Monday, June 10, 2019

PeLOUSY must have had a horrible weekend..Trump triumphed on his trip to England and France, got a visit in at one of his golf resorts , and...and got a signed agreement with Mexico to help on its side of the border in exchange for holding off on the tariffs.
From the "3 winners, a whimper, and a whiner" department - Online headline: "Trump says US, Mexico reach agreement to prevent tariffs" -- America, Mexico, and Trump won.. the Republicans were "left" at the gate, and the Democrats...well.. they are just "left"... and "left out".
From the "it's a damn shame" department - Online headline: " Ginsburg suggests many 'most-watched' Supreme Court cases could be decided by 1 vote" -- Ginsburg does not deserve to be on the US Supreme Court! No one who thinks like her should! The US Supreme Court's one job is to support/interpret the US Constitution, and saying she can predetermine judicial decisions means she does not listen to the arguments nor the tenets as laid out. Very few.. if any.. SC decisions should be decided by 1 vote.. in fact, most should be unanimous.. but that depends on Justices putting blindfolds over their political and personal biases.
Norma McCorvey... she might not be as remembered by this name, but she was "Jane Roe" in "Roe v Wade", but as the 21st century has evolved, so has Norma McCorvey...she no longer supports her original position. She'll be a powerful witness against the 1973 decision.
Just FTR.. the number one issue of Roe V. Wade was not abortions.. it was about ALL American's health privacy, and I do support health privacy.
Online headline: "Nike's new day care plan angers hundreds of employees: report" -- oops, my bad..thought maybe Nike started demanding the kids start making shoes in the facility.
Online headline/story: "Trade union holds up Silicon Valley residential project over potential threat to birds * A California trade union is seeking to block a major residential construction project in the heart of housing-starved Silicon Valley, claiming there will be a bloodbath of birds due to the proposed building's reflective windows." -- Wow! Such are the perils of "going green" for renewable energy.... bird 'bloodbaths'! We've seen dead birds in windmill farms, solar panel fields, and now concern over heat-regulating windows. Looks like the left's only "green" results are their 'gills' as they turn green from seeing another of their "good intentions " fail.
It's more than interesting that some liberal protest groups are threatening..
advocating ....for "sex strikes". Hmmm.. you know, if those women went on "sex strikes" there wouldn't be a need for abortion choices... or laws.
Alec Baldwin says he will not do Donald Trump next year in SNL skits. Guess he realized that it was Donald Trump supporters who buy most of the tickets at the movies..
Liberals are such hypocrites..a donor to the U of Alabama Law School was refunded his $21.5 million donation, and U of A took his name off the building and sign because he criticized the new Alabama abortion law by asking students not to come there. He responded by saying he didn't want his name associated with a school that discriminates against woman..Wait minute..I guess it's OK with him for Planned Parenthood to profit by its INdiscriminate way of ending the lives of against female and male fetuses.
Good grief..Biden bin Lying just revealed he had his spine removed. He got criticized for an opinion on the Hyde Amendment, and crumbled on the spot!
Online headline/story: "DOJ official Bruce Ohr awarded $28G bonus amid Russia probe, records indicate * Bruce Ohr, the Justice Department official whose connection to the opposition research firm responsible for the anti-Trump “dossier” led to his eventual demotion, was awarded a $28,000 performance bonus while the Russia probe was ongoing, according to newly released DOJ documents. * The records do not indicate why Ohr was given the bonus in November 2016, though they show he also received a $14,520 bonus a year earlier, totaling $42,520 over a two-year period." -- "records do not indicate why Ohr was given the bonus"? You know..awards.. and bonuses definitely fit in as an "award", and are generally supported by documentation of what they were earned for.. Usually for a specific meritorious service.. whether a military award, or a promotion, or a raise in compensation... it is a key to such awards.. I cannot think of one act of treason that fits the description of meritorious service to our country.
