Monday, September 12, 2011

Online story: "WASHINGTON -- The Secret Service is investigating three threatening messages that were posted on the White House's Facebook page. * The messages included a picture of Osama bin Laden. One said, "We'll come back 11/9/2011 to kill u all." * Another showed small plane icons and said, "Today we'll come 11/9/2011." -- Now we know what potUS O'Blather's long awaited "jobs creation bill" is; posting threats on his own Facebook page, then rehiring former ACORN workers to protect him.
I'm tired.... tired of being brow beaten by government agencies about how we must give up more freedoms to be "safe". What's government actually done in the last 10 years? Government treats US citizens like 3rd country thugs when we fly, government protects the rights of non-Christian entities, but tries to keep God and Jesus out of schools and the 9/11 memorial ceremony while, and government has delayed the building of the new Ground Zero replacement tower, while encouraging and expediting a Mosque to be built there.
L-E story: "Muscogee County Sheriff John Darr can remember when security at the Government Center was basically one sheriff’s deputy patrolling the three buildings, all of which could be accessed by the public from all directions. * Now, post 9/11, there is a lone public entrance with a walk-through metal detector, several deputies with hand-held detectors and an X-ray scanner for purses and briefcases. And the building bristles with security cameras, many of which weren’t there 10 years ago, said Darr, whose job it is to maintain safety and security for the three-building complex." -- Guess this is the local stab at job creation based on keeping us "safe" (see above 2 comments). The parking deck has been closed to the public, there are cameras everywhere, the public is now herded through a single 'cattle gate' at the government center, yet we have more Sheriff, Marshal, and Police employees than ever. Further, since there is only 1 entrance for the public to enter the Government Center, and everyone is screened for even the smallest of penknives, why do we need security cameras at all, and why can't there be cuts in the security personnel?
10 years later, why are monies being collected for 9/11 memorials? What has happened to the moneys collected during the past 10 years? Has this become emotional blackmail to keep the fund raisers perpetually employed?
Quote taken from interview in the L-E: "The price of greatness is responsibility” — Winston Churchill " -- Hmm, no wonder we have such problems in government and MCSD ventures... no one wants to take responsibility for their work!
L-E headline: "2011 Maneuver Conference begins today at Columbus Convention & Trade Center " -- I, too, love Ft Benning and our Army friends/family, but wouldn't this event be better served on the grounds of Ft Benning, and thus saving quite a bit of our tax dollars?

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