Monday, August 13, 2012

Why shouldn't the athletes in the Olympics be taxed on earned income? Aside from learning for the first time that not only the IOC, but our own USOC paid the medal winners cash for winning, does anyone think that the athletes' agents don't take their share of the money their clients earn?
Online headline: "Matehuala, Mexico Mayor-Elect Shot To Death" -- Guess this is considered a 'recall' in drug ruled, third world countries.
Liberal's L-E "soundoff": "Ending tax cuts for households with over $250,000 a year would save the government nearly $1 trillion. Our economy needs sensible measures to cut the deficit, not the wealthy sticking it to the poor people." -- I am beginning to believe there really are brain dead zombies amongst us, and they all are members of the DIM&DUMBERats. First of all, cutting taxes would not save the government one penny; tax cuts save the taxpayer money, but at the same time, generally increase tax revenue to the government as the risk takers venture forward with confidence. Secondly, the "ONLY" sensible measures to cut the deficit are to reduce government spending.
Another liberal's L-E "soundoff": "The GOP blames and bashed Obama for the nation's economy, but I don't see them doing a flaming thing to make it better." -- While race horses are sometimes fitted with 'blinders' to make the horse focus only on what's directly in front of it, the party of the jackass wears blindfolds. True, the Republican Congress lost focus from 2000-2006, but when the DIM&DUMBERats took over the Congress in the 2006 elections, is when the economy tanked. The GOP is making a 'flaming' effort to continue correcting that mistake in 2012 as it started in 2010.
L-E's "Thought for Today": "There are people, who the more you do for them, the less they will do for themselves." Jane Austen, English author (1775-1817)" -- Who knew that ACORN was registering DIM&DUMBERats to vote way back then?
With twin earthquakes hitting Iran, wouldn't it be a great time for Iran to allow detailed inspections of its nuclear research/development facilities?
The USA beat China in every medal category. Wonder if China will accept them as debt payment?
As much pride as the MCSD will demonstrate over the new Carver High School facility, you would think that the principal would have worn appropriate attire for such portrait.
The MCSD needs to enforce a higher standard of dress code amongst its administrative level personnel.

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