Monday, June 6, 2022

From the "Bias? What bias?" department - Online "headLIE" : "Biden is failing where it matters most to voters" -- WRONG! Biden is failing where IT HURTS MOST!

Resident Biden said Friday that his staff says there is an oil shortage..... Hmmm .. proof positive the man knows nothing himself.

Of recent, I've been referring to President Biden as "JoKKKe Biden", Messenger Boy Biden, and "Resident Biden" but after Friday's Teleprompter Read, he fell back into his oldest nickname designation, "Biden bin Lyin". If we are to give his White House "handlers" any credibility, they need to be out "back tracking" his Friday claims in FULL FORCE!

Speaking of things that should be renamed, let's talk about Resident Biden's, "American Rescue Plan" (or "ARP" for short). I think I've got a better.. more accurate name... "Biden's American Rescue Fiasco"... or .. for short, "BARF".

Given his propensity to create racial division by naming victims' names when speaking about the tragic shootings we're experiencing, it's because Resident Biden
wants to divert attention from his other issues by blaming others, but what I do not remember is him ever naming names of those killed on the streets of Shicago when he was Veep Bleep for Obama, nor now as President...

You know, that guy in the All-State commercial who causes all those wrecks.. well, he better start looking for a new job.. it won't belong before JoKKKe Biden is out of office and will be looking for a new job.. and who would be a better example of "Mayhem" than him.

Online headline: "Biden admin may relax China tariffs in bid to ease inflation, commerce secretary says" -- Only two things will happen if the Trump tariffs are removed.. and neither will benefit America.. First, the Bidens' Chinese Connection will flourish their bank accounts... and secondly, inroads to getting manufacturer to bring their manufacturing facilities back TO American soil will come to a grinding halt!

Real LOCAL issue for home owners in Columbus, GA... Our City is "providing" (at great expense to taxpayers) three 95/96 gallon trash.debris/recycle cans. As usual, the City has grouped everybody into one lump as far as needs go.. Well, I'm 75.. prefer a house to a condo or senior residential facility, and I do not do yard maintenance myself.. I have a yard service that takes care of the outside of our home.. Now, by local law, yard services haul off debris when they do work... so, I do not NEED.. nor WANT... an ugly green eyesore debris can on my property. What would serve me better is another ugly black trash can instead.. one can will be sufficient most weeks, but.. and a large BUT at that, when holidays, family birthdays, and other family get togethers are celebrated, one ... even one HUGE black trash can will not be enough, yet I cannot put overflow on the streets in any form or fashion that the new City policies will allow it to be removed.. Council... can I trade my huge ugly green debris can in for another huge ugly black trash can?

You know, I really hate to be talking about this after he's lost still another political race, but while the State Election Board has a probably current address for Zeph Baker, how about sending a warrant over to search for and retrieve all his election Financial Disclosures that he never seems to send in as required.

From the "Democrats have succeeded in their education agenda... students can't read nor think for themselves" department - Online headline/story: "Students of color push back on calls for police in schools * But police inside schools can make some students more uneasy, not less. Especially for Black students and other students of color, their personal experiences with policing can leave them feeling unsafe and alienated from school when they see officers on campus." -- Good grief! Yes.. it is a shame schools now NEED law enforcement officers in them, but the ONLY reason for "Black students and other students of color" to fear law enforcement officers is basically because of indoctrination at home, schools, and church that being a criminal is their only path in life.

Hellary is now saying she "didn't spy on Trump."... Of course, we know she is lying... then again, if she admitted she had spied on Trump, we'd still feel she was lying. Of course a Democrat DOJ appointed jury wouldn't have a clue about how to disseminate which lie to believe so they probably would hang themselves just to end their misery.

From the "there's nothing to see, America.. just keep moving on by" department :

From the "Times.. they are a changing" department - Online headline/story: "Tigers' Elvin Rodriguez was tipping pitches in Yankees' shellacking,  *  Jomboy broke down just how the Yankees were able to capitalize on Elvin Rodriguez's mistakes * Detroit Tigers right-handed pitcher Elvin Rodriguez was caught tipping pitches during his appearance against the New York Yankees Friday night * Jomboy, a sports personality who is known for breaking down baseball, showed Saturday how Rodriguez was tipping his pitches and how the Yankees took advantage." -- Hmmm... Wow! The Yankees steal signals,and are praised.. the Astros did it in 2017, and were eviscerated! Guess it helps to have media friends in New York...

