Thursday, September 8, 2011

Online headline: "Al Gore: 'Obama Appears To Have Bowed To Pressure From Polluters' -- Like he appeared to 'bow' to the Saudis, or is Algore just envious that potUS O'Blather isn't exclusive with it comes to bending over and taking Algore? Don't you love it when libs eat their own?
Online headline/story: "Virginia Mosque Dispute Settled By Justice Department * Religious freedom is one of our most cherished rights, and that right includes the ability to assemble and build places of worship without facing discrimination," said Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights Thomas Perez." -- Oh, but we can't pray and honor God or Jesus in schools or other public areas?
$176K for the DOT Comish...what do his minions make? You have to remember that this is a group whose only job is to prioritize (after politicizing) the allocation of tax dollars. Seems like a lot of money is being skimmed off the top that could be saved by just letting the GA House/Senate doing the politicizing.
From L-E story: "A Columbus woman who embezzled more than $626,000 from beneficiary accounts for veterans was sentenced Wednesday to 33 months in federal prison. * ..........., the former director of children’s ministries at Trinity Episcopal Church in Columbus, will begin serving her time on Nov. 1. After her release, she’ll be placed on probation for five years and ordered to pay $1,000 a month in restitution, said her defense attorney, James L. Wiggins" -- Hmmmm, you have to wonder whether she will be still paying on this in 55 years (33 months + 626 months). And that doesn't include the interest on $626,000.
Heh heh.... Enjoy Thanks to a fellow BCer...
Wow! Another video worth passing from another BCer -
Lib L-E "soundoff": "No, color shouldn’t be reason to elect someone to office. So wasn’t color the reason you decided not to vote for him? " -- The reality is that most voters who voted for potUS O'Blather did so because of his color or his party affiliation...there's no other reason any of those voters can blame.
Quote from L-E story on the Republican debate: "“Who on this stage can get America working?” Perry said. “What Americans are looking for is someone who can get this country working again. ... We created 1 million jobs in the state of Texas. At the same time, America lost 2.5 million.” -- Guess the White House spinmeisters will be out in force saying Governor Perry considers Texas separate from America so he can't have an American birth certificate.
L-E headline: "Georgia Works gets bipartisan boost * Obama may put jobs program on national agenda" -- Let's see, "Georgia Works" has been initiated in GA and adopted in NH, and both states saw a rise in July unemployment. I can see why potUS O'Blather would be interested in adopting this idea as his own... more government jobs to created to run such a problem that take more productive private sector tax dollars out of the economy, but what is the great idea of his own that he's promised?
Eddie Murphy is going to host the Academy Awards....hmmmm, after seeing the trailers for his last three (or is it 4?) movie flops, this is just another reason I won't be watching the Academy Awards this year...again.
This could be a remarkable season...On-the-road Mississippi State is a pre-game 7 point favorite over the defending National Champs. Even Ripley would have a hard time 'believing'.
L-E story: "WASHINGTON — Two years after the economic stimulus law, about one-third of the money authorized for an energy efficiency program has not been spent, a government audit found. " -- Whatta dilemma! Spend it and waste it, or not spend it but waste it on another government program?

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