Tuesday, March 22, 2016

You know, the worst thing about ZERO-bamageddon's trip to Cuba is that Cubans will think ZERO-bamageddon represents America..

Online headline/story: "US says it may not need Apple to open San Bernardino iPhone * The announcement on Monday that an unnamed third party had presented a way of breaking into the phone on Sunday - just two days before the hearing and after weeks of heated back-and-forth in court filing" -- Apple just "bit" itself in the butt by not being patriotic..... Now the world knows Apple's encryption is not as safe from 3rd security hackers as its users believed.

Online headline: "Donald Trump calls Elizabeth Warren 'the Indian' after she calls him a 'loser' -- Good for Trump.. Elizabeth Warren has been an embarrassment to this country, Harvard, liberalism, and the  Democratic Party by claiming she was Native American to get ahead in her career and political life. She's a disgrace as a Senator for her comments about an American citizen and success story. Pee Wee Herman's repartee best suits her comment.. "I know you are. but what am I?"

Online headline: "Anti-Trump ad slams his wife over racy nude photos - A conservative super PAC is hoping to convince Mormons to vote against the 2016 hopeful with an image of Melania Trump posing naked in furs and jewelry." -- Good grief... don't you know Ann Romney is just beaming with pride about the (_*_)s her husband is associating with? On the other hand, now Mormons and the rest of America know that Donald Trump's spouse "has nothing to hide" ....like Hillary's does. Oh.. and America's women can cast their votes for a real woman instead of Hillary.

Online headline: "Ivanka Trump accused of ripping off popular shoe design" -- Is there nothing.. or no one that in Donald Trump's life that mainscream media will not attack?  Well, I guess the "sacredness" of a criticizing a candidate's children has been thrown under the bus.. Chelsea and her husband are in for a bumpy ride for the next 7+ months.

HuffPOOPOO story: "Hillary Clinton, without naming the president, tweaked Obama for his strained relationship with Netanyahu. “One of the first things I’ll do in office is invite the Israeli prime minister to visit the White House,” she offered to raucous applause." -- Good grief.. how... why .. does anyone applaud the promises of a person they know is probably lying?

How does the Jewish community put any credence in Hillary's assurance that she stands solidly with Israel when she campaigns on continuing ZERO-bamageddon's presidency.

Alan Colmes.....unbelievably called Trump a "patholgical liar"..Good grief..by what definition? Alan Colmes has regurgitated every ZERO-bamageddon, Hillary and Slick Willie lie as "fact" for as long as he's been asked.

HuffPOOPOO headline: "How Obama Set A Trap For Raul Castro"-- Hmm, and Raul Castro replied.. "please Br'er Obama, pu-leeeese don't throw me in that briar patch"

Word is out that American business that start back up in Cuba will pay minimum wages.. only they will pay them to the Cuban government rather than the employees themselves.. Then... the Cuban government will pay the workers the Cuban standard of $2,00 and hour. Yep.. Cuba has exceeded all the human rights improvements that ZERO-bamageddon insisted to be in place before opening up the doors.

Online headline: "Marines brace for mandatory sensitivity training" -- Good grief.. isn't it bad enough that our Marines have to be shot at before engaging the enemy?

Bleep Veep Biden vowed that the US will not allow Iran to build nuclear weapons in violation of the treaty. Biden vows that America will step.in and stop any such attempts. Hmmm, is he saying he's going to support Trump, as neither ZERO-bamageddon, Hillary or Bernie is going to cross the "red line".

OK..should Golden Park be sold for $3.7+ Million...what does Mayor TomLYINGson want to do with te proceeds? If it's anything but putting back into the depleted "fund balance", then Council should be replaced...starting with those running for re-election this May, and any opponents should be made to state their positions on this.

L-E headline: "City to propose contract to cut aquatic center hours in half *Center has been open for 89 hours weekly Present budget will only support 45 hours, company says * Hurricanes’ coach calls decision ‘really disappointing’" -- Good grief.. then the Hurricane's coach ought to step up and pay enough to keep it open!!! Obviously, the natatorium (at least I hope "obviously") will be open the most used/desired hours.. who can complain about that? As for events.. when one is booked, the natatorium can be kept open those hours necessary... IF the event PAYS for those hours.
Of all the leftist cartoonist the L-E runs, this guy is in foul territory beyond "Left Field"
I cannot see how anyone can make the argument that "Islam" has ever been great.

L-E headline: "Millionaires’ group asks N.Y. governor to raise their taxes" -- Good grief.. they're libs.. and everyone knows they are lying... if they thought Cuomo would do this while NY is campaigning for new businesses on a "lowest tax rates in years" basis, they wouldn't open their mouths.

LIV's (Liberal Informed Voter) L-E "soundoff": "Yes, I am a Trump hater and if you, Trump lover, think there is anything decent about him, you are living in an alternate universe. Profanities, vulgarities, insults. That’s all he’s got." -- "alternate universe"? Well.. I guess hearing the truth from a politician is an "alternate universe" for a liberal.. Wonder what he/she "feels" about Bleep Veep Biden's "open mic" expletives?

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