Friday, September 2, 2011

This is the first BC in a long. long, long time that isn't being sent to TSam directly, but he's probably already reading it as I punch the "send' icon.
Online headline: "Obama Won't Help His Uncle?" -- Doesn't have to do so....Aunti Zeituni's lawyer has already gotten to him, and potUS O'Blather has already gotten to the every judge in Massachusetts.
Online headline: "Earthquake Hits Los Angeles Area" -- Ooops, my bad. Figured Maxine Waters was ranting again.
Jay Carney says potUS O'Blather's speech on Thursday will be over before the NFL kickoff. I think Carney is a little optimistic...the speech will be over 2 sentences in to it.
Glenn Beck says the major rift between taxpayers and politicians is that we don't trust them. I disagree...I actually trust them all, but I trust them to be politicians rather than statesmen, so there is very little I expect to get solved politically.
ABC really missed an opportunity years ago when it dismissed Geraldo Rivera and kept Brent Musburger. ABC should have produced the original reality show by locking Geraldo and Musburger in a small room filled with every kind of hand weapon known, and called it "The Network is not big enough for both your egos" and let them settle it.
So, GM is outsourcing work to Canada, but justifies it by saying the increased profit would stay in the US. Hmmm, looks like even the UAW is admitting its members are being paid too much for GM to profit on its own.
Algore ranted that, if you don't believe in global climate change you are like a racist. Racist? Like so many issues that DIM&DUMBERats place so much emphasis on 'color', has it boiled down to where DIM&DUMBERats now judge you on whether you're dark geen or light green?
At a job fair in California sponsored by the Black Caucus had the Reverend Jesse Jackson as its spokesperson. Who would want Jesse Jackson out promoting jobs? Can anyone tell me of a job that Jesse Jackson has ever held that wasn't funded by donations, or created a job for someone who he hasn't gotten pregnant?
Online headline: "Maya Angelou: MLK Memorial Makes Him Sound Like 'Arrogant Twit' " --Is it still "Shark Week"? The feeding frenzy is on when liberals eat their own.
The Republican 'response' to potUS O'Blather's 'jobs speech' should be given by South Carolina Representative, Joe Wilson; halfway through the speech, Wilson should stand up and yell, "You're still lying!", and all Republicans should quietly just walk out.
At a time when potUS O'Blather's popularity among American voters is at a record low, why does potUS O'Blather have a 76% approval rating among Muslims in America?

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