Monday, June 3, 2019

June 14th is close upon us..not only is it Flag Day ..when we celebrate not only the 242nd birthday of our nation's flag, we will also celebrate President Trump's birthday. How appropriate. President Trump not only is 'bringing America back', we also feel he's GOT America's back'!
Have you noticed how when President Trump talks to large diverse groups, he tells them all the same things so all are unified, while Dems appear at smaller gatherings of special interest groups and speak to their specific interests. Trump wants to make America GREAT while Democrats want to make everybody GRATE.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez  really exposed the core of the real Democratic Party..she's decided to become 'gatekeeper' for the Socialist-Democrat vetting of presidential nominee candidates. In fact, she told one candidate who questioned the reality of "Medicare For All" to homophobically "sashay away".. 
Have you noticed the difference in leadership styles of Trump vs Socialist-Democrats? Trump faces the forces of evil and takes charge of leading us into victory while Democrats throw out breadcrumbs in the direction of evil and tell their voter base to get as much as you can before the enemy consumes you first.
Good grief..Sen. Gillibrand attended Beijing University in wonder her concerns of human rights for unborn babies is non-existent.
Hmmm...the Islamic mayor of London is actually ENCOURAGING street protests/disturbances during President Trump's visit...guess he wants an American president who bows rather than takes a bow!
Hmm.. wonder if our ex-mayor Tom-LYING-son will show up for a photo-op she can use it when she runs against Sen Perdue in 2020.
No wall?..not for Democrats in Washington. Congressional office buildings do not have open access...especially for illegal aliens.
Heard some interesting facts about Windsor Castle yesterday..Seems it was built nearly 1,000 years ago, and it's still worthy as public housing for the Royals...Hmmm.. seeing the lifespan of government built buildings/housing in Columbus, our Council or MCSD would have torn it down and rebuilt another one at least 20 times during that time frame.
You know, the City Budget has dipped $1.8 Million out of the rainy day/savings account to balance this coming year's spending budget but couldn't fund filling out our shortage of police officers. Now look at the "River Road roundabout..Seems like this should be the priority..but it's not. No...we're paying $5.8 million, this is not a trick number..even though the projected cost is "only" $4.6 million, do not forget the roundabout project began in 2012 and the State was going to pick up ALL of the $1.2 million, so in reality, Columbus is paying a 'net' of $5.8....assuming there are no cost overruns...yeah, right.
From the "what country does this @-hole believe he's in.. Venezuela?" -department - Online story: "GOP presidential hopeful Bill Weld (former Massachusetts governor) said he doesn’t think President Trump will give up the White House voluntarily if he loses the 2020 election. " -- Good grief! This guy is no "Republican", just another liberal who could win in Massachusetts with a "R" beside his name.. Hey.. Romney was also a governor of Massachusetts with a "R" beside his name. ...
PSST.. Hey Weld.. don't worry about Trump leaving the White House voluntarily in 2021... he won't have to after getting reelected by people who believe America . not Venezuela, is the greatest country in the WORLD!
Online headline: "Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand: My national public service plan would give all Americans a path to the middle class" -- Good grief... Senators/Presidential wannabes Gillibrand and Warren have 2 common connectors.. neither could pass a DNA test for Indian heritage, and neither could test out as "middle class"... at least not in their minds...
Hey, MSM-13, what's happened to Venezuela ...a few months ago, Venezuela was the Socialist-Democratic Party "shrine"... now it's reached a pariah state, and you have nothing to say...
Online headline": "Justin Haskins: AOC and Bernie Sanders want to turn post offices into banks – Uh, no thanks, comrades" -- Good grief! Imagine government running the banking industry as well as it does the US Post Office....In 4 years , America would become known as Venezuela North.
From the "futility in motion" department - Online headline/story: "Inside the California GOP plan to retake House seats after a midterm shellacking * In 2016, then-California Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law AB1921 (ballot harvesting), which legalized the practice. Previously, only a family member or someone living in the same household was permitted to drop off ballots for a voter, but the new allowed anyone – including political operatives – to collect and return them for a voter." -- Talk about a good place for Stacey Abrams to start looking for voter fraud! Yet "ballot harvesting" is but only 1 of the 2 reasons Republicans cannot gain a balanced position in California.. THe worst one is the "single ballot" primary system.. and ballot harvesting just insures that Republicans will find it harder and harder to make it on the General Election ballots in November..
Taxes..Democrats don't seem to know what page they are on concerning taxes. They say they want to raise taxes to even higher levels than Obama' after Trump reduced them and sent the economy soaring, yet they are concerned and against tariffs because they feel they will raise taxes. Go figure!
The Dems just do not have a clue! Democrats feel beating Trump...the guy America has learned is making their lives what Americans want to hear.. well, if Dems want America to listen, the Dems need to tell America that while Trump has done well, they have a plan to Make America Better.. This is not what I'm hearing from ANY Democrat.