From the difference of waving a "magic wand" versus a "tragic wand" department - Online headline/story: "Wrangler Gets Rooted: Denim Company Rolls Out Fully American-made Jeans" * The history of Wrangler blue jeans is rooted in America. The Greensboro, N.C., company first introduced its authentic western jeans to America’s cowboys in 1947 and eventually became one of the United States’ most popular brands. * Today, all the major-brand blue jean companies manufacture most of their products in foreign countries where labor costs are less prohibitive. * But Wrangler has undertaken a strategy to return to its roots by unveiling a plan to make a line of 100-percent Made in America denim pants. " -- Yes! America is BACK! Yes.. America is becoming GREAT AGAIN! I cannot wait until I can replace my Levi's with WRANGLERS!
One more note.. this story ran 2 weeks ago, and I've just come across it.. guess MSM-13 is too loyal to Levi's and liberalism.
This should be very close to the hearts of Columbus, GA citizens.. at one time, all the denim in Levi's signature product was manufactured right here in Columbus, GA.
A fellow BCer reported sighting a "Tomlinson for US Senate" bumper sticker in a vehicle in Atlanta.. (pssst.. probably her or one of her staff members)..One good thing is that if she gets beat in the Democrat primary, or the General Election, it should be the last we hear from her.
Tony Rodham...Hellary's youngest brother died Friday... condolences to the family, but you gotta wonder how many secrets will be buried also. Hmm... maybe even some Russian collusion...
Wow! The Fed is on top of things..finally! The Fed raised rates 4 times.. inappropriately.. in 2018.. since there were no inflation threats ... and now the Fed likes what it sees and does not want it's bad actions to slow down the growth of greatness America is now experiencing.
Trump just didn't hit a home run with his Mexican tariff agreement, he hit a Grand Slam!
Online headline: " Columbus gets $500K Grant (don't get too excited.. it's still our tax dollars) to de-contaminate old farmer’s market" -- First.. remember.. an EPA "grant" is still tax dollars taken from us, and expenses for collecting and dispensing it have been paid so we are not getting back all that has been taken from us. this for Columbus to keep, and handle within, or hire an outsource company? ..Now, if it's for it enough or will we be stuck for overrun costs? If it's for Columbus, will Columbus be liable for future problems/issues?
Oh.. and the money given back is over $34,000.00... YE$ THIRTY-FOUR THOU$AND DOLLAR$ PER ACRE.. you would think that would be more than enough, but don't count on it.
Oh! Council.. how about keeping this in a separate account and keep up with every nickle spent, and should $34,000+ per acre be more than adequate.. return what's left to the EPA for use elsewhere. Oh.. and if you hire outside  sources, let us know who and how much they get...along with their political donations for the past 10 years.
From the "hmm.. maybe we should parse some of this" department - M/C L-E headline/story: "British police arrest 4 teens in attack on gay women on bus * Reports of homophobic hate crimes have risen steadily in London over the last four years, according to the Metropolitan Police’s crime statistics, with 2,308 reported in 2018, up from 1,488 in 2014." -- Hmmm... this is not a rush-to-judgment, but can you NOT wonder if there is any correlation with the rise of Muslim population and the election of a Muslim mayor in London in 2016?
From the "maybe there's a course in "poetic justice" at college" department - Online headline/story: "Oberlin College to pay bakery $11M after furthering racism accusations: jury * Oberlin College in Ohio will have to pay a nearby bakery more than $11 million in damages because it libeled the store, tagging it as racist, and interfered with its business, a jury said on Friday. * The jury found the school and Oberlin's vice president and dean of students, Meredith Raimondo, guilty of libel after Raimondo allegedly helped pass out flyers claiming that the bakery was "racist" and had a history of "racial profiling and discrimination."" -- Justice can rejoice for a moment at liberalism getting it due, but sadly, Oberlin will make money off of this.. Oberlin will add another "fee" each term for hardworking parents or loan-holding students to have to pay extra, and once a college adds a "fee", it'll never be dropped .. even after the debt is recovered..
