Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Online headline/story: "Senate Turns To Plan B After Voting Down First Funding Bill
it is very clear that this is the right way to go," Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said on the floor. * "It shows us we don't need to focus on 2011 funding. … This compromise should satisfy Republicans because it includes the 2012 FEMA funding, and it should be a win for Democrats because it does not include offsets." -- This dots the "i" and crosses the 't' on what's wrong with DIM&DUMBERat processing of what's right for America. It's all about his party, nowhere does Reid consider it a win for America's needs.
Online headline: "Harvard Website Hit By Pro-Syrian Government Hackers" -- Hmmm, must have been an inside job.
Online headline: " Sour Economy Complicates Obama Fundraising" -- Ooops, I thought this was about getting his jobs bill passed.
While there is a need, a very strong need, to get a minimum level of participation for city services, there is a greater need to put a cap on the maximum tax the city/MCSD can assess any residential property.
From Barackobama.com: "Here's something you don't have in common with 24,328 other supporters of this movement who tell us they live in Georgia. * Our records show that you aren't one of the 24,328 people in your state who have stepped up for 2012. Now's your chance to change that.: -- You can "HOPE" but don't expect this to "CHANGE". Wow, 24,328 supporters... guess that also means there are nearly $9.7 Million GA non-supporters.
Courtesy of a fellow BCer commenting about the new Natatorium to be built: "If they build an outdoor park as well, will it be called the Gnatatorium?
I just heard it today (as the media sorta overlooks potUS O'Blather's gaffes as best they can on weekends), that when potUS O'Blather was addressing the Congressional Black Caucus, in what must have been a TelePrompter snafu, he called attention to the fact that Warren Buffet pays a lesser tax rate than 'a Jew"..and after stammering, he said he meant 'janitor". Now, was he stereotyping janitors as blacks or vice versa? God forbid had Rick Perry said the same thing to the same audience!
You know, potUS O'Blather and VPOTUS Biden-Biden are quite a pair...both have been blessed with the "Gift of Gaffe".
Michael "Cry Baby" Vick is whining about being knocked to the ground every time he tries to pass, but the referees don't throw the yellow flags like they do for other quarterbacks... Hmmm, could it be that all the refs are dog owners?
Online quote site: "Big jobs usually go to the men who prove their ability to outgrow small ones." - Theodore Roosevelt" -- The past is full of visionaries who foresaw the coming of potUS O'Blather, yet there are too many blinded media and voters who can't see beyond their eyelids. Heaven help us.

On Fox news yesterday AM, there was a stock analyst and a PO representative discussing the woes of the USPS and its attempt at shutting down on Saturday deliveries. The stock analyst pounded home the fact that the USPS was using 80% of its revenues for salaries and benefits, and none of the 250+ companies he covers could possibly stay in business with that kind of cost factor. Hmmm, wonder what this stock analyst would say about the MCSD using almost 85% of its revenues for salaries and benefits?
potUS O'Blather scolded and audience of D&Ds yelling that maybe he's not 'the best', but to look at their alternative choices. Well, they are Mr potUS, and you know they are.
What's wrong with this picture? potUS O'Blather can (and does) bow to foreign dictators, but Tennessee High School coaches can not bow in prayer.
potUS O'Blather has riled the black community by telling them to get out there and find a job like he did.......
L-E headline: "TSYS to hold bazaar sale to benefit United Way" -- What's a bazaar item?
Don't you hate it when someone talks about our Constitution, and refers to us being a Democracy? The US form of government is a Limited Republic.
L-E healine: "Postal service asks for help * They (sic) want to know who (sic) should be the first living person to grace a stamp" -- Obviously, it needs to be either Hank Aaron or B*rry B*nds. The USPS needs a home run now just to get into extra innings.
L-E headline: "Former DC mayor's son to be sentenced in drug case" Obviously, Marion Barry's son did not fall far from the tree.
Hmmm, Barry Bonds, Marion Barry, Marion Christopher Barry, Barry Obama... I'm not going to let my children name their children "Barry".
L-E headline: "Season Worst in 50 Years" -- Ooops, my bad. Thought this was about home runs, not home sales.
Wow... 3 weeks in a row the L-E Foreclosure Section has been only 8 pages. Guess better times for homeowners is not so good for the L-E Ad revenues.

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