Thursday, March 24, 2016

Online headline: "Obama tangos at Argentina state dinner" -- "tangos"? Hmmm.. versus "tangling" with ISIS..

L-E "headLIE"/story: "General Assembly yanks $8 million in Columbus State funding  *  In the 2015 legislative session, the Board of Regents asked for $17.4 million to fund the CSU library project, work on another building on the main campus and demolish Woodall Hall. When the budget was finalized, CSU received $11.87 million.  * This year, the university was asking for that balance plus about $2 million for equipment to go in the new laboratory sciences building that was approved last year. * Sen. Josh McKoon, R-Columbus, pointed out that the only “missing money” at this point is for equipping the building post construction. * “Those funds I am told won’t be needed until the following fiscal year; so it was deemed unnecessary to forward funding in this year’s budget for expenditures that won’t be made until the next fiscal year,” he said. "  -- Good grief.. Money not needed until the future has nothing to do with educating students...but claiming so it does reflect the bias of the L-E, and the lack of grasp of reality of CSU.. Besides, if $8,000,000.00 WERE "yanked" out of educational needs, that's "only" about $1,000.00 a year per student, and CSU would simply add $333.00 per student per semester to the "mandatory fees".

Good grief.. Jeb Bush just endorsed Cruz ... and Cruz didn't reject it. I can only imagine why Cruz didn't immediately reject such. You have to wonder if the GOP leadership has made a deal to keep their "power" intact.

Have asked Senator McKoon for an update on the Queen TT's attempt to piss us off. It will have to "pass the Senate today in the same form as the House in order to get on the ballot in November. Keep praying.. I do believe there is enough joint activity in the South and North Columbus communitioes to stop it in November, but... it's risky to allow it.

L-E story: "   A man who was shot Wednesday morning after Metro Narcotics Task Force agents executed a search warrant on Oates Avenue has been identified, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation said." -- Hey Mayor TomLYINGson.. is this one of those houses that you want to raise taxes on? You carry it on the books at about $23K and collect some $363.00 annually (and without a "freeze" to "thaw". Truth is, that the house there cost us more than that in law enforcement response than its worth..

Relating to the above story: The owner of the rat trap above owns a number of similar valued "structures" that he rents out.. Council should enforce some sort of standard for rental properties and their maintenance when a person/corporation owns more than one rental property. None of these houses of the owner are going to contribute any more revenue than they do now, and at the same time, they depress the neighborhoods' ability to grow.

L-E's "Thought for Today": “Either you think, or else others have to think for you and take power from you, pervert and discipline your natural tastes, civilize and sterilize you.” — F. Scott Fitzgerald, American author (1896-1940)." -- Hmm.. now we see the agenda creed of the Democratic Party's master plan to dumb down the public education system.

L-E story: " Georgia would be better off with more solar power farms (versus a nuclear power plant) like the one outside Columbus in Butler, Ga., and with wind energy, Woodall said." -- Good grief.. have you seen that "solar power farm"?  Hundreds of beautiful meadow and orchards acreage have been replaced with wall-to-wall solar panels, and we just read about the inefficiency of a solar powered plant in California that also blinds pilots with reflected light, and disintegrates birds as they fly over it.. can you imagine what placing a 7,000 acre solar farm would do to the dove and quail populations of Georgia?

L-E headline: "Courthouse parking on 12th Street may disappear * U.S. Marshals Service wants parking gone Part of upgrade on courthouse security Council needs to approve eliminating five parking spaces" -- Hmm.. "we", via Mayor TomLYINGson, have already paid some design firm a ton of money for the new street marking scheme.. and to be honest, if they eliminate that parking, there's no other use for it as it's not feasible or effective to have a lane for moving traffic that is only half a block long. Of course, it would also be the desired "coup de gras" for the US Post Office... which is the the real plan. Hmmm.. why not just move the Federal Court to the Carmike Building which has it's own.. and securable ... parking deck? Let the City buy it and rent it to the Federal Courts so Columbus could get some revenue back it will lose in tax revenues if a government entity buys it.

L-E headline/story: "Paul Ryan slams ‘ugliness’ in American politics * “When passions flare, ugliness is sometimes inevitable. But we shouldn’t accept ugliness as the norm,” Ryan told an invited audience of congressional interns on Capitol Hill. * “If someone has a bad idea, we tell them why our idea is better. We don’t insult them into agreeing with us,” he said." -- "we don't insult them into agreeing with us"? Well I have been insulted by what the GOP leadership ignores or puts off that "we" need to straighten up the course of America's future.. Vote.. support.. Trump!

L-E headline/story: "Garrett really does live in District 8 *  Folks also have questioned why the board paid $250,000 for the half-acre property that Garrett had bought for $154,000 only three years ago, in August 2013. Garrett said he spent “tens of thousands” of dollars renovating the house and wanted the board to pay him “a reasonable price” to live in a similar home. * Garrett said he originally asked for $300,000 and the only school district official he negotiated with was superintendent David Lewis. *  Lewis wasn’t reached for comment about this issue, but school board chairman Rob Varner insisted in a phone interview with the L-E that Garrett didn’t get a “sweetheart deal.”  “I assure you there is zero correlation between him running for office and the school board,” Varner said. “It has everything to do with the proximity to the school and nothing to do with who he is and what he’s running for.  * By the time the deal closes, Garrett said, he will have bought another house in the district or, “worst case scenario,” have moved in with his parents, who live in the district.” -- "moves in with his parents"? Since when is a "temporary address allowed as a qualification for residency? Besides, we don't need a "I owe you one" taxing authority "pal relationship" between the Council and MCSD.
Related comment to above story: "What makes this "purchase" even more suspect is that the MCSD could have acquired property at the corner of Forest and 17th St across from the school which has 4 tin=mes the property and a building worth saving and re-purposing for less than twice the price of the value Garrett first countered with, and.. it would have taken ALL the parking problems away.
L-E headline: "Cubans applaud Obama, but are skeptical about change" -- "skeptical about change"? Good grief.. how about their skepticism about "hope" as well.. you know those words ZERO-bamageddon campaigned on to get elected...
L-E headline: "Castro goes to airport to send Obama off" -- Yeah,, good riddance!  Castro already has what he wanted.

Looking at pictures of local high school teams' uniforms, why isn't there a MCSD/MCSB policy limiting athletic uniforms to the official school colors?

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