Monday, June 27, 2022

 The US Supreme Court did not overturn any law on abortion.. The US Supreme CT corrected an "overreach" by the 1973 panel of Justices. The US Supreme Court's job is to monitor all the laws enacted by Congress and signed into law by a President to make sure said law does not violate a Constitutional Amendment or Right of the people.

Online headline: 'Rioters in downtown Portland graffiti, smash windows following Supreme Court abortion case: 'Death to SCOTUS' -- "Death to SCOTUS"? Sounds pretty much like an unveiled threat that both the Legislative AND the Executive Branches MUST respond promptly and unitedly to protect. You know, if PeLOUSY's "House" nor the DOJ responds immediately to squash these anarchists, then both entities are complicit in conspiracy!

Online headline: Biden calls on Congress to restore Roe v. Wade abortion protections as federal law: 'This is not over'" -- There he goes again... he's got no clue... Hey, Resident JoKKKe Biden... It is over.. at least where the federal law is's finally being returned to the states where it belonged all along!

Something to really think about... Since the obvious goal of an abortion procedure is to take the life of at least one of the two "patients" involved, why is it considered a part of "Healthcare"?

Online "headLIE": " Protesters take to streets to expressing outrage after SCOTUS overturns Roe" -- WRONG! Protesters took to the streets demonstrating their IGNORANCE of the matter and moment! SCOTUS did not overturn a law, it overturned a wrong decision by the 1973 SCOTUS that usurped the power given to the states by the Constitution...
You know, the first ..perhaps even the only question pro-abortion protesters should be asked is, "Did you ask your mother why she didn't abort you?".

Online. Headline: "Congressional Black Caucus urge Biden to declare a national emergency following SCOTUS decision" -- Hmmmm ... and where has the Congressional Black Caucus urging Trump or Biden to declare a national emergency during the street riots of Antifa and BLM for the past 3 years?

WTVM-TV9 story: U.S. Senator Reverend Raphael Warnock (D-Georgia): “I’ve always believed a patient’s room is too small a space for a woman, her doctor and the United States government,” said Senator" -- Hmmm .. well, it seems Senator Warnock has separated himself from Pastor Warnock. Pastor Warnock would have said, "God is present where 2 or more gather.", but Senator Warnock seems to exclude God from the gathering with a pregnant woman and her Doctor to discuss an abortion.

From the "let's slip this into he news cycle while everyone's distracted" department - Online headline: "WASHINGTON (Reuters) -The United States will cancel $6 billion in student loans for 200,000 borrowers who claimed they were defrauded by their colleges, the ad..." -- Hmmm.. you know.. this is mighty "selective".. as I recall. there were over $1.4 TRILLION in student loan debt the last time I looked, so how does one get "selected" to be designated as "defrauded"? I do have a suggestion that bears merit.. if anyone applies for their loan to be canceled.. or even ACCEPTS such a cancellation, then those beneficiaries of political favor be made to state on any resume/job application that they were incapable of differentiating from a good and bad deal.. potential employers NEED .. DESERVE ... to know this info!

Resident Biden is the perfect Democrat politician.. he compliments the Democrat agenda of not requiring criminals to complete their sentences by being a leader who can't complete a sentence in answering a media question.

Another great US Supreme Court ruling was published Friday.. criminals cannot file civil lawsuits against police officers about whether during their arrest that the police officers gave a proper Miranda Law explanation to them..

You know, the protests against the US Supreme Court are really condemnation of our education system for the past 50-60 years. Condemnation because students have not been taught that the US Supreme Court's "job" is to monitor the laws passed by Congress.. and signed by a President... to PROTECT the Constitutional RIGHTS of "the people" in order to prevent the government from becoming a despotic oligarchy...

After the White House replaced Resident Biden's dog "Major", and replaced him with DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas... a.k.a. "My Yapping Yorkie" and his "Disinformation Governance Board", we haven't heard much about Secret Service Agents being bitten. Unfortunately, we haven't heard much truthful information about JoKKKe Biden's decisions/gaffes either.. Guess "My Yapping Yorkie's" Disinformation Governance Board was n't created to deal WITH disinformation, but to DEAL OUT all White House disinformation...

You know, our Founding Fathers must be rolling over in their graves to see how today's media misuses the 1st Amendment... The Founding Fathers wanted media always to be able to publish the actual NEWS.. not just personal views...

Online "headLIE" : "Jodie Sweetin speaks out after being pushed by police at abortion rights protest: 'Our activism will continue'" -- "our activism will continue"? WRONG! her IGNORANCE will continue! Hey, Hallmark Movie Channel.. after you grounded Lori Loughlin for influence peddling, you need to bury Sweetin.

Online headline: "Green Day's Billie Joe Armstrong tells fans he's 'renouncing' his U.S. citizenship over Supreme Court ruling" --He. nor many other protesters will "get/understand" this, but he wouldn't even be here if his mother agreed with his opinion... Oh! Now that he's denounced his American citizenship, is he even sure England will accept his application?

