Wednesday, June 5, 2019

From the "Bias? What bias?" department - Online headline/story: "Donald Trump accused of breaking royal protocol by touching the queen's back * Trump made a royal faux pas during the state banquet, when he appeared to “lightly touch” Queen Elizabeth II’s back as she stood to give a toast, despite royal protocol dictating that the monarch should not be touched unless she initiates contact." -- Good grief! Can you imagine the disgrace Biden bin Lying would have brought on if he had ever attended a Royals event? Oh,, that's right, MSM-13 wouldn't have "noticed" Creepy Joe...
What exactly will be the benefit..for that matter..the satisfaction.. of prosecuting the "Coward of Broward". Sure, he carried a badge and gun, but he will die the "thousand deaths" reserved for cowards. What worse penalty can a court give him?
Hey, Mitch McConnell... Trump is for tariffs on goods coming from Mexico as a negotiation tool if Mexico doesn't help more with illegal border crossings, and UpChuck Schumer is against them.. are you going to side with a winner or a loser?
From someone who "feels" that the Marxist concept of "share and share alike", it appears that Biden bin Lying has more than his share of teeth.
Biden bin Lying just released his $5.7 Trillion "Climate Change" know, I care about clean air and clean water, and doing what I can....we can.. to keep/achieve, BUT when the whole world lives in one "room", even if Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez could prevent cow flatulence in America, we can still smell "cow farts" from the other side of "the room".
What about the cheesy move the NY Attorney General.. Democrat.. naturally.. pulled on Paul Manafort ...moving him from a federal minimum security jail to Riker's Island ..basically a cesspool of incarceration. The reason is rather obvious...Mueller could not connect Manafort's issues to Trump so the Democrats want to endanger Manafort's future in hope Trump will issue him a pardon which MSM-13 can 'fake news' it to a campaign issue against 2020.
CNN may by have a shake-up in store since AT&T has become it's parent company..When CNN was was owned by Ted Turner, Turner cared not whether CNN was profitable or truthful as long as he was invited to the Hollywood A-list parties, but now that AT&T owns it, the shareholders will want CNN to pull its weight like all the other divisions... so, look for some major policy changes.
Looks like Bruce Willis will start shooting his new movie here this week... We haven't seen a 'working title but I understand that when Gov. Kemp opted to cancel his trip to California to meet with movie makers concerned about GA's new "heart beat bill", Stacey Abrams decided, on her own, to meet with them. I figure she has a working title for her own speech... "Lie Hard"
A fellow BCer sent me this... he found it in the Men's area of our local Target store.. You know, for all the tax dollars we waste giving to the Columbus Chamber of Commerce, you would at least think they would watch our backs.
The sad thing is how long it took Coca Cola to finally admit Dr Pemberton created his "formula" here in Columbus before moving to Atlanta...
M/C L-E headline: "Car parts maker to bring 100 new jobs to Phenix City" -- Way to go Columbus Chamber of Commerce.... NOT..... again!
Was thinking about how/why Senator Gillibrand went to Beijing University.. Think about what this implies.. not just the implied indoctrination of the Chinese government, but what kind of parent/political influence her parents had with the Chinese government..
hmmm...and we were concerned about Lori Loughlin's influence with Southern Cal.
I'm beginning to feel Mueller's resignation speech was really his "warning shot" to Democrats that they do not want him testifying under oath, as there are so many Democrats that would be outed for treasonous crimes against our country.
Looks like the California Bar is going to go after after Michael Avenatti. Hmmm.. if that's the level of competence the California Bar Association is going to establish as 'the breaking point' , most lawyers in California might want to move out.
Rumor has it that illegal aliens minors may be coming to Columbus... I guess, after looking at the number of "jury fails" in our local courts involving "shootings and murders", Homeland Security probably feels that Columbus is about as close to a "sanctuary city" as there is in the East.. not to mention, Ft Benning has an over supply of housing and Columbus has an oversupply of school classrooms brought on by BRAC preparation.

Congratulations to two local coaching legends.. Pam Carter and Bobby Howard.. both were recent selections into the Georgia Athletic Coaches Association (GACA). Regretfully, Coach Bobby Howard no longer coaches in the MCSD... a situation initiated by Dr. Lewis.

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