Friday, October 7, 2011

potUS O'Blather says the economy is sluggish because of uncertainty in Europe... ??? If there is any uncertainty causing economic sluggishness it is only because potUS O'Blather has told us he thinks Europe is better than America.
The "Buffet Rule" has actually been in effect since 1996..initiated by a Republican majority in both Houses of Congress when Clinton was President. Anyone who wanted to voluntarily pay more taxes could do so by sending money to the U.S Treasury Department. In these 15 years, only $26 Million has been voluntarily submitted, and I'll bet that none of the present day whiners have previously done so.
While I'm sure Eric Holder and potUS O'Blather are scrambling "fast & Furiously" since it has been revealed that e-mails show they knew about the arms scandal more than a year before they recently admitted, I'll bet the DOJ executive who has written off his vacation trips with his girlfriend is scrambling even 'faster' from his spouse who is more than 'furious'.
So potUS O'Blather has scheduled anoth bus tour for jobs. Of course, this time the media is skeptical, and have started a "name that tour" contest, including "the Running on Empty Express". I think we can do better. Here are some of my thoughts:L
"Going my way or the highway"
"Rode to Nowhere", "Plunder Road",
"Highway to My Way",
"Job Available - Bus Boy"
" Solyndra (Some old line you never dreamt about_

And you have to wonder who's actually driving the bus...potUS himself, a Secret Service agent, or an International Teamster...perhaps Jimmy Hoffa, Sr. Maybe even "the Hope and Change tour; I HOPE you still have CHANGE I can get from you".
potUS O'Blather's problem in creating private sector jobs is because he's never had to raise revenues by getting people to voluntarily to hand over money because they like his pruduct. Books George Soros bought in bulk do not count.
Online headline: "Head Of Solyndra Loan Program To Step Down" -- We can only hope that the first step is off a step off a solar panel on the roof of the White House.
Online headline: "Aztec Temple Platform Discovered In Mexico" -- Archaeologists are expressing hope of finding the burial tomb of the Aztyec Emperor who was ruling when Columbus landed and when the Spanish conquered the Aztecs. My guess is this is somewhat of a PR scam to arouse funding interest to keep the archaeologists working, because since the Spanish killed and cremated the Emperor, I doubt any gold icons would be buried. More than likely, any gold icons ended up on a Spanish ship back to Spain or ended up on the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico.

In a L-E story regarding the Expedia lawsuit: "Assistant City Attorney Lucy T. Sheftall wrote in a letter to the attorney general. “We appreciate your interest in this matter, but we cannot put the taxpayers of Columbus at a disadvantage by releasing confidential attorney-client document to a person with a financial interest in the outcome of litigation.” --How is this a disadvantage to the taxpayers? The City of Columbus should only receive any taxes due plus any actual expenses the City has experienced, and since Council has eagerly defended its position as one that is based on the City not having any expenses, the only beneficiary of the suit is actually the lawyers. In addition, what the lawsuit claims could be more expediently handled in a criminal (versus civil) case by engaging the State Attorney General's office.
L-E headline: "Columbus officials urge Georgia lawmakers not to leave city off rail line" -- Columbus officials only see the potential of what any taxes will be brought in to the city coffers on transportation sales, but have no clue that the actual cost of running it will be a drain on state coffers thus being an negative impact for the citizens of Columbus.
One more time: Why are the figures used to reconstruct the Council and School Districts' borders 8,000 less than the recent U.S. Census report?
Hallelujah! We finally have a MCSD Board member other than Cathy Williams who gets it! SO for Rob Varner "told them, “We don’t represent schools. We represent citizens.” -- Amen!
If the MCSD wants to be "fair" then let the MCSD allow the homeowners' exemption for the City's portion be applied to the MCSD's portion.
To letter writer C.A "Brother Love" Hardmon: Since you are so sure of your facts, even though, at best, they are all hearsay and conjecture, then you should lead the push to have all the witnesses who have recanted their testimony (lied under oath) to be prosecuted for perjury, and seek criminal and civil action against them for 'wrongful death'. If you don't, then, you are nothing but a blowhard racist!
The latest first time unemployment application is 401,000. For 21 of the kast 25 weeks, that number has been over 400K. That means that in the last 6 months, over 10,000,000 people have lost their jobs, and will probably be drawing unemployment aid for the next 99 weeks. It's no laughing matter potUS O'Blather. You're throwing too many people under that Canadian bus you're out joyriding in.
Sign seen at the "Occupy Wall Street" protest in NYC: "Stop Spending My Future". Huih? That's a sign that needs to be paraded in front of the Capitol and the White House, and i would even carry it myself.
L-E's "Quotable" : "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." - Dr Martin Luther King, Jr" -- Hmmm., no wonder DIM&DUMBERats object to Republicans who use Dr King's quotes/.speeches when they are running for election against D&Ds.

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