Online YAHOO headline: "Retirement savers lose over $3 trillion in stock market retreat" -- Hey.. anybody got any of hose Resident Biden, "I did this!" meme stickers left?

Online story: "I'm devastated and terrified that so many women and so many girls are going to die because of this," said Olivia Rodrigo from the stage at Glastonbury, England" -- Hmmm.. what an ignorant hypocrite! According to

over 20,000,000 boys and girls have died this first half of 2022 alone, and she's never voiced support of them...

By an odd circumstance, I was driving on 10th Avenue near the Riverdale Cemetery here in Columbus, and was stunned at what I saw at the vacant Farmers Market property.. most of the glass in doors and windows had been broken/shot out, doors sprung open, glass and trash everywhere, and grass, weeds, and trees/shrubbery were jungle-like. What a blight I thought! The City needs to get after the property owners to clean his up.. what a sight for any of our visitors (especially business site locators) might get as their first... and probably LAST... impression of our City. I went home and looked up the owners so I could save Council from doing the same... and found that, basically.. the COUNCIL and MAYOR OWN IT! Are any of them of this.. and that they are responsible!

Those who have known me a long time know that while I am Pro-Life, I am not anti-abortion..and SCOTUS should be praised for countering the 1973 SCOTUS's grievous OVERREACH which took the individual states' Constitutionally provided power to make it's own laws governing itself. Abortion decisions need to be between a woman.. or a couple...and GOD.. as well as with a doctor. The federal government's involvement should be limited to making sure that a woman..couple.. making such a choice to have the option for a safe procedure rather than some "back alley" facility. I also think that each state, regardless of the strictness of their abortion laws, offer exceptions (if necessary) to protect the life of the mother, and options involving rape and/or incest if the crimes are reported or the violator confesses guilt.

Online headline: "Far-left radicals find targets using UGA professors' map of pro-life clinic addresses" -- Good grief! Those professors need to be fired NOW!

Online "headLIE" : "Biden falsely says abortion ruling makes US 'outlier among developed nations'" -- WRONG! Destroying our law enforcement/justice system, our economy, and monetary system makes us a 3rd World entity!

With the temperatures hovering at summer highs, think about what the heat does to the fecal matter in the huge tanks of water at Columbus Water Works. I think the Columbus Water Works needs to stop fighting the EPA about the allowable amounts of fecal matter that the Columbus Water Works can send into our homes for us to have to drink.

Online headline: "Bill Maher: Trump could win 2024 'so easy' if he'd 'just let go' of 2020" -- And I agree... but Trump and America both win if he runs in 2024 on returning to his policies and... AND prosecuting the government officials responsible for using the people's resources to violate American citizens Constitutional RIGHTS!

Online headline: "A growing number of companies announced they will cover travel expenses for employees who seek out-of-state abortions now that Roe v. Wade has been overturned." -- Hmmmm... I get two things out of this... employees of these companies will have this on their permanent records as examples of poor decision making (unprotected sex), combined with poor handling of a situation that presented itself to them in correcting a poor decision. The other thing is the added cost these companies will add on to the products they are trying to sell to their customers.

Online story: ""to hell with the Supreme Court!".... These are words out of the mouth of Maxine Waters, D-CA. You know, as I think about the "Jackass" icon of the Democratic Party, I realize the Jackass doesn't have a party unifying.. describing.. name... Well, now I think the obvious name has become evident .. let's call the Democratic Party Jackass....drum roll.... MAXINE!

I know we saw Resident Biden scribble something on what was purportedly the "new" gun bill Saturday morning, but having heard his verbal "salad" when he tries to speak and it demonstrates his dementia, I'd like to see if what he scribbled was actually his name and was it spelled correctly.

That 'new" gun bill... the one with the "red flag" and the "boyfriend loophole" will not stop dangerous people from buying guns. They will just buy them illegally rather than legally.

Online headline: "Pro-choice protesters burn American flag in streets of Washington DC after Roe v. Wade reversal" -- Hmmm.. burning the American flag... in our nation's Capital City.... Sounds like something only a traitor to our country's future would do... maybe the US Supreme Court should revisit an earlier opinion that burning an American flag in America is protected by our 1st Amendment...

Online headline: 'Immigration judge hired during Trump era accuses Biden admin of ousting conservative appointees" -- Hmmm... Sounds familiar... Remember when Trump canned a bunch of liberal US Attorneys? Remember how MSM blasted Trump for partisan politics... Funny.. I haven't heard MSM get upset at Resident Biden for doing the same thing ...

We kept 3 of our grandsons over the back from a "diaper" run Saturday, and the older 2 were glued to a Netflix production of "Bigfoot Family"..I joined my bride on the couch and within minutes realized "this" was not a movie, it's nothing more than a Progressives' agenda campaign message against fossil fuels! It also explains why NetFlix stock in "in the tank" and why the NetFlix CEO has told employees their liberal opinions are not for legitimate entertainment script. NetFlix will become "history" at my home soon if the CEO doesn't keep his word about "fixing" these issues.