Online headline: "Pelosi hits Trump’s deal with Mexico, accuses him of ‘threats and temper tantrums’" -- Good grief...can't she say, "Good job, Mr President!"....just once?
Online story: "The Trump administration has reportedly rejected requests from U.S. embassies to fly the rainbow pride flag on embassy flagpoles during LGBT Pride month -- an apparent reversal of a practice during the Obama administration. * NBC News first reported that embassies in Israel, Germany, Brazil and Latvia are among those that were denied permission to fly the rainbow flag on embassy flagpoles -- Good grief! The ambassadors at those embassies NEED to be replaced IMMEDIATELY! The gay pride flag has no... zero..nada... standings as an official flag of our..or any other... nation.
Online headline: "Trump Jr. blasts Omar, Tlaib on Twitter as leaders of 'the Hamas Caucus'" -- Hmmm...I'm betting this is not as diverse as the CBC either.
From the "man, does he know the Clintons well" department - Online headline/story: "Barr compares his return to DOJ to D-Day, likens it to trying to 'land without getting shot'" -- You know.. what the Democrats have done to American citizen's confidence in our justice system has been criminal!
Last year, two US Border Agents spotted some "suspiciously acting people at the border,, they approached the people who dropped their carry bags and ran. Upon opening the duffle bag, the Border Agents discovered a Tiger cub..obviously drugged and smuggled.The Agents took the distraught Tiber cub to the Brownsville, TX Zoo where the Tiger cub was saved. It was then put into a cage until it could be assigned to another zoo. I wondered how MSM-13 "missed" this story... oh.. not the aspects of smuggling or saving it, but how mean old Government agents locked this now unaccompanied, illegal alien minor in a cage.. Oh! Another thing... where did this Tiger cub come from.. Tiger's are not indigenous to North, South, or Central America...
From the "like Venezuela Democrats" department - M/C L-E headline/story: "Venezuela reopens border with Colombia * Thousands of people crossed into Colombia on Saturday to buy food and medicine after Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro reopened a border between the countries that had been shut down for the past four months. * Most of the aid was provided by the United States, a key ally of opposition leader Juan Guaido who declared himself to be Venezuela’s rightful president in January. But Maduro dismissed the aid as an infringement on Venezuela’s sovereignty and prohibited it from entering." -- You know.. PeLOUSY must be in turmoil that Maduro has been "broken" by Trump's generosity to the people of Venezuela that have been subjected to Maduro's cruelty and greed! Please note that none of the Democrat presidential wannabes nor hierarchy made an effort to get there for a "photo-op".
I am sincerely "lost" on a gay protocol issue.. Pete Booty-gig's partner is always introduced as his husband.. yet has taken Pete's "name".. does this make Pete Booty-gig his "wife", or are all same sex married men considered to be "husbands" in their relationship? Help me out here is you have genuine knowledge..
M/C L-E headline: "Clinton: Mueller report reveals obstruction" -- And I agree with her. .....only I see where Hellary was the obstructionist!
M/C L-E FRONT PAGE headline "Columbus CEO on a mission to climb 7 of world’s highest peaks" - Really? This is Front Page News? I applaud initiatives and passions of people, but FRONT PAGE coverage for a dream that's less than 30% fulfilled// .. especially since another Columbus businessman, Bud Allen, was highlighted 4+ years ago who had completed the "summit" of 6 of these peaks and was thwarted by faulty equipment on this attempt to scale Everest.

I just read a story about a recovering area celebrity-of-sorts being described as a "devout" Christian... it got me thinking.. is a "devout" Christian different.. better.. than an ordinary Christian? Does being a "devout" Christian make one more worthy.. more of a Christian?....How about less of a sinner than... say.. any ..every... other Christian? For me.. just being thought of.. and later remembered, as being a believer in Christ is more than enough.

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