Harvard University has accumulated a huge endowment (over $37 BILLION) over its 383 years of history, but you have to wonder if those who gave early on would be happy with how liberal the school has become.
14 of the Democrat presidential wannabes were gather in San Francisco last week.. The one challenge all should have been presented with is, "You are in San Francisco, prove to us that we should elect you by telling us how you would clean up San Francisco's streets before you leave...
Seems one of the liberals in attendance at the California Democrat Festival in San Francisco illegally crossed the border of the stage and stole Sen Kamala Harris' microphone... I just wondered why the Dems accosted him and led him out.. isn't San Francisco a "sanctuary city".... or does one have to be an "illegal alien" to qualify for the exclusion to our laws?
Passed along from a fellow BCer - from the "Truth Personified" department:

Former DNC chairperson.. and co-Hellary conspirator to keep Bernie from winning their nomination in 2016... Donna Brazile said on Fox that that the Senate hasn't voted on any of PeLOUSY'S bills. Well, there's a reason...and it's called "REASON"...and Mitch McConnell has plenty of "REASON" not to entertain her bills..none of them promote the promises President Trump made to America to Make America Great Again!
Here it comes... again...Bernie and some Bernie supporters are already moanin' and groanin' about the deja vu of 2016 as the Democratic Party establishment is trying to undermine his 2020 effort... Hey Bernie..You are the epitome of what the DNC wants and's just up to you to prove you're "the one".
Last week I noticed that there were reports mentioning only 22 Dems still in of the 24 that that signed up. Saturday of Fox, the list showed 23...did I miss something? Now, I do want to ask is where's VA Sen Tim Kaine in this would feel he would be in the thick of things at this stage.
Wow...turmoil rules in the Democrat Party.. the spinmeisters are out trying soft peddle the rants about impeachment saying PeLOUSY wants to keep the promises she made prior to the 2016 election..hmmm..she wants to keep promises? Since when has she MADE, much less KEPT, a promise that would benefit America.
You know.. most of the Democratic Part voter base are good people.. but are so use to meaningless campaign promises not being kept, they just don't realize how bad their lives will become if Democrats do win... and start KEEPING their promises.
Geraldo is back jumping all over the place on issues.. we just don't know where he'll show up. I believe it's time to give him a new political makeover..imagine him wearing a red ski hat and being called "Where's Geraldo?"
Think about this...for the last three years, MSM-13 has relentlessly attacked Donald Trump on every aspect of his life/presidency, and avoided mention the grand things he has accomplished in his plans to Make America Great Again...and in spite of their cabal with the Democrats, President Trump's approval rating reach an all time high of 48%. I look back to my times as the parent of 3 teenaged daughters, and at times, having a 48% approval would have been a Godsend. Those days have disappeared as they've matured, and as voters mature, Trump will become even more respected and win re-elected 2020.
I had a lot of trouble listening to the parents of an Oklahoma U football player who overdosed on opioid painkillers. He was quick to.note it was his first time as a lawyer testifying in a case against Johnson & Johnson. I think it was the $-signs in his eyes that bothered me most because, as a lawyer, he would know exactly what ..and say what would be best way to get the most sympathetic response from a jury..FTR..I feel his pain at his loss.
Obama is 'stepping in it's big time with commentary of how today's standards could have..or should have been applied on 1776 .. one thing particularly offensive was his insistence that requiring citizens to be property owners in order to vote.. it would be a good change to go back to that condition...owning property should be mandatory when voting so that your vote effects yourself and family. Also, requiring property ownership would be motivation for working hard to participate in Making America Great!
Hmmm... once again I have to ask Council when other forensic audits of City Departments will be finished/reported? You would think that the success of the first one would motivate Council to get all done as quick as possible...
I'm writing this item early Saturday morning a while watching the rerun of Fox's Friday edition of "The Five". It's near the end during the "Fanmail" segment, and a 'fan' asked "What's your LEAST favorite thing to do at work?". My fear about Fox's demise has arrived! Not one of 'The Five'.. not even Watters or Gutfield responded, "Listening to Democrat Spinmeisters who's only purpose is to divert discussion from solutions to the Marxist Agenda of the Democratic Party.
On another aspect of early Saturday morning Fox relates me. Remember the pre-cable, pre-24/7 days of TV? When stations signed on in the early AM and signed off at midnight? Well, Fox has gone retro..following the rerun of Friday afternoon's "The Five", Fox goes 'live' at 6:00 AM, starts its day signing on with the playing of our National Anthem.
Mexico is in deeper trouble than it realizes..President Obedor believes that making Mexico Great Again is diverting its economic and drug issues by encouraging its people to illegally infiltrate our country.
