Wednesday, June 15, 2022

 As the 2021-22 Fiscal year draws to an end, maybe the Mayor/Council will publish a list of anything they consider qualified as a "We do AMAZING" moment during the past year. ....Well, we're waiting!


Online headline: "The U.S. and Saudi Arabia will announce that President Joe Biden will visit the Gulf state next month and meet with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman." -- Biden bin Lyin' is meeting with Salman bin Killin'......


From the "Bias? What Bias?" department - Online headline: "An attorney for the family of 13-year-old Andre Hernandez Jr. said videos of the shooting contradict the narrative of San Antonio officers."- Excuse me ... but what did anyone EXPECT an Attorney filing a law suit to say? Besides, we have too tragically learn that being 13 on the streets is not as innocent as it once was...but a 13 year old driving on the streets at 1:20 AM never has been "innocent".


Online headline: :"White House press secy laughs off question about Biden's health: 'Not a question we should be asking'" -- "'Not a question we should be asking'"?  Wait a minute! Looks to me that this is more of a question she shouldn't be ANSWERING!


Online story: "U.S. Department of Education on Tuesday launched the National Parents and Families Engagement Council in move to ensure parents can "constructively participate in their children’s education" and to facilitate "strong and effective relationships" between schools and families." -- Hmm... and I'll bet, the same criteria Queen PeLOUSY used to pick committee members for the Trump Impeachment proceedings, and the Jan 6 Congressional Hearings Committee ill be followed to make sure no normal parents are on it...


Online headline: "Jan. 6 committee postpones Wednesday hearing without explanation" -- "Without explanation"?  I think the country seeing Democrats waste time on this rather than tackling the issues is THE Explanation!


Online headline: "Oregon school district books contain pornographic imagery of sex acts, according to portal" -- I cannot shorten this in a way that demonstrates the severity of what's going on.. No adult.. not even a parent.. should be able to influence a minor child, even their own, on being permanently altered .. mentally or physically.


Online headline"

A man who plowed a rented van into dozens of people on a busy Toronto street in 2018, killing 11, was sentenced to life in prison on Monday." -- The big question: "WHY"?... Why a life sentence? Why do the survivors and family members have to "know" this guy is still breathing, and could get out on some complication or on a future parole? My "WHY" question is "Why wasn't this evil guy put to death so the world can breathe easier?"


Online headline: "San Francisco needs more than gun control to stop violence, father of slain 6-year-old says" -- Wow .. another statement from San Francisco that shows a turn towards reality.. the First one was the voters' statement to remove their DA from office!


WRBL-TV3 story: "COLUMBUS, Ga. (WRBL) – Earlier today, June 14, the second to last co-defendant in a scheme to steal more than a million dollars in public funds appeared in front of Federal Judge Clay Land. * News 3 was the only media in the court room when Dereen Porch, 44, was sentenced to 21 months in prison on multiple counts of fraud, and ordered to pay more than $300,000 in restitution for her role in two separate crimes.

 * She pleaded guilty last year, and admitted to cashing stolen checks on behalf of Superior Court Deputy Clerk Willie Demps. She and her husband, Curtis Porch, also pleaded guilty in a separate scheme to steal coronavirus relief money." -- Hmm... How come we don't see Vivian Bishop's name in these scandal stories.. or at least hear from her as a witness since she was the Clerk of Municipal Court?

This is short as I'm juggling time this week with Vacation Bible School commitments..

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