Monday, October 17, 2011

L-E headline: "People illegally dumping trash behind Oxbow " -- Hmmm..Musta been the designated campground for "Occupy Columbus".
Phil Scoggins had to be embarrasses doing the WRBL3 news last night. After WRBL3 went to the expense of sending a crew to get the story behind "Occupy Columbus", it showed that maybe 12 +/- showed up. Of course, that may have increased the viewership significantly from the regular Sunday night figures.
"Occupy Wall Street" could get real interesting soon. Someone(s) has given $300,000.00 to the "only all-union bank" in the world, and opened a storage facility to accumulate/distribute supplies to the protesters. This has the all the ingredients to become a living documentary of "Animal Farm", where all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.
The Martin Luther King Memorial is bigger than life. Forget it potUS O'Blather, you will never fill those shoes.
L-E's "Thought for Today": "Those who nobly set out to be their brother's keeper sometimes end up by becoming his jailer. Every emancipation has in it the seeds of a new slavery, and every truth easily becomes a lie." - I.F Stone. American journalist, (1907-1989). -- Man, did Stone peg the "Great Society" of L. B. Johnson and the DIM&DUMBERats of the 60's and their subsequent welfare programs!
One of the most consistent demands of various "Occupy Wherever" has been for the repeal of the "Bush Taxcuts". Just shows you what not knowing what a real job and salary is makes most DIM&DUMBERats less than smart enough to fend for themselves.
Have you ever wondered what the percentage number is of DIM&DUMBERat voters who have always relied on some form of government to pay their salary and benefits?
There's a story in the L-E saying "Occupy Chicago" has a list of 12 demands that clarify their positions. Like all of potUS O'Blather's speeches about his plans, not one of the list was actually stated.
L-E - please stop advertising that you have an Android App on your website. You have an iPhone App, but not one for other Android based phones.
Have you noticed that potUS O'Blather was been quick to send in American support to aid Libyan rebels against the reigning government despotism, but has done nothing to aid the "Ladies in White" in Cuba fighting to end the communist regime of Castro?
Missouri School Systems are initiating new guidelines in the lunchroom demanded by potUS O'Blather's orders in order to cut back on wasted food/supplies, and to keep to keep Federal Funding for such. In one such school, the students who actually use to pay for their lunches have organized, and are planning to bring their lunches from home for the rest of the year. Bet the school's wasted food and supplies increase.
Fred Couples picking Tiger Woods is actually a good choice. If he hadn't. all the media attention would have been focused on that issue alone, rather than what people want to see...good golf. If Tiger plays well, Couples looks even better; if not, then Woods will have to live with it. I hope Tiger shoots 'lights out', and his fellow Americans crush the Internationals.
Sara Pauff says, "I used to be smart." * "Then I graduated from college" * Sometimes I feel like half of the knowledge I acquired from 17 years of schooling has leaked out of my head because I don't use it on a regular basis." -- Bet she becomes a better writer, and I'll bet Academia isn't listening to her plight.

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