Tuesday, January 7, 2020

From the "grasping at straws" department - Online headline/story: "Trump properties could become targets for Iran * There’s a unique set of targets Iran is likely eyeing as it contemplates retaliation for the U.S. killing of a top Iranian general in Iraq on Jan. 2: Trump Organization properties in 11 countries outside the United States. * President Trump’s real-estate company owns or manages buildings bearing the Trump name in Canada, Dubai, India, Indonesia, Ireland, the Philippines, Scotland, South Korea, St. Martin, Turkey and Uruguay. Those properties are all listed on the company’s website." -- Hmmm... MSM-13 is incredible... not.. wrong word.. INCREDULOUS is more like it...but to be safe, maybe President Trump's sons might want to take down those pictures and replace them with some more imaginative ones... Perhaps a picture of Hollywood... where all our military geniuses seem to live.. only replace the iconic "Hollywood" sign with a photo-shopped one of "TRUMPVILLE"..or even better, one of the Tehran Mosque of the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei with "Trump Towers" photo-shopped as well.
Oh.. and if "they" do strike the overseas Trump Properties, only Trump Property insurers will be concerned...
Speaking of photo-shopping .. maybe Trump Properties might add pictures of the Washington Post, Huffington Post, the Shicago Trib, New York and LA TIMES, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and MSNBC,... all with "Trump" signs added.
Online story: "NEW YORK CITY – The Iranian ambassador to the United Nations told Fox News that he has one message for President Trump: The U.S. should get out of Iraq." -- Hmmm.. so Iran feels it is the "puppetmaster" of Iraq... maybe the Irani UN Ambassador should have told Soleimani he shouldn't go to Iraq....
Hey, Khamenei, you might want to stop barking...you're probably next!
Online headline: "CNN silent after it was revealed correspondent Andrew McCabe apologized for lying to investigators" -- Hmmm... My guess is since it acquired CNN, AT&T is not happy about CNN's deal with McCabe...
Sen. Tim Kaine, D-VA, is an idiot...how lucky we are he is not our Vice President! The @-hole said all pending military action/responses should be discussed.. in public..on the Floor of the House..I can see a John Grisham-type novel coming to fruition...where our Congress is called together to discuss retaliation ..and the enemy nuking all 435 Congresspersons.
UpChuck Schmoozer...whatta dumbass! He spent yesterday pleading that the founders would have discussed any..every...war action on the floor of Congress...maybe they would have, but traitorous Congresspersons didn't have cellphones then to immediately alert the enemy about what was about to happen.
You know, the most amazing aspect about how "60 Minutes" presented .. parsed... the Epstein autopsy is that "60 Minutes" is CBS...think about that...a key element of the MSM-13 media gang has broken the coverup pattern politicians like Clinton and Menedez have stressed over...depended on.
Online headline: "Pelosi moves to limit Trump’s actions in Iran with War Powers Resolution vote" -- Good grief! Not only did she not read the ObamaCRAP Healthcare act BEFORE telling others to vote on it before reading, she obviously hasn't read the Constitution..or..seen the School House Rock cartoon about how a bill becomes a law.
Online story: "Piedmont Healthcare and its 11 hospitals are leaving the Georgia Hospital Association, a major blow to the finances and prestige of the health industry group. * GHA (Georgia Hospital Association), which now represents more than 170 hospitals in the state, said Piedmont is trying to save money by not renewing its GHA membership for 2020. The Piedmont system is believed to pay more than $500,000 in annual membership dues to the organization." -- Obviously, for years no less, Piedmont has paid $500,000.00 of "OUR" money to a lobbyist group. WE applaud them .. now.. for cutting off this expense... but what we need to know is what will Piedmont do with $500,000.00 less in expenses.. mete it out amongst themselves.. of reduce our costs of healthcare?
From the "let's hope Democrats can read the date of this article" department - Online headline: "Sickening Photos Of The Humanitarian Crisis At US Border Detention Centers
* Brett LoGiurato Jun 16, 2014" -- Hmmm 2014... and as I recall, President Obama and Creepy Joe were in office...
Have you seen the Michael Bloomberg campaign signs? I think it's ironic that he uses "2020" transitioning from blue-to-red.
Columbus Ledger-Enquirer headline: "Congress demands answers from Trump about Soleimani killing" -- Hmmm... and Congress will get them.. in proper time and form. Now.. what I really with is for Congress to demand answers about how classified and top secret data gets leaked by members of Congress and National Security Departments.
Columbus L-E story: "NEW YORK Prosecutors in Los Angeles have brought an indictment against producer Harvey Weinstein, charging him with sex crimes, even as his trial on similar charges began in New York City, according to two people with knowledge of the matter." -- You know.. while I sympathize with women having to put up with "the way things work in Hollywood", I would have a hard time convicting Weinstein if his attorney asked the woman, under oath, did she expect something in return.. (such as consideration for a role.. perhaps even a guaranteed role...) if she allowed his wretchedness to continue...

The next time Hellary.. or any Democrat complains that Hellary "won" with the "popular vote" (though eliminating the California gap would give Trump the popular vote margin for the other 49 states)., remind them that Bill Clinton never got 50% of the popular vote in either of his elections...

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