Thursday, March 3, 2016

Online headline: "Ted Cruz hints for GOP rival to drop out of the race * After winning his home state of Texas on Tuesday night, Cruz made a plea to the Republican candidates -- and he seems to be speaking to one in particular now." --  " After winning his home state of Texas"?  Winning has a little more specificity to me than being the plurality vote getter in your own home state's primary.. Cruz made a solid showing but so did Trump.

I prefer Trump's ability to get things done. accomplished.. Cruz.. has good ideas and passion for certain, but not sure of his ability to get voters to the ballot box in November to win. not only the White House, but more importantly get large amounts of conservative independents out to get another 6 or so Republican Senators elected.

Online headline/story: "Trump releases healthcare proposals * U.S. Republican presidential front-runner candidate Donald Trump on Wednesday unveiled proposals for reforming U.S. healthcare that included repealing Obamacare, allowing prescription drugs to be imported, and turning the Medicaid program for the poor into block grants to states. * The plan also calls for the sale of health insurance plans across state lines, full deduction of health insurance premiums from income tax and adds: "We must also make sure that no one slips through the cracks simply because they cannot afford insurance." * Trump, who is the front-runner in the race to become the Republican nominee in November's presidential election, is also proposing allowing individuals to use Health Savings Accounts to pay for out-of-pocket expenses. Contributions to HSAs would be tax-free and could be passed on to heirs without any tax penalty. * The proposals include requiring "...price transparency from all healthcare providers, especially doctors and healthcare organizations like clinics and hospitals. Individuals should be able to shop to find the best prices for procedures, exams or any other medical-related procedure." --- Hmmm.. tell you what.. simplicity and common sense sounds good to me...Of course, insurance companies/hospitals probably won't like this... hey, that's a good thing..

Online headline: "Ivy League bans tackling during practice" -- Guess not keeping score in games will soon follow, and each school will get an annual championship participation trophy to display.

Online headline/story: "Appeals court judge Kelly being vetted for US Supreme Court spot *  Kelly, a white woman and former public defender, has served on the St. Louis-based 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals since April 2013. She was confirmed to the post by the Senate on a 96-0 vote. *  Republican Senator Chuck Grassley said at the time that Kelly was "well regarded in my home state of Iowa" and that he was "pleased to support" her nomination." -- Hmm.. the "Game" is "ON"!  More about Judge Kelly.. a Harvard classmate of NERO-bamageddon.. less than 3 years as a judge on Court of Appeals, and the kicker.. was previously supported by Iowa Senator Grassley, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee that would review any Supreme Court nomination. Yes, the "Game" is  "On'.

Online headline: "Fox: Republican Romney to make 'major speech' on 2016 presidential race" -- What.. now he wants to "man up"?  After bailing out in both 2008 and 2012..I'm not ready to put much stock in Romney's political prowess or impact..

Online headline: "Miley Cyrus calls Donald Trump 'a f**king nightmare'" -- Hmmm.. well, that's still milder..nicer than my opinion of Miley or her dad.

Online headline: "Lawmaker: 2016 hopeful a 'monster' spawned by GOP * Minority Leader Harry Reid said Wednesday that Republicans have created a presidential candidate that could potentially destroy their party." -- Hmmm.. isn't that special.. Harry Reid "concerned" about the future of the Republican Party.. seems to me that if he feels this way, he would be encouraging Trump...

Online headline: "The US just captured a significant ISIS operative, and is now facing a big dilemma" -- Yeah.. without GITMO, guess the military will have to follow NERO-bamageddon's back-up plan... "Catch and Release".

HuffPOOPOO headline: "Nanny Accused Of Beheading Child Says It Was To Avenge Muslims Killed In Syrian Airstrikes" -- Yes.. Trump is right! Here's a Muslom caretaker in Russia beheading someone else's 4 year old girl in the name of Allah.. SICK! SICK! SICK!

Online headline/story: "David Axelrod: Georgia Voters Are Poor And Dumb, And That’s Why Trump Won * “When you look at the difference between these states, it really is a difference in income and education,” he continued. “Georgia has more of the downscale vote. Trump has done better there. Rubio has been trying to appeal to upscale, highly educated voters, such as those you find in northern Virginia. " -- Hmmm.. David Axelrod... Democratic Party strategist for Obamageddon, and director of the non-partisan Institute of Politics at the University of Chicago and is a Senior Political Commentator for CNN thinks Trump voters are dumb... God only knows what he thinks of Democratic Party voters...The Democrats are shaking now, as Trump has tapped into the Democrat political plan.. make the promises people want to hear, and worry about fulfilling them...or not... after the election.

The head of the US Border Patrol said that if agents disagree with NERO-bamageddon's efforts to sidestep existing laws, then they should look for another job....sorta straight out of Mein Kampf.

Yesterday, I overheard a teacher talking about MCSD Superintendent Davis Lewis telling them that
"he was the CEO, and they have to support his decisions". You know.. leadership is about getting people to follow because they trust you.. not because you order them to follow.

L-E headline/story: "SUPER TUESDAY TURNOUT FOR COLUMBUS ‘A HUGE SURPRISE’ *  The turnout was 31,748, or about 37 percent of the city’s 85,000-plus voters, not counting provisional or military ballots yet to be counted, Boren said." -- Hmmm.. 16,179 voted in the Democratic Primary, which means 15,569 voted in the Republican Primary.. That's the strongest Republican turnout I can remember in a long time..further good news is that local Republicans picked Trump the most, and that is very important, because it'll take Trump's energy to get these voters back to the polls in November to crush Democratic Mayor TomLYINGson's plot to end the  tax freeze!

Triple-double incredibly stupid LIV's L-E "soundoff": " My America is great now." -- God help us...

Yesterday I mentioned the nasty fence Mexico erected at its Guatamalan border.. here's a picture of one stretch:

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