Friday, June 28, 2019

While I only caught two snippets (during commercials while we watched Bobby Flay) of the Democratic Debacle 2, I did catch a couple of key moments.. I found it interesting that any of the 2020 wannabes would associate themselves with late President John F. Kennedy. Kennedy would not have been allowed on stage with the current Democratic Party agenda.
I did hear the question about what one item each candidate would focus on in his/her first term of office. Setting up the question, it was mentioned that Obama/Biden got only 1 "legacy" item through.. What the questioner should have asked Biden bin Lying specifically is why... since there were majority Democrats in the House. Senate, and Obama was in the Oval Office, is why reforms in immigration, education, and National Security were not made?
Now what we did notice during the Debacle was how tired Biden bin Lying looked.. and the race has barely left the starting gate.. Hmmm.. I can think of a great Trump ad for a year from now.. the Starting Gate at the Kentucky Derby full of donkeys, and as the candidates begin to fall off along the way, the camera at the finish line shows that none of them actually finish the race.
In order to keep the Democratic Debacle participants straight.. even separate, perhaps their politically correctness can help..They all believe in personal gender identities of a binary nature so why not simplify the process.. The first group can be identified as Thing 1 through Thing 10, and Thursday's group can be referred to as Thing 11 through Thing 20, and as old one drop out, and new ones come in, we already have an orderly process.
When all 10 of the Things were "speed dating" the question of what they would tackle in their first year in office, I swear I heard one of the women mention "tax cuts"... does this mean she will be impeached by the DNC?I swear I heard one of the women mention "tax cuts"... does this mean she will be impeached by the DNC?
There's a new list of "the biggest movie flops of all time".. don't bother reading it... it did not include the indubitably worst one ... "Ishtar".. so the whole premise is flawed ... irredeemably.
Online headline/story: "Richard Dreyfuss claims Bill Murray was a ‘drunken bully’ on ‘What About Bob?’ set * Speaking with Yahoo! Entertainment in an interview published on Thursday, the “American Grafitti” actor said: “Bill just got drunk at dinner. He was an Irish drunken bully, is what he was.” -- There something to say about having 20 Democrats stand up on stage and reveal their prejudices on air.. it makes their liberal supporters feel they can do so, too. Dreyfuss just offended the Democrat base in Boston and South Bend, IN by labeling the Irish as "drunken bullies".
From the "and which Constitution is he listening to?" department - Online headline: "Bernie Sanders says he would ‘rotate’ Supreme Court justices" -- taking the Justices who disagree with him out behind the court building and killing them? Well, it's what can happen in communist based governments.
Online headline: "MSNBC's Rachel Maddow says her network was 'studiously neutral' to all candidates"-- "studiously all candidates"? Good grief.. it was more like "intentionally ignoring the truth" when America was watching.
When Biden bin Lying addressed Kamala Harris and said, "My time's up. I'm sorry.", it was both the most prophetic comment of the night, and possibly the only truthful assessment of Biden as a politician.
Online headline: "New leaders installed at top immigration agencies amid questions over DHS secretary’s future" -- As speculated...the Ice Raid info was compromised and Trump made the right call.
From the "it didn't start this year" department - No, in 2009, when PeLOUSY was speaker, she told the Democrat majority to not read the OObamaCRAP bill before they voted on it. Wednesday night, we saw the results of her leadership. The Democratic DEBACLE participants..a.k.a. Thing 1 through Thing 10 showed they no longer keep themselves knowledgeable of what is going on... happening in the marketplace..each of them pointed out problems they blame on President Trump, and do not realize.. acknowledge, that President Trump has pretty much already fixed them.
Was it any surprise that all the Democratic Debaclers were in lockstep about giving illegal aliens unlimited free healthcare? No surprise here! Hey.. all of them receive unlimited taxpayer funded healthcare, and there are certainly no other group more "alien" to what makes America Great than the Democrats.
Hmm... don't you wish Democrats were in lockstep over aiding the healthcare of all our veterans and law enforcement officers?
Look what I found I need to find a turntable.
When I mentioned that the L-E was printed and controlled in Macon, a McClatchy exec protested my facts.. I asked her for data that I could base a restatement of facts on.. She finally responded yesterday (after I published my blog) to the 3rd quest for info, and said that the L-E is still printed in Montgomery like it has for the last 10 years, and Ross McDuffie is a Columbus based manager. I asked who he managed since Mark Rice basically works for the MCSD, and Chitwood has never been manageable,, Will let you know if I get a response.
The last time we had any controversy over Congressional District Gerrymandering was when 3 "super black majority" districts were penciled in.. basically "reservations".. (and we know how those worked out for Native Americans).. Fortunately, the courts stepped in and quashed the idea..Now, if we follow the "fairness doctrine" as advocated/defined by Stacey Abrams, all of our US Congressional Districts should be drawn up to reflect the racial demographics of GA as a whole..59% white, 31% black, and 10% other. Either that or try to draw district lines based on all the people who live closest to a point within an area..I like option 2.. I'd love for our community to all work together.. unfortunately, Democrats don't want such cooperation.
Trump is the obvious winner of the two Democratic Debacles.. The Dems have shown what big "twits" they are that Trump lay off them for months until they finally pick one amongst them to carry their torch.
Looks like e-election concerns are kicking in.. the House voted FOR the Senate version of the border care bill and now it's headed to the Oval Office.. It's amazing how little persuasion PeLOUSY.. and Ocasio-Cortez have on individuals who are having to run on their records to get re-elected.
Online headline/story: "Meet Andrew Yang, the Democratic candidate who wants to give you $1,000 each month * his campaign calls a “Freedom Dividend,” is that every American citizen above the age of 18 should get $1,000 per month, no questions asked." -- Hmmm... well there is one question that needs to be asked... and answered.. while he did specify "citizens"... (for which he will be raked over the coals for excluding "illegal aliens") but there are approximately 250,000,000 of our population 18 0r older, and with states issuing driver's licenses to illegals, it's be tough to separate illegals from citizens, then, annually, the Universal Basic Income he plans to give out is $3 TRILLION dollars.. this won't include healthcare either.. where's the money coming from?
I'm surprised that any liberal is anti "the National Anthem".. you'd feel it has been inspirational in designing the Democratic Party platform/agenda.. they all seem to feel "the land of the free" justifies all their concepts of "free" programs...and nothing about the FREEdom to make individual choices.
Contrary to popular liberal beliefs, the US Supreme Court ruling on the citizenship question for the Census was not "overturned.. just sent back to lower courts for more discernment.. It definitely belongs there since not every state gets equal distribution of illegal aliens to boost their population numbers (what an oxymoronic situation!). You know.. this is sorta a reversal of the 3/5ths count blacks were given in the original Constitution.. the liberal Northern states did not want the high population of blacks Southern states to get more representatives in Congress..

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