Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Looks like Warren Buffet has been hoisted by his own petard. By brown-nosing potUS O'Blather with his 'more taxes' comment, and putting $5 Billion into B of A, Buffet has exposed his company to a bit more scrutinization which has revealed his company may not be paying all its taxes.
Speaking of B of A, Bank of America announced it was cutting 30,000 jobs in the next months. Of course, last week, there was speculation that B of A was going to cut 40,000. Guess potUS O'Blather's spinmeisters will be proclaiming potUS O'Blather's "jobs speech" has already 'saved' 10,000 jobs!
Ironically, IRS has a department designated for handling checks from rich people who want to voluntarily donate more tax dollars than they owe. Surely this is another government operation with a negative cash flow.
Top level tennis, like golf, has no room for mediocrity or affirmative action, but Serena Williams is trying her best to get "Confirmative Action" so that her opinion should out-weigh the court referee's.
The Weiner replacement election in NY today may be being set up as a 'sucker punch' for Republicans. DIM&DUMBERats are coming supporting the Republican candidate for this longtime, very D&D stronghold. By doing so, the D&Ds are setting up the results as either an "I told you so" moment or to be able to proclaim vindication of potUS O'Blather's return to popularity.
Seems like every presidential candidate wannabe knows the problems, but it also seems every politician is campaigning on how sympathetic they can say, "I care". What we're not hearing is any of them spelling out solutions they have to solve them.
NY D&D Representative and D&D National Chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz says potUS O'Blather "jobs speech' knocked it out-of-the-ballpark, and that local and state government pension plans are not part of the economic problem the states face. Schultz should be the Webster Dictionary's picture next to the definition of "Liar".
If there are any 'loopholes' in the tax laws that need to be eliminated it's the 'loopholes' that give tax credits and refunds to people who aren't paying taxes to begin with.
Politicians say moving the retirement age higher for collecting Social Securiy is a solution, yet (and I exclude military personnel who have served in combat zones overseas) most government pensions let people retire after 20-to-30 years and collect pensions immediately, then return to other government work. This is a major part of the economic problem.
I really don't have a problem with a government entity using a private sector facility as it puts cash flow directly into the community, but I do have a problem with one government entity using another government entity as a facility host. It's basically taking tax dollars out of the private sector and shuffling them back-and-forth between
the pockets of two government entities, and the community doesn't get much benefit.
This is just wrong.
Had a run in with Simply Storage yesterday. Even though I had denied coverage on a rental unit because I am covered by my homeowners policy, Simply Storage started charging me for it anyway a couple of months ago. If you have such a storage arrangement with them, check you bank statement for an extra $9.00 charge.
I agree that Council should impose a minimum 'fee' for City Services, BUT the Council should also put a cap on the maximum it should tax any one household. Lump the two extremes together.
A L-E "soundoff": While remembering the events of 9/11, don't forget those who were dancing in the streets with joy in another country." -- That's not the worst of it..there are some of those people inside the borders of America.
Bolstered by his forceful ranting of "Pass this Bill!", is potUS O'Blather campaigning for a post-White House job as the emcee of "Extreme Makeover - White House Edition"? Can't you hear him yelling to the van drivers, "Drivers, move those vans!"?
L-E story: "The French finance ministry said when it announced the proposal (another tax on Coca Cola drinks) late last month that the move to levy a 1 euro cent per cantax was "motivated by a public health goal". -- Yeah, right....lying politicians are a world-wide problem. No tax is levied for a "public health goal"; taxes are levied because politicians think they can get away with it to have more money to spend. If "public health" were a "goal", politicians would ban what they think are unhealthy products rather than tax them.
Things may be looking up...today's L-E Foreclosure Section is thinner than usual.

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