WRBL-TV3 headline/story: "U.S. attorney tells News 3 that the investigation into Willie Demps’ fraud scheme continues * During the sentencing U.S. District Court Judge Clay Land asked Demps if anyone else employed by the government assisted in his crimes. * He said yes. Of the eight people who have pled guilty in the multimillion-dollar check cashing fraud, Demps is the only one who worked for the government. * Middle District of Georgia U.S. Attorney Peter D. Leary , “I can confirm there is a federal ongoing criminal investigation that’s still going on in this case,” Leary said. “I can’t give any details beyond that.” * Demps worked for the clerk’s office under multiple elected clerks during his 30-year career." -- Good grief! As pathetic as it has been that so much was stolen for so many years that didn't get brought to light until fairly recently, the fact that the investigation is still ongoing is great news! Let's pray everyone involved will be exposed.. and held accountable and RESPONSIBLE!

Hmmm... wasn't Vivian Creighton Bishop one of the past Clerks of Municipal Court... for around 20 years? Maybe this is why we haven't seen much of her in Congressman Bishop's current campaign for re-election

WRBL-TV3 headline: "Child shot at Elizabeth Canty Apartments in Columbus" -- We don't need GUN off the streets.. we NEED criminals WITH GUNS off our streets!

WTVM-TV9 headline: "1 shot on Fairfield Drive in Columbus" -- Amazing... After a 3 week respite of reported shootings prior to the Columbus, GA election, the number seems to have gotten rejuvenated. ... Hmmm.. makes you wonder doesn't it.

WRBL-TV3 headline: "Police: deadly shooting at Shell gas station on Amber Dr. and Buena Vista Rd" -- Looks like somebody hit the "Resume" button as soon as the last election was over...

WTVM-TV9 headline/story: "Rep. Sanford Bishop shares opinion on gun legislation amid recent mass shootings * “I am a gun owner, and I believe in the 2nd Amendment, but I know that the 2nd Amendment has to allow, and the courts have said that it allows for reasonable background checks,” said Bishop. “So we have to have laws in place that will restrict the ownership and the access to guns by people who are not responsible enough to have them.” * He adds these laws need to make sure that weapons are not found in the hands of those with criminal records" -- Good grief! The n=man has been in Washington representing up for 30 YEARS... and doesn't realize that WE HAVE ALL THE LAWS WE NEED.. it's politicians like Bishop that make nit tough.. tougher.. for law enforcement to enforce the laws, and liberals DAs/Judges within the legal system that undermine the application of these laws...

WTVM-TV9 headline/story: "Congressman Bishop, local committee presented community donations to 4 Columbus organizations * The Black History Month Observance Breakfast committee and Congressman Sanford Bishop are working to preserve the cultural history of African Americans throughout the Chattahoochee Valley region. * This year’s award recipients are:
Tree of Life Healthcare
The Fountain City Poetry Slam
The W.H. Spencer House
The Liberty Theatre Cultural Center, Inc. " --
Hmm...shouldn't a Congressman work to preserve the cultural history of all his constituents?

Hmmm.. Rome, GA has a population of 38,000 people.. and has a Braves minor league baseball team.. Columbus, GA, with a population of 200,000 people has MLB affiliated no baseball team.. The problem goes back to 1995/96 when Golden Park was ruined.

You know, the conviction of Attorney Michael Avennati for stealing a clients' money should trigger a movement to expose liberal media who initially supported him because he was... well... in a few words .... simply a Trump basher. He was "the darling" of "Thee View", CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, and ABC.. Avennati was.. and still is arse.

From the "striking while the iron is hot" department - Online headline: Elon Musk asks why 'leaking' DOJ won't spill Epstein client list: 'Doesn't that seem odd?'
The Tesla CEO asked why the Justice Department haven't revealed the Epstein/Maxwell client list" -- "Doesn't it seem odd"? Not really... What's odd is having a national figure who has a national.. international .. following who will bring the subject our into the open...Next time Hellary is brought into court, let's campaign for Elon Muck to head the prosecution team!

Online headline: "More than 50 people killed in 'vile and satanic' attack on Nigerian Catholic Church" -- Hmmm... Reckon media won't even mention that the dominant religion is Muslim...

Online headline: "Pizza Hut facing boycott calls after promoting 'drag kids' book for kindergartners: -- I quit using Pizza Hut a long time ago for plain old bad service, so I don't need another excuse, but here's another one Pizza Hut needs to take a look at.

Online headline: "Philadelphia mayor responds to mass shooting that left 3 dead, 11 wounded; suspects still at large" -- I just hope the Democrat Mayor realizes that when he points HIS "finger of blame", he Has 3 fingers pointed at himself.

Online headline: "Business and government leaders in Montana said the state has regulatory policies and leadership that attract business, unlike states like California." -- Good grief! Obviously, Montanans just aren't bogged down by Blue State and PeLOUSY promoted constrictive regulations!