From the "ex-mayor Tom-LYING-son's legacy lives on" department - M/C L-E headline/story: "Columbus manufacturer files notice to lay off nearly 100 employees * Gildan Yarns, LLC, a division of the Montreal-based corporation Gildan, will close its plant at 3313 Fourth Ave. on July 28. Workers were notified about the closure Wednesday afternoon, said Garry Bell, Gildan’s Vice President of Corporate Marketing and Communications. * The Fourth Avenue site produced yarn for athletic socks sold under the Gildan family of brands. The demand for those socks has decreased, resulting in the plant’s closure, according to company officials." -- Another "strike 3" for the lack of economic prowess of Tom-LYING-son.
Friday.. a disgruntled Virginia Beach, VA government employee went berserk in the local government building and KILLED 12 people, and wounded 4 others (3 critically). MSM-13 is obviously having a hard time pinning the killer as a Trump fan as the "antifa", Jesse Jackson, BLM nor any of the Democrat presidential wannabes has shown up...
It was strange reading a Columbus interest article about places kids could get a meal this summer...their homes were not mentioned.
What an @-hole! Democrat NYC Mayor.. and current Democratic candidate or presidential consideration... Bill de Bl@sio just came up with"an excuse" as to why he "missed" last year's 9-11 Memorial program IN NYC.. his staff FORGOT to remind him,, Good grief.. I cannot see the date without thinking.. feeling about what happened.. I cannot .. will not.. forget... ever...
Oh, I wonder if there's video of the 9-11 services attended by Tlaib, Omar .. even Ocasio-Cortez attending one.. I have to wonder whether or not they showed up with Pom-Poms to cheer on the Islamist ideology.
I heard what I sincerely hope.. pray even.. that is FAKE NEWS... It's being reported that 3 former Obama officials are advising Iran to "not take the bait" from Trump in dealing with the Nuclear Deal sanctions. It says at least one of those officials is reportedly in direct contact with the Democratic Party officials to keep them informed.. and involved of what's happening in Iran... An immediate search should be made to find out who is paying the salaries of these former Obama officials.
Online headline: "Nadler: There ‘certainly’ is justification to impeach Trump" -- Good grief! The fact that Trump breathes is "justification" to HANG Trump as far as Nadler is concerned.
I am getting a ton of e-mails from the Democrats and DNC ever since I sent them a "donation" of $0.00 dollars.. I tell you what, as an independent, I'm amazed at the positions the Dems are embracing... but if I were a lifelong Democrat and took the time to read them as I do as a conservative independent, I do believe I'd drop my association with the Democrat Party altogether.
Fox has driven more nails into the Democratic Party Coffin.. Fox Saturday AM put two Democratic Party analysts/strategists on at the same time to discuss the "qualifying rules" for their presidential wannabes to be included in the planned 3rd Democratic Party debate scheduled for was obvious that there is.. and will continue to be.. serious infighting inside the DNC.
How can Sen. Elizabeth Warren still claim she never used her fake Indian DNA claims to her seeking an advantage over other job applicants for a teaching position at Harvard.. To me. it's obvious Harvard wouldn't have chosen her over other applicants if others being considered had real claims to Indian heritage.
M/C L-E headline: "Gunman dead after killing 11 in Virginia" -- Well it's now 12 dead.. (plus the sorry SOB shooter).. but...a disgruntled Virginia Beach, VA government employee went berserk in the local government building and KILLED 12 people, and wounded 4 others (3 critically). MSM-13 is obviously having a hard time pinning the killer as a Trump fan as the "antifa", Jesse Jackson, BLM nor any of the Democrat presidential wannabes has shown up...
Alabama is on the right track.. voters will get to vote on whether the State School Board stays "elected", or the Governor be given the power to "select" a commission that will work with him/her for what's best for the children's futures. It's been my contention since 1992 that an elected school board is the worst way to handle local needs and issues.. that's when GA voted for eliminating Grand Jury appointed school boards throughout the state. We've really paid a hard price locally.... the elected board does not step up and represent the needs of students nor taxpayers or their best interests.
It won't be only GA letting big donors consume beer/wine at their football stadium.. On Friday, the SEC voted to allow schools to sell beer and wine to any fan they wanted to. While it won't be sold by vendors roaming the seating sections, it will allow more "snuck in" hard stuff to be consumed without drawing special attention to the fact... And in GA, we'll have to wonder if the Legislature will amend the current drive-thru options to but cold beer at liquor stores to include the same option for stadium concession stands...
M/C L-E headline: "Va. Beach gunman sent email of plans to resign" -- You know.. MSM-13 has not.. and believe me I know they'd find it if there was any kind of connection.... connected the killer supporting President Trump, I haven't seen one article mentioning the probability/possibility that he isn't a Trump fan.

Oh, if there are any UGA baseball fans who feel glum.. you can continue to pull for the OTHER SEC Bulldogs.. my Mississippi State Bulldogs!

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