Monday, November 22, 2010

I cannot tell if this is a picture of the next "Ken" doll, or one of Mary Martin when she was Peter Pan; how about you?
Why does the L-E still think the SOA Watch is news, much less front page worthy? The only conclusion I can come up with about the SOA Watch is that the economy has doused the ardor, the 'conviction' of the liberals or that college students decided to go home for Thanksgiving instead.

From L-E story: "“He (Charlie Rangel) had sloppy bookkeeping, yes,” said City Councilwoman Inez Dickens. “Illegal, no.” -- Hmmm, maybe that will work in Congress, but not in an IRS investigation.
The's not like he recommended condoms for birth control.
Lets face it, if the TSA wants to 'pat me down', they are going to have to hire my urologist to do the job.

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