Saturday, August 4, 2012

Online headline/story: "Larry Craig: Trip To Airport Bathroom Where Arrest Took Place Was 'Official' Business * (Craig) cites a U.S. Senate rule in which reimbursable per diem expenses include all charges for meals, lodging, hotel fans, cleaning, pressing of clothing – and bathrooms. * "Not only was the trip itself constitutionally required, but Senate rules sanction reimbursement for any cost relating to a senator's use of a bathroom while on official travel," wrote Andrew Herman, Craig's lawyer in Washington, D.C., in documents filed Thursday." -- Guess he's got a point since we pay Congress people for all the crap they dump on us.
Online story: "Retired porn star Jenna Jameson waded into the 2012 presidential race on Thursday, choosing a San Francisco strip club as the venue to announce her support for GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney." -- Why would any level of media, other than bottom-of-the-barrel tabloids consider this a news item. Now if there is a story worth reporting concerning endorsements by societal dregs, then report that convicted felons endorse (and vote for if Eric Holder has his way) King Arpege and every other DIM&DUMBERat.
Who could be prouder of the US overtaking China yesterday in the medal count at the Olympics than King Arpege? After all, who could be more excited that the IRS was getting windfall taxes based on performance. Unfortunately, King Arpege's glee will be short as the voters realize that only the hard working winners pay taxes, just as it is for everyday small business champions.
King Arpege says the economy will grow from the "middle out' by putting more money in the pockets of those in the middle. Yeah, but only if the 'middle' gets money by earning it, and not by government handouts. And that comes about only when small businesses feel good about hiring new employees, and boosting wages of their employees.
From the "what is he thinking" department: Watching the women's water polo match between the Aussies and Russians, 4 of the Aussies were in 'foul' trouble so the coach kept them out of the game so none would get another foul and get ejected. What's the difference between a player not playing because the coach doesn't want her to foul out, and the player actually fouling out?
Hmmm, so Chevrolet "run's deep'; well, so does the government "BS".
King Arpege complained his whole term about the situation he inherited. Imagine the complaints he'll make about what he inherited should he get re-elected!
Can you even imagine the Greeks even entertaining an event like men's synchronized diving in the 1st Olympic games?
No matter what claims King Arpege makes about Romney sending jobs out of the country, nothing can change the facts that King Arpege had sold our children's future to China.
From a fellow BCer.. a candidate for bumpersticker of the month:
L-E story: "Congress has approved a bill that allows proceeds from the National Infantry Museum and Soldier Center Commemorative Coin to be used to help retire the museum’s $15 million debt." -- Excuse me, but when did the NIF get $15 Million in debt? All along, the fund raising chief said it was raising enough to pay for it and put millions in the bank to pay for operations. Somebody has some 'splainin' to do.
Maybe Cavezza should have added the NIF to the T-SPLOST he pushed.
Online story: "With Target's new wedding registry ad featuring a male couple, one proponent of natural marriage says the retailer is apparently promoting homosexual marriage. -- Guess 'we' have a new 'target' to boycott.
What was that? I read in the TV listing on my phone 'London2012 app" that 'handball' was scheduled. I played handball years ago. Since i had long arms and was pretty agile, I played a pretty good game. Turned on the TV to watch it played at Olympic level, but what did I see.. women, double dribbling basketball style, and throwing the ball, dodgeball style, at a small soccer net while a goalie tried to get in the way. I imagine the Greeks gods moaned at this as I did.
L-E story: "(Dan) Cathy, a devout Southern Baptist whose family has always been outspoken about its faith" -- When was the last time you heard media describe/vilify a gay/lesbian as "outspoken" about his/her lifestyle? Dan Cathy should be being celebrated for standing up for his beliefs, rights, and lifestyle!
Building permit issued :
1100 Enoch Drive (Morris Road front); $60,000; Columbus Consolidated Government; add/repair other building.
Since this is owned by the city and exempt from property taxes, why is the city transferring a fee for a $60,000.00 permit between pockets?
Remember when we were in awe of someone 'putting the shot' 60 feet? Now the World Record is almost 76 feet!
A L-E story says hiring picked up in July, BUT at the same time, the unemployment figured ticked up to 8.3%. DIM&DUMBERats rejoiced, but the reality is that more people tried to come back into the work force than could get a job.
L-E headline: "Some voters will weigh Romney's faith, others his values" -- Hey, that's not fair! It discriminates against King Arpege because he has neither!

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