Online headline: "Biden criticizes Supreme Court for 'terrible decisions'" - Whoa! Will someone please run a microphone over to the Supreme Court Building? I want to hear what 6 of the Justices think about Resident Biden's "decisions".. Oh... and then pass that microphone to me...

Online headline: "GOP senator slams President Biden for 'fear-mongering' in address to nation after Supreme Court's ruling" -- You know, the whole agenda of the "Communist/Socialist Manifesto" is to put the court system under the thumb of its despot's agenda.

Online headline: "US allies condemn abortion ruling; Blinken and his UN ambassador join critics" -- Hmmm... now all those libs who keep saying they will move out of America know of countries to move to.... Hey.. make sure you cancel your American citizenship on he way!

Online headline: "The patio umbrellas, which boast solar panels and LED lights, have a manufacturing defect that can result in the umbrella being burned or catching on fire. " -- "Solar battery lighted umbrellas burst into flames"? ..hmmm... I guess this one of those "we forgot to mention this" liberal disinformation moments?

Online headline: "Biden says G-7 will ban Russian gold imports over war on Ukraine" -- Hmmm... Hasn't Resident Biden done ENOUGH damage already with driving inflation up to a record level without adding another source of fuel to the fire? Russia will benefit from holding its gold at home while it soars in value as the rest of the world deals with the effect of high demand for a dwindling supply of it.

Online headline: "Ghislaine Maxwell, ex-lover of Jeffrey Epstein, placed on suicide watch ahead of sentencing" -- Hmmm.. we can help but wonder if the Clintons have been put in charge of hiring people to watch her?

Online headline: "US allies condemn abortion ruling; Blinken and his UN ambassador join critics * Leading US allies came out against abortion ruling" -- Hmm.. now here's where Resident Biden's Yapping Yorkie's "Disinformation Governance Board may have made a difference.. it could have been out countering our media's claims against what happened.. Oh, and as I recall, Europe nor Asia has a one-size-fits-all law about abortions... each country has it's own law.. why should America be any different?

You know.. France, Germany.. even Italy .. and Great Britain.. have different laws governing abortions.. in fact the four countries of Great Britain have 4 different laws governing abortion.. and none are as "lenient" (usually limited to 1st 12/13 weeks) as most American state's laws..

In fact, why are Germany, France and England making negative comments about our Supreme Court decisions to uphold our Constitution, when all three of those countries have more rigid regulations curbing abortions than anything any of our individual states' have enacted. Oh! If these same countries are so eager to point out another country's policies, why aren't they adamantly complaining about human rights issues of Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela, or the internal African country of their choice?

Talk about hypocrisy.. Resident Biden is going to talk with Saudi Arabia selling us more oil yet Saudi Arabia can execute abortioners..

If the "my body, my choice" crowd believes in abortion on demand as a birth control method, then they must agree that assisted suicide is a "my body, my choice" option as well.. In fact, if "my body, my choice" advocates believe abortion and assisted suicide are "human rights", then they have to believe that they have "my body, my choice" rights to kill someone who offends them via "road rage" or sits next to them in a theater.

Online headline: "NASA is one step closer to finalizing nuclear power some 238,900 miles away from Earth." -- Hmmm... Nuclear rather than Solar? Is this not a literal confession by "scientists" that Solar power is not dependable enough for any country to rely upon?

Hmmmm.. all of a sudden, Liz Cheney is not only Pro-Choice, she's pro-Supreme Court as well... hmmm... guess Wyoming voters love Trump, and Cheney knows her political career is about over... well, unless she gets a CNN or MSNBC gig.

Though MSM is not going to mention this, the Ukraine/Russian War is misnamed.. it should be ..simply... The Biden War.... With oil production curtailed here by Resident Biden, oil has soared to over $100.00 a barrel which gives Putin revenues of over a Billion dollars a day in funds to pour into Ukraine, and Resident Biden is basically funding Ukraine's war defense, so Biden had become the banker of the instigator and the defender. I guess next we'll hear Stacey Abrams is being brought in to register Russian-Ukraine voters and George Soros will fund the prosecutors.

Online headline: "Megan Rapinoe wiped away tears while taking questions about the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade." -- Yeah... as if the likelihood of her getting pregnant "accidentally" or "unwantedly" exist... Who even cares what her opinion is....

Hmmm... Summer time must be embarrassing to the wealthy green energy mega-yacht owners.... Why haven't they converted ... or at least advocated for ... their yachts to be powered by wind or sun energy?

Online headline: "Stacey Abrams refuses to say whether she supports restrictions on abortions up to 9 months" -- Well... what did you expect .. she won't even admit to whether voter registration and voting should be restricted to actual citizens...

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