Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Hey Rubio... 1,957,264 people went to the Republican primaries/caucuses yesterday, and you got a total of 180,821 votes. Guess what, 91% wanted someone other than YOU! And it was particularly embarrassing for you in Mississippi.. 95% gave you a raspberry!

Oh, how about Hillary? She got "Bern'd" in Michigan...

Online headline: "Obama to skip Reagan's funeral" -- Hmmm... I'd say this is about "par for the course"..

Online headline: "Rubio campaign accuses opponent of 'dirty tricks' * The White House hopeful's team is accusing another presidential campaign of 'spreading false rumors and lies' in his home state of Florida." -- "spreading false rumors and lies"?  You know.. wouldn't a "false lie" be the truth?

Driving by the Whittlesey Road widening project is really disheartening..we see a slew of supervisors' trucks yet no workers. And the eyesore that exists..maybe Keep Columbus Beautiful should issue them an "ugly" award.

Joe Biden said Ronald Reagan could not win the Republican nomination this year..I wonder what chance Biden would give John F. Kennedy in today's or tomorrow's Democratic Party?

Saw Debbie Wasserman Schultz floundering... pandering, too,  on Fox last night.  You know, where has Debbie Wasserman Schultz been hiding? With the FBI investigation running at full speed on Hillary, you'd think that even CNN, or MSNBC would like to know what the DNC back up plan is if Hillary is arrested and charged.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz is always full of herself, but last night she was just full of s***.  She actually stated that the Democrats would win as they had in the last 5 out of 6 presidential elections.. yoo hoo.. Dimbo Wasserman Schultz.. Bush43 won two of the last 6 presidential races...I guess Schultz is a victim of Common CRAP Math..

Hmmmm..A new poll says like only 25% of Americans think we ought to increase immigration. No wonder Trump us drawing big numbers.

I'm about sick of Hillary saying she neither sent nor received any e-mails marked "Classified"...of course she didn't...important government are marked "secret, top secret, or SAP (special access programs)", not classified.

Wow..saw Tucker Carlson, a Fox reporter who finally said what I've contended from the git-go...Cruz is coming up because he finally recognized why and how Trump has connect with the voters...and by adopting and adapting that message of hope, of actually saying he is planning to get something done, that Trump gives, has become viable.

L-E headline/story: "House passes bill to put tax freeze referendum on ballot  *  All five Columbus representatives, Democrats Calvin Smyre, Carolyn Hugley and Debbie Buckner as well as Republicans Richard Smith and John Pezold, voted in favor of the bill, which unanimously passed the House." -- Hey.. anybody running against any of these folks.. let me know where I can send a donation..
You know.. if such initiative is passed by the Senate and signed by the governor and gets on the ballot and passes, then Mayor TomLYINGson has won.. the current freeze is protected by the GA constitution.. if that is eliminated, 6 Council votes or one Superior Court judge can terminate ALL protection.
L-E headline: "Columbus has more property crime than comparable cities * Analysis of 2014 FBI statistics compares Columbus to nine other cities Columbus had more burglaries, auto thefts, overall property crime *  Mayor cites density, poverty, underage offenders as factors" -- "Mayor cites density, poverty, underage offenders as factors"? Oh.. how about the factors of misuse of the Public Safety LOST revenues, an undermanned police department, a new revolving door at the jail program, and  police department personnel more interested in writing tickets than patrolling the neighbors who will not cooperate with the police..
Oh.. in the above article, this URL link was published that one neighborhood group was using to keep up with crime  (  It takes you to an African beach resort website.. guess the criminals use this as a hiding place between burglaries.
Of interest is the number of middle and high school aged criminals.. gangs use them as the courts let them out about as fast as they get there.. This is not a new phenomena.. when my family was in the retail business, it was a common practice of older teenagers bringing pre-teens in with them to attempt shoplifting raids.. Older ones would "steal", then put the merchandise in a shopping bag held by a pre-teener because the police/courts basically told them to just not do it again. Yeah.. that helped..NOT! It's funny.. or not, that this phenomenon didn't exist until the 70s after LBJ's "Great Society" program broke down families.
Stupid LIV's (note: the definition of LIV is now changed-- I use to use it as an acronym for "Low-Info-Voter".. but that's gotten worse so I am updating it.. LIV will now represent "Liberal-Informed-Voter" as it's more accurate) L-E "soundoff": " Despite profits approaching $40 billion gouged from Americans, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals still thinks it doesn’t need to pay U.S. taxes." -- The main reason American Companies move headquarters to other countries they do business in is simply because of the crippling tax rates here in the US..Blame the liberals who created this conundrum.
The Columbus L-E started a new format today..more white space... this way the paper looks thicker as well, but I'm guessing that the L-E has figured out that the paper it uses is cheaper than the ink it uses.

To all the MCSD challengers qualifying for Districts against incumbents.. Every time you debate with them. ask them "Why did you support spending $300,000.00 on Columbus High's softball field improvements when Columbus High does not even have a field on its campus?" and "Would you explain how you figures a 2,400 square foot metal-building-built-on-a-slab could cost $750,000.00 ($312.00 a square foot)?" 

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