. * After nine months in jail (including time served as the case proceeded), Carranza-Ramirez was ordered by a judge to return to Mexico as part of a plea agreement. When contacted by Fox News, the prosecution did not confirm Carranza-Ramirez's citizenship status, but did note his criminal history did not specifically indicate he was in the U.S. illegally." -- "did note his criminal history did not specifically indicate he was in the U.S. illegally."? Yeah.. like a liberal state's judge would deport an American citizen?

Online headline: "Biden calls Iran tensions ‘self-inflicted disaster’ after US drone shoot-down" -- Hmmm..."self-inflicted disaster".. well, who would know better than half the team that provide $1.8 BILLION in cash and a time schedule for Iran to build a nuclear arsenal?"

From the "Royal Hypocrisy" department - M/C L-E headline/story: "Duke, Duchess of Sussex to start new foundation * Kensington Palace says the Duke and Duchess of Sussex will be starting their own foundation to support their charitable endeavors, formally spinning off from the entity Prince Harry and Prince William established together a decade ago."
Good grief.. how hypocritical.. even ironic, that recipients of the biggest welfare program in the world are separating the excesses into a basically tax fund foundation that the Royals can distribute as if it was ever theirs to begin with...

The MCSD reran the proposed 2020 budget today... Check out the "Debt Service" of nearly $19,000,000.00 annually.. and growing.. We have got to get all elections of local officials back on the November ballot, as well as any referendums that involve taxes.

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