Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Online headline: "German Chancellor Merkel's Comment Triggers Euro Sell Off" -- Hmm, could there be a new name for the Euro soon...maybe a "zero"?
Online story: "The developers of a proposed Islamic community center and mosque near ground zero are seeking federal redevelopment grants reportedly worth $5 million, further infuriating some families and first responders." -- What unmitigated gall! Even CNN, MSNBC, and the ACLU should be 'puffed up' about crossing the line of church-state separation.
potUS Imam-a received a 4:00AM phone call concerning North Korea's attack on South Korea. Guess the 3:00AM call went to Hillary.
Online headline/story: "New Rules Require Health Insurers to Spend More on Care * The 308 pages of regulations on what is known as the "medical loss ratio" may be technical, but Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius called them "an important step to hold insurance companies accountable and increase value for consumers." -- Requiring insurance companies to spend 80% of revenues on patients versus the 60% industry average will exponentially raise healthcare policy costs to provide the cash flow for current insurance company existing expenses. Now if Sebelius wants to force any organization to spend more on their receipts on recipients rather than administrative costs, she should demand that public education systems hold their staff and administrative costs to just 20% of tax revenues each receives.
Have you seen the latest sculpture erected on Broadway? Rumor has it that it was a simple obelisk until SOA Watch visitors held a graffiti rally.
While Dominos is at least being upfront when it advertises that 'none of the delivery fee' goes to the driver, what, then, is its basis of charging a delivery fee?
L-E headline/story: "Erasing memories may be on horizon * ..scientists have laid a foundation with their discovery that proteins can be removed from the brain’s fear center to erase memories forever." -- That's nothing new; DUMB&DUMBERats have used this technique for decades to get disappointed voters to vote for them again in the next election.
An interesting question: If restoring the riverbed to it's original state was the answer to restoring the natural white water rapids of the past, why must the riverbed be altered from its natural state?
Recently in Chile, and now in a New Zealand mine disaster, the accuracy of drilling has been elevated to new heights. How come the DUMB&DUMBERats in Washington are so set against drilling for oil in US sites?

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