Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Proud to hear President Trump is willing and eager to keep serving America. Immediately following, Democrat Spinmeister Dee Dawkins- Haigler said it was time to end "two-and-a-half-years of craziness". I's time to clean house IN THE HOUSE! Now about Dawkins-Haigler...she's a FORMER GA Congressperson who LOST HER SEAT after 3 terms during the Obama years in the 2016 DEMOCRATIC PARTY PRIMARY! Good grief, even the Democrats in GA were tired of listening to and believing her.
Bernie Sanders has to be one of, if not the most hypercritical people in American politics. He advocates for equalization of assets for all Americans, yet owns 3 homes while most people he wants votes from own none or are homeless altogether.
Remember the multi-law-enforcement raid at the Pain Center on Whitesville Rd a few months ago? Seems like too much "hush-up" for all the production made by our law enforcement squads. Anybody got up-to-date info?
Online headline: "Oregon governor signs bill granting state's electoral votes to national popular vote winner" -- Hmmm .. What's going to be fun is the "backtracking" when she sees Trump win the national popular vote, and as Oregon casts their votes against the Oregon popular vote winner.
Studying the proposed MCSD budget is more than's ALARMING! Alarming that there is a projection of nearly $19 MILLION dollars of outgoing revenue for 'Debt Service'.. I believe that is just the interest payments on debts already in place for depreciating assets..In other words, when the current buildings are obsolete..ready to be torn down due to lack of proper maintenance, we will still have the debt but no assets. A future MCSB will want to add more debt by having to build new replacement buildings and add more "Debt Service" on the backs of us and future taxpayers.
From the "you've been waiting for this" department - Online headline/story: "Ants march out of carry-on, ground United Airlines flight at Newark * A passenger on the Venice-to-Newark flight Monday described the scenario in a series of tweets and photos. Charlotte Burns, a New York-based writer and editor, claimed she was bitten by the ants after a passenger sitting in front of her opened his carry-on bag. * The guy in front pulls down his case (which BTW isn't zipped shut, as middle aisle guy notes to me in an aside) and ants ants ants spill out, running in every which direction,” she wrote. “This is absolutely heeby-jeeby-goose-bumpy-get-me-a-gin-gross.” -- guess this is the first case of a Democrat state ordering the arrest/detainment of "illegal immigrANTS".
M/C L-E headline/story: "Columbus, Macon become ‘Smart’ communities in Georgia. Here’s what that means. * Georgia Tech announced Tuesday that Macon-Bibb County and Columbus received Georgia Smart Communities Challenge Grants to allow the two cities to develop pilot projects. * The Columbus program will focus on improving safety in the Uptown district, while the Macon program’s goal is to provide better access to government resources in underserved communities, officials said. * In both cities, the public will get free access to beefed-up Wi-Fi networks in certain areas." -- "the public will get free access to beefed-up Wi-Fi networks in certain areas."? Hmm.. Do I read this right... GA Tech is going to discriminate against people living in some areas of Columbus and Macon? The only thing that will "smarten up" Columbus is for the voters to shed the shackles it's attached to Democrat politicians! As we all can see, Columbus has not flourished by it's 60+% adoration of liberal politicians!
Online headline: "AT&T cuts hundreds of jobs in the Southeast" -- Hmmm... let's just hope that MOST of them are from CNN in an attempt to get CNN profitable by :climate change" within it's overtly liberal staff.
HuffPOOPOO headline: "Joe Biden promises rich donors he won't 'demonize' the wealthy if elected president" -- What's he mean by this,, that he'll just let PeLOUSY, AOC, and Ilhan Ohmygod, do all the "demonizing" for him?
Update: David Ortiz's condition has been up-graded to "good".. keep your prayers going!
From the "good grief!" department - Online ]headline: "JAY-Z hires lawyer for family held at gunpoint by police over stolen doll: Report" -- Good grief! other reports also mention the "dad" was also shop lifting and throughout a package (I believe was "underwear") out his window when the police approached.. the Police Officers were following accepted police protocol when dealing with unknown situations.. and these protocols are quite necessary to protect themselves, and the bystanders nearby... even the video-maker... JAY-Z.. get "woke"..
M/C L-E headline/story: "Jon Stewart keeps up pressure on McConnell * Comic Jon Stewart used his buddy Stephen Colbert’s late-night show to keep the heat on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for passage of legislation to replenish a victims’ fund for First Responders to the 9/11 attacks." -- "Comic Jon Stewart"? How about ASSHOLE Jon Stewart! He KNEW that the Senate committee members would not be there as originally scheduled last week because that there was request to move the hearing to a larger room to accommodate a larger than usual crowd, and the conclusion was pretty well anticipated to extend the benefits to First Responders, bur Stewart, an opportunistic @-hole, grabbed the bully pulp[it microphone and made the First Responders' plight ALL ABOUT HIM, and now wants to regain more relevance since he was moved off the network..


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