Thursday, January 9, 2020

Online story: "Sen. Mike Lee says the Iran briefing was lame and inadequate" -- I think Sen Mike Lee described himself quite well.. lame ..and ..inadequate.
HuffPOOPOO headline/story: "Ruth Bader Ginsburg says she's cancer-free * Ruth Bader Ginsburg said Tuesday that she is starting 2020 “cancer-free” " -- whoa! Has RGB been seeing Cancer Miracle-Worker Creepy Joe?
From the "Bias? What bias?" department - Online headline/story: "Trump administration quietly targets disability benefits * the government would look more closely at whether certain disability insurance recipients still qualify as “disabled” after they’ve already been awarded those benefits. While recipients already have to demonstrate their continuing disability every few years, the proposal would ramp up the examinations, potentially running still-eligible beneficiaries out of the program. " -- Good grief! "going after" disability benefits? How about President Trump is doing what he promised.. going after FRAUD so that truly needy people CAN GET the services they need/deserve, and the taxpayers be freed from supporting the unworthy!
Online headline/story: "“The evidence should inform arguments in a trial,” said Schumer, D-N.Y. “Evidence should not be an afterthought." * McConnell announced Tuesday that he has support from the majority of senators to start a trial structured like the last one, against President Bill Clinton in 1999. Those proceedings also began without an agreement on witnesses. * “The evidence should inform arguments in a trial,” said Schumer, D-N.Y. “Evidence should not be an afterthought." -- Queen PeLOUSY cal-BagLady must be the oldest known sufferer of PMS...and Schmoozer the first male sufferer.
You know, the biggest FLAW with Sen Elizabeth WarHEN's "wealth tax is that it goes after existing wealth earned BEFORE her tax can become effective... that's like r=]writing a law to cover the past. If that works, then let's pass a law that prohibits anyone who claimed she was a Native American on a job application to be banned from getting any job paid for or supplemented by tax dollars, and .... AND... she be required to pay all such funds BACK.. with interest!
How dumb are Democrats? Apparently, more dumb than following 9-11-01. Then, it took most of a month before they abandoned patriotism for their agenda. This time, Dems have shown their greed in less than 24 hours.
Wow! It's been more than a day since Schi** was informed of the plans Soleimani had prior to President Trump called for his eradication.. Two things must be going on in Schi**'s mind... either there's a bigger reason for HIS elimination than Soleimani, or Trump will release a transcript of Soleimani plans that forbid Schi** from making up one like he did for Trump's phone call with Zelensky.
Queen PeLOUSY cal-BagLady is an embarrassment of profound dimensions! Now she claims that the eradication of an evil terrorist was a "provocation". Huh? Is she the Speaker of our country or Iran?
From the "words matter" department- Following the Irani missile attack Wednesday AM, tapes of the Irani "celebrants" had them chanting, "Down with the USA, Down with Israel". Hmmm...a couple of says earlier, those "celebrants" were chanting "DEATH to the USA; DEATH to Israel"...looks like Trump got his message across loud and clear.
Columbus Ledger-Enquirer "headLIE": "On brink of war with Iran, Trump takes a step back" -- Good grief.. this goes way past MSM-13 bias... President Trump did what he's supposed to do.. protect America from those who want to hurt America...If he did not understand the restraints of the Constitution, he would have long ago declared the Democratic Party as "terrorists"
Columbus L-E headline/story: "Study: Georgia, Mississippi, SC among worst places in US to raise family * Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama and Mississippi all rank in the bottom 10 places to raise children, according to findings from the personal finance website WalletHub. They hold spots at No. 42, No. 43, No. 46 and No. 49, respectively." -- Hmmm... you know, the only way this could have ANY credibility would be that California be listed as THE WORST...California leads the Nation in most homeless, and most migration FROM a state...Of course, even a lame reporter would have noted this to be a ... at best... a flawed "poll" simply because NY was ranked #1 for "Family Fun".. as Ellen might say in an ad. "Yeah... Right".

Columbus L-E story: "NEW YORK Researchers on Wednesday reported the largest-ever one-year decline in the U.S. cancer death rate, a drop they credited to advances in lung-tumor treatments. * The overall cancer death rate has been falling about 1.5% a year since 1991. It fell 2.2% from 2016 to 2017, according to the new American Cancer Society report. That’s the largest drop ever seen in national cancer statistics going back to 1930, said Rebecca Siegel, the lead author." -- Wow! Looks like another feather in the hat of President Trump! Let's KEEP America GREAT!

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