Friday, March 18, 2016

Online headline: "Newark schools test students for lead" -- Hmmm ... two lines of thought here.. 1- that this is a test that students will pass, 2 - like all current school testing, no one will pass. Besides, why is this "news" now.. it won't be news until AFTER the tests.

Online headline: "After President Obama urged donors to unite behind Hillary Clinton on Thursday, Sanders spoke out on the rumors he would drop out of the race." -- "after Obama urged donors"? Good grief.. has ZERO-bamageddon has no shame.. no respect for a;; Americans that.... OH!... I think I already answered that .. he doesn't have any shame for himself or respect for Americans.

What's with liberals calling Trump a Fascist and worse.. Fascists and worse are the government icons that want to take away your guns, religious rights, and freedom of speech.. If liberals want to attack someone on that basis, they should start on ZERO-bamageddon, Hillary and Bernie.

Online story: " The top U.S. military officer, Marine General Joseph Dunford, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told the Senate on Thursday that it would harm the morale of U.S. forces to order them to carry out activities such as waterboarding or targeting civilians, options previously cited by leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump." -- Good grief.. with Obama in office, and Hillary or Bernie wanting to replace him, our military has a lot worse in store for it if Trump doesn't win! US Marine vets, as well as active Marines, should be up at arms over Gen Dunford's assessment!

Online headline/story: "Giant Texas cross sparks atheist lawsuit (and you won't believe why) *
Lifelong atheist Patrick Greene said the cross is a safety hazard and said it should not be seen from the highway. * “I don’t think it should be within eyesight because it jeopardizes people’s safety on the road,” he said." -- "a safety hazard"? An atheist, or even an agnostic should be laughed out of court on this one.. Ironically, maybe this cross will be his soul saving sign should Mr. Greene be struck down by a moving vehicle as he's pointing the cross out to other travelers.

You know.. all the RNC/GOP Leadership conspiring to undermine Trump just gives Democrats and mainscream media more ammunition to claim the Republicans are the reason for Washington gridlock and incompetence... and I'm about to agree.. 

Earlier this week, we heard the Grand Dragon of the KKK had endorsed Hillary...any body seen her deny or refute this?

While catastrophic medical situations are beyond most people's ability to handle, basic insurance does not save people money or lower medical costs. Insurance companies are in the business to make much money as they can. The only way that will curtail higher medical costs is to keep procedural costs and medicine costs from skyrocketing further is to keep insurance companies from colluding with hospitals, doctors, and pharmaceutical companies. If those entities have to appeal to patients as to the value of their products, we'd see lower costs, and insurance companies would have more competition to get individuals to use their, basically, accounting and payment services.

Well..Kerry just confirmed that on "his opinion", ISIS is committing genocide against Christians. Of course he clumped in Shiite Muslim, too, even though that battle is more of an ongoing civil war versus the elimination of Christians purely because they aren't Muslims. Of course, Kerry did nothing.

Hey, Kerry, now will you denounce Hillary's failure protect US Christians in Benghazi?

Democrat Senator Harry Reid has no good words for Donald Trump...I take that as a personal endorsement to vote for Trump.