Online headline: "Children who play team sports tend to have better mental health outcomes than kids who don't" -- And this continues through life.. Our basic political party system consists of teams associated with success in business by one group, another "team" consisting of those who didn't make the successful business team...

From the "figures don't lie, but liars figure a lot" department - Online headline: "Columbus Sees All-Time Low April Unemployment Rate" -- Hmmm... "rate"? Maybe.. but not an all-time high in number of unemployed...

Online story: "Stacey Abrams serves as a board member of a UPS family foundation that awards millions of dollars to professors and scholars who advocate anti-capitalist and prison abolitionist views * Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams has pulled in $52,000 in income from a controversial foundation that has a history of dishing out millions to those who advocate defunding the police and preach that racism is rooted in capitalism." -- Hmmm... a GA gubernatorial candidate who believes GA is the WORST.. not just a bad... state to do business in supports anti-capitalism and anti-public safety advocates... and.. and believes Herschel Walker is not Black enough.. how does the Black community feel she even knows the PATH to prosperity, much less lead them out of poverty?

Online headline: "Atlanta lays out plan to get 1,500 homeless people off the streets and into housing" -- Hmmm.. typical liberal gov approach... make a huge "todo" about getting people into housing on the backs of the taxpayers, then leave'em hanging in abodes they don't respect nor are trained or inclined to maintain...

Online story: "ATLANTA — On Tuesday, June 1, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits will return to normal levels in Georgia. * This means that thousands of Georgia families will no longer have access to extra SNAP benefits." -- Hmm... and I bet more people will be out looking to fill all those job slots businesses haven't been able to fill because people were content to just wait on government checks...

Online headline: "Here's why the water in Opelika has been tasting like dirt lately " -- Hmmm .. well, I bet knowing there's dirt in the drinking water sounds better than KNOWING excess Fecal Matter is in Columbus GA's drinking water... especially when knowing the CWW is spending huge amounts of money fighting the EPA about fixing it... Hey.. Council... how much in legal fees has the CWW paid over the past 6 and a half years?

Online headline: "GDOT awarded $182 million for road and bridge reconstruction " -- Seriously.... Why is this money given to the GA DOT? The DOT doesn't do the actual work... it just is another set of sticky fingers in the contract cookie Bowl...

Again... Why does Columbus GA Council/Police Department want advice from a Baltimore Crime Consulting firm.. have any of them read the crime statistics FOR Baltimore?

Online headline: "NBA commissioner Adam Silver says league lost 'hundreds of millions' of dollars after fallout with China * China first pulled games off CCTV following Morey's October 2019 comments" -- And they should continue to lose money.. and would be if the NBA hadn't kowtowed and kissed too many "bootays". I don't.. won't .. watch he NBA anyway anymore.

Online story: "Taser developer Axon said this week it is working to build drones armed with the electric stunning weapons that could fly in schools and “help prevent the next..." -- This could be good idea.. a real GOOD idea..... A taser drone in every classroom... finally teachers would have help in curtailing bad student behavior as well.

Online headline: 'Texas school shooting victims take action against gunmaker" -- Gimmee a break! The maker didn't shoot anyone... now, on the other hand, blaming/suing Resident Biden could be a REAL lawsuit.. with the surge of inflation, the retailer probably felt the pressure of needing cash to take care of soaring home, business, and family needs, and may not have been as attentive to the shooter who bought them.

Online headline: "Columbus, GA's Communicorp recalls 600,000 plush Aflac promotional ducks" -- "imported from China"... Somehow, this comes as no surprise... Wonder how much the Biden-China partnership brought in?

Online headline: "Biden says 33 million more baby formula bottles headed to US" -- "Biden says"? How appropriate.. "Biden Says" & "B... S...' have the same letters. Biden hasn't TT a clue.. With infants needing 5 or 6 bottles a day, even if all the bottles could be "instantly distributed" to every baby, we're talking a 4 or 5 day supply at best!

Online headline: 'California court rules a bumblebee is a fish under environmental law" -- hmmm... whether a fish is a bee or a bee is a fish may never be resolved in california, but one thing we can all agree on is Queen PeLOUSY is a b....!

Online headline: 'Biden spars with Musk over economy and sets off Twitter: Good luck on 'trip to the moon'" -- Hmmm... I'm taking Musk's side on this.. Musk has a better net worth than Biden bin Lying and the US.


Online headline: "Raphael Warnock aims to make Herschel Walker his own worst enemy in Georgia’s high-stakes Senate showdown" -- Hmmm.. how many Commandments did Warnock break? Makes you wonder how Warnock defines his role as a pastor.. Makes you wonder what Warnock is hiding, too. 

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