Saturday, October 29, 2011

Rasmus that the Cardinals have won the world series, where are you going next? "Back to Toronto.......:
Online Quote site: "Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, 'What's in it for me?'" - Brian Tracy " -- This should the National Campaign motto of the DIM&DUMBERats... no, on second thought, it should be put in every Conservative's ad to highlight the differences between what's good for the country's future versus the 'feed me' mantra of DIM&DUMBERats.
L-E story: "Sacramento, CA - Assemblywoman Mary Hayashi has been charged with felony grand theft after allegedly being caught by security officers stealing nearly $2,500 in clothing from a San Francisco Nieman-Marcus store. -- She shoulda waited until after Thanksgiving for the sales, and it would probably been worth less than $100 and considered only a misdemeanor.
L-E's "Quotable": "Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go." - Oscar Wilde, Irish dramatist and poet (1854-1900)" -- Bet this was published in every Irish newspaper and scribbled on every Irish pub's bathroom wall the day before potUS O'Blather left Ireland.
Occupy Atlanta protesters took over the MLK Memorial site, and are claiming their involvement is one of civil rights. What a blow to the dreams of Dr King!
From a L-E story about Atlanta being the #1 city in income disparity. "Authorities say possible explanations include the city's large number of college students, who often have no income." -- Another possible, no, probable answer is the number of DIM&DUMBERat voters living off the government teat.
Once again, I'd like to see Herman Cain as the next Vice President. For two reasons: first, it would mean O'Blather bin Biden have suffered the pains of eviction so many Americans have faced while they were in office, but mainly because, I'd love to see him presiding over the US Senate like a CEO.
Double-take L-E headline: "In brief * Obama takes more steps alone to help businesses" -- Not only is he 'alone' in his ideas and ac"tions, he's completely 'out-of-step' solving the problems.
L-E headline: "White House to review Energy Department Loans" -- For what, to check whether there we any other companies owned by other liberals that they missed giving our money to the first time?
News Flash: L-E story: "New York - Simon Cowell doesn't use Twitter but wants "X Factor fans to use the site to vote for their favorite Contestants." -- Proof, beyond all doubt, that Simon Cowell is, indeed, the chief twit.

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