Thursday, November 11, 2010

Online headline/story: "Four Loko Banned by Washington State Liquor Control Board * A lobbyist for Phusion Projects, maker of Four Loko, objected to the Liquor Control Board's * "No one is more upset than we are when our products are abused or consumed illegally by underage drinkers," said lobbyist Jim Halstrom. "But we also believe curbing alcohol abuse or underage drinking will not be accomplished by singling out a lone product or beverage category. We think the true answer lies with increased education and awareness by all and with respect for the law." -- "Increased education" is the answer? Yeah, like increased sex education with lessons on condom use has slowed teen sex.
So Fox has picked up Lou Dobbs as well as Juan Williams for an opinion job. Who says Fox is not 'fair and balanced'....oh, the DIM/DUMB networks who released Dobbs and Williams.
Online headline: "Obama Salutes US Troops, Condemns North Korea" -- Ooops, my bad. Thought this was a 'trick or dyslexic headline'. Either potUS Imam-a has finally looked at the November 2 election results, or it's just another flip-flop.

Online headline: "Why Main Street Doesn't Buy Wall Street's 'Recovery'" --Saw a sign at a local bank branch offering .80% on a short term CD. Bernanke's holding down the Fed interest has made too many people flee back into the stock market to get higher dividend rates which exposes them to another 'bubble' of inflated stock pricing. Hold on to your wallet!
That missile seen off the California coast.....could be as simple a 'the Arnold' exploding about the Prop 19 loss for legalizing illegal marijuana sales/use, and the lost tax revenues?
In 2008, voters voted for "HOPE" & "CHANGE". In 2010, voters voted for "CHANGE". In 2012, voters will "HOPE" that the "CHANGE" they voted for in 2010 will give them "HOPE" for their children and grandchildren.
L-E story: " LONDON — Scientists say some whale species off the Mexican coast are showing signs of severe sunburn that may be caused by the damaged ozone layer’s decreased ability to block ultraviolet radiation. " -- Has Paul Olson or Bert Coker moved to London and gotten a Scientist's degree?
L-E story: " ATLANTA — A government survey says 1 in 10 U.S. children has ADHD, a sizable increase from a few years earlier that researchers think might be explained by growing awareness and better screening. * Scientists don’t have clear answers about why there was such a significant increase. Study lead author Susanna Visser of the CDC suggests greater awareness and stepped-up screening efforts as part of the explanation." -- I've seen video reports of brain activity of children watching the flickering lights of computer screens and reading with fluorescent lighting versus watching the same outdoor scenes first hand and reading under incandescent lighting, and the comparison is amazing. adjusting to the flickering lights dominate the brain activity with distractions.
L-E's "QUOTABLE": “History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.” Dwight D. Eisenhower American military, political leader (1890-1969)" -- Today, he would add "the politically correct" to that list.

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