LIV's (Liberal Informed Voter) L-E "soundoff": -- "Georgia made news with the Religious Liberty legislation, and a major company is moving out of Georgia. This is most likely just the start." -- Good grief.. only in liberalville is a a one-man artsy-fartsy graphics company considered a "major " company..
LIV's L-E "soundoff": -- "Feckless President has outsmarted incompetent GOP by nominating a moderate, good man for Supreme Court. If GOP senators don’t act, they risk losing the Senate. If Clinton is elected with Dem Senate, we are doomed." -- It's a camouflage move when a liberal describes ZERO-bamageddon as "feckless", but your Trump vote will curtail all hope of a 5th liberal.. even a "progressive liberal"  being seated on the Supreme Court.
 Informed L-E "soundoff": -- "   I just went by the Fire Department on Warm Springs Road and it still sits empty. Where are the city’s priorities?" -- DOH! on roundabouts and bicycle paths/lanes.
In the L-E's "Today in History" feature: " In 1974, most of the Arab oil-producing nations ended their 5-month-old embargo against the United States that had been sparked by American support for Israel in the Yom Kippur War. -- Well here it is.. proof that Muslim Nations have no regard for Israel or Jews, and the Muslim world will barter whatever it has to pressure the US. I'm just confused at why the Jewish vote supports Democrats  who don't support US oil independence.....
You know, the last time the US "brokered" a presidency was when Gerald Ford replaced Nixon.. We got an "established" inside GOPer that was agreeable to Democrats...sorta like Kasich in today's scenario.
L-E's " Thought for Today": “No man has a right in America to treat any other man tolerantly, for tolerance is the assumption of superiority.” — Wendell Willkie, American politician (1892-1944)." -- Hmmm.. Won't find this in the Democrats front office, but it is exactly what the Democrats use to sway splinter groupd into supporting the true core of the Democratic Party.
L-E headline...but more probably a "headLIE": -- "Georgia unemployment rate unchanged at 5.4%
*  February rate stronger than average over last 3 years *  State experiences sharp decline in first-time filings *  Columbus area adds 400 jobs over the past year" -- If Columbus added 400 jobs it was how many were hired to clean out the buildings of the companies that left or closed..don't put much credence in what government releases as "facts", nor in how the L-E "spins" it.
L-E headline/story: "DC subway system loses its luster *  The closure of the subways in the nation’s capital in the middle of the workweek to inspect and repair power cables that could otherwise burst into flames was just the latest symptom of a lengthy decline for the Metro system, once a source of regional pride." -- "regional pride"? Don't we send our representatives to Washington to create "National Pride"?
Instant repeat - L-E headline/story: "DC subway system loses its luster * It’s also the only major transit system in the United States without a tax that provides a dedicated revenue stream." -- "only major transit system in the United States without a tax that provides a dedicated revenue stream."? You know.. why do we re-elect representatives to send back to Washington.. especially Democrats, when Congress cannot figure out a way to create something that operates profitably so it mainstains its viability. Heck, why are we sending back Council persons when they have a worse record of this than Congress!
L-E headline/story: "MANCHESTER EXPRESSWAY CIRCLE K * 15-year-old pleads guilty to robbery * A 15-year-old boy pleaded guilty Thursday in Columbus Recorder’s Court to the 2015 Circle K armed robbery on Manchester Expressway that left a clerk and customer injured." -- Good grief.. a 15-year old involved with armed robbery.. and more recently, we had a 15-year old involved in the brutal killing of 3 in a family in Upatoi. .. what gets me even more upset is that the black community will blame the police for such behaviors. The madness has to stop!
Soapbox Moment: College tuition is not the reason college costs are soaring.. True, they have risen at above inflation rates, but its the mandatory expenses of fees, meal programs, and dormitory room  especially for freshmen students that set the bar so high.. The dorm room conspiracy hurts the most.. freshman students from out-of-town are required to stay in college connected dorms at rates per square foot that would be high in NYC, and a new wrinkle in the laws of GA allows State schools to sell their existing (and new construction) dorms to outside companies, then force the students to use them at non-competitive rates.  Our legislators can put a stop to this... now,, will they?
L-E story: " The Air Force has fired one of its most senior officers after an investigation into whether he had an affair with a married female officer found that they had exchanged emails that were “sexually suggestive.” -- Good grief.. a General gets "fired" for a "sexually suggestive" e-mail, and our former Secretary has dodged arrests for "secret specific" e-mails.. where's the DOJ on this?

From the NCAA March Insaneness" department: Yale upset Baylor.. now plays Duke.. just one more reason to return to a field of 32 teams.. now the "round of 32" will feature Yale Vs Duke instead of Baylor vs Duke.. show me how basketball fans and viewers win on this